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  1. something'sfishy

    Help! Calcium is low

    I checked my calcium last weekend and also today. Found out that my calccium is still low and getting lower. I've been putting Bionic almost everyday and top off water with marine buffer granules. Do you think I've been putting a lot of buffer that's why my calcium gets low?.. I've been doing...
  2. something'sfishy

    Is it safe

    The temp reaches 85 deg. during daytime and 81 at nightime
  3. something'sfishy

    Is it safe

    I was wondering if if it's safe to add corals during the hot sumer months. I don't have chiller and te temp here in Los Angeles reaches 85-86 deg. F. Would I shock those poor creatures if I do so ? Should I wait for te temp to get low maybe when Fall starts? :notsure:
  4. something'sfishy

    Trade Star Polyps in the Los Angeles area

    My star polyp colonies are yellow and tey are very healthy.. I live in the westside of Los Angeles..I'm in Culver City. I was wondering if you have a pix of that frag and if it's a pumping xenia. :jumping:
  5. something'sfishy

    Trade Star Polyps in the Los Angeles area

    I'm looking to trade some of my star polyps frags for a Toad stool, pumping xenia :happyfish or any other soft corals in the Los Angeles area. Please send me a note if you are interested.
  6. something'sfishy

    150 gallon Tank Update

    Hi Spsfreak100, I am looking to trade some of my star polyps frag for a Toad Stool or any other corals here in Los Angeles area. Please let me know if you ave some to trade. I live in Culver City/Mar Vista Area.
  7. something'sfishy

    Cleaner Shrimp in reef tanks

    I had a cleaner shrimp before in my reef years ago. I had a bad experience with this because the shrimp went out of control. It picked on my corals, anemone and competed with my fish whenever I fed them flakes. I am debating whether to get one or not. What are your experiences with...
  8. something'sfishy

    How do I add LR to a cycled tank?

    Nice set-up...did I see a Cora beauty in your tank? My CB is almost finsihed with her QT and will put in my main tank tomorrow..
  9. something'sfishy

    ich ich ich hurry

    I've purchased a Coral Beauty with an ich and put her in a QT with Malachite Green. It's gone, so far she's doing fine and healthy for two weeks now.
  10. something'sfishy

    Hammer - Hald dead

    My coral has been dying for weeks but there is some life there. Do you think it will still live and grow..?
  11. something'sfishy

    Coral Beauty

    Hi Guys, would love to get somne of your inputs about Cora Beauties. Thanks :happy:
  12. something'sfishy

    GregM779s 125G Reef 10 Months Old

    I'm speechless Please let me know what equipment you have with that tank. It's pretty amazing
  13. something'sfishy

    My Coral Beauty in a 2-1/2 QT tank

    Hey guys, What do you think of this set-up for my CB. So far she's doing great. I bought her from my LFS a week ago and she's doing fine. . I've doing water chnage in the morning and afternoon, feeding her with brine shrimp. also, I am putting in the water dose of malachite green. It has a...
  14. something'sfishy

    Coral Beauty has a pop eye?

    I've purchased this coral beauty last Sunday....and not sure when I checked it this morning that its eyes are a little bulgy. How would you know if it has a pop eye or not..what should I do? The fish appears healthy and grazing normally :help:
  15. something'sfishy

    Star Polyp colony to trade in West Los Angeles area

    Hi Snailheave, Glad to hear that there's a member who is in the Los Angeles area.. I am looking forward to trade with you in the near future...tell me more about your tank..
  16. something'sfishy

    White spots on new fish

    I've used malachite green and it worked. You shoudl try it.
  17. something'sfishy

    Coral Beauty in QT

    I've purchased a Coral Beauty and a 2 -1/2 gallon QT. Put 2 drops of malachite green to kill some hiding ick. do I need to do more? Please advise. Thanks :help:
  18. something'sfishy

    High Phosphate

    Hi, I've checked the water source and it's zero phosphate I produce my own RODI water an duse this also for my reef. I will try the phosphate absorbing pad online. Thanks for the info
  19. something'sfishy

    Star Polyp colony to trade in West Los Angeles area

    I'm looking to trade my Star polyp frag for either a toadstoll or pumping xenia colony in the West Los Angeles/Culver City area. Please send me an email to maxworld94 at AOL.Com
  20. something'sfishy

    High Phosphate

    Hello guys, I've got two tanks, one Fish only and one reef. The F/O tank has high phospate while the reef has 0. I've checked the source (RODI) and it's 0. I've been doing regular water changes and it's still the same. What do you think is the reason and how can I eliminate this? Is...