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  1. ivy2dw7

    film on sandbed

    Lace rock can be used with live rock safely. Eventually it all becomes live rock. I've never been told anything about lace rock feeding diatoms..
  2. ivy2dw7

    film on sandbed

    It's pretty new. It's been fully cycled for about two months now. I have about 20 pounds of live rock and another 15-20 of lace rock, 2 false perc clowns, 1 royal gramma, 2 cleaner shrimp, 3 peppermint shrimp (maybe 2, haven't seen one in awhile) and about 15 snails and 9 hermits. There...
  3. ivy2dw7

    film on sandbed

    I have this magenta-ish film starting to form in one spot of my tank. I circled the spots in the picture. This is in the upper right hand corner of my tank. My powerhead is in the back corner on that side and I have it facing the middle front of the tank, Millenium 3000 on the right backside...
  4. ivy2dw7

    white spot on clown

    Well the fuzz ball is still there on my clown. There are no new spots and nothing has spread to my two other fish. I don't know what to do about it. He isn't acting ill at all, so I'm not sure what to do about getting the fuzz ball to disappear.. :notsure: It seem slike he is trying to get...
  5. ivy2dw7

    white spot on clown

    Is it possible that it could just be a scale shedding? It's right above his fin. If it is ich though, has anyone found a treatment that works in their main tank with invertebrates?
  6. ivy2dw7

    Unidentified Oddities in my tank!

    Update: I just looked cosely at the cluster of clam-like things on the rock and one of the ones that was closed earlier opened and the closed again. So these things are alive.. What are they?!
  7. ivy2dw7

    hermit ID

    Nope, DEFINITELY not an electric blue. These guys are definitely green in the legs. They are nothing like the blue of my blue-legged hermits. Thanks for the attempt though :)
  8. ivy2dw7

    Unidentified Oddities in my tank!

    What about these other things on the rocks though? Anyone have any idea what they are?
  9. ivy2dw7

    Unidentified Oddities in my tank!

    OK, I think the first pic and the white snail-like thing might both by stomatella snails. Although they're completely different colors and found them on opposite sides of the tank.
  10. ivy2dw7

    Unidentified Oddities in my tank!

    And there is also this other snail-like thing that I found yesterday. I tried taking pictures but you couldn't see it in any of them. It's all white and looks like a snail, but doesn't have a shell or something. I touched it and the back is hard, just like a round thing on top that blends in...
  11. ivy2dw7

    Unidentified Oddities in my tank!

    Then there are these feather duster looking things on another piece of live rock that I bought cured after my tank had cycled. I noticed them yesterday and I don't see any anywhere else in the tank.
  12. ivy2dw7

    Unidentified Oddities in my tank!

    Zoom of that picture. The 2 circled are 2 of the 3 that open and close and theres one in the middle that is always closed.
  13. ivy2dw7

    Unidentified Oddities in my tank!

    The next has been attached to live rock that I bought uncured, to help cycle my tank. I thought they would have died off during the cycle, but they haven't. And it seems like there might be more of them now. They look like clams attached to my live rock (like cleaner clams only pink, not...
  14. ivy2dw7

    Unidentified Oddities in my tank!

    The more I stare at my tank, the more I notice things that I didn't put in there! The first thing is this snail-like animal. At first I thought it was a snail on the side of the glass, buried in the sand, and it hadn't moved for I'd say 2 weeks, so finally last night I dug it up, got it to...
  15. ivy2dw7

    white spot on clown

    Um anyone...? I noticed the white bump yesterday. Water parameters: pH: 8.2 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0-5 SG: 1.027 About 20 pounds LR, 20 pounds lace rock, no corals yet, just 15 assorted snails, 9 hermit crabs (1 was killed 2 nights ago), 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp. I'd...
  16. ivy2dw7

    white spot on clown

    I know I know, there are a million of these posts everyday. I just tried giving my clownfish a freshwater bath to see if the spot would come off, but it didn't. I have another clown and a royal gramma in the tank with him and neither of them show any signs of ich. I have had the royal gramma...
  17. ivy2dw7

    hermit ID

    Thanks, I might be going to the lfs tonight, supposed to get a new SW shipment in today, so I'll probably pick up some more shells just in case the ones I have aren't good enough for the picky guys.
  18. ivy2dw7

    hermit ID

    I guess so. So do you suggest getting rid of the blue-legs and getting some scarlets to replace them? i'm guessing that's probably what killed the scarlet.
  19. ivy2dw7

    hermit ID

    That's what I was thinking but there is no significant difference in claw size. It looks like both claws are equal in size, so I'm stumped. The legs kind of have white stripes down the center of them but it's more of an off-white green surrounded by green of the leg. Everything is green...
  20. ivy2dw7

    hermit ID

    And another that isn't as clear but kind of shows the color of the legs.