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  1. ivy2dw7

    2nd powerhead

    OK thanks. Oh by the way if you didn't read the end of the post about that stone crab, he was a humu humu's lunch yesterday
  2. ivy2dw7

    2nd powerhead

    You said an unscreened ph. This ph has a screened intake, like filter intakes and skimmer intakes do. None of my fish could get sucked up into the ph.
  3. ivy2dw7

    2nd powerhead

    Anyone? I don't want to turn the ph on unless I know it'll be safe w/out a sponge on it until tomorrow. But I also am incredibly sick of the cyano build up in the front corner of my tank!!
  4. ivy2dw7

    2nd powerhead

    I just bought my 2nd powerhead, I'm sick of the cyano on side of my tank. Anyways, I got side-tracked and COMPLETELY forgot to buy a sponge to cover the intake with. Is it safe to have it on w/out the sponge over the intake until I go back tomorrow and buy one or should I just wait until I buy...
  5. ivy2dw7

    Help!!! My Angel!

    Well, I decided it was definitely a stone crab. I took him up to one of the lfs and a large humu humu made a meal of him. Thanks for all the help everyone. Case closed :) Now I've just gotta save my 3 remaining fish from ich :(
  6. ivy2dw7

    Please ID this crab

    I just looked at pics from other people wanting an ID on stone crabs and I'm almost positive that's what this bugger is. But he's so small... and yet he is probably what as killed a few of my hermits, 2 of my shrimp and one of my fish. What I'm wondering though is how is it that everything...
  7. ivy2dw7

    Please ID this crab

    Hey, thank for putting this post up for me. I was just about to and I saw this. But two corrections: 1. the crab is only about 3/4 of an inch total including the span of the legs, and 2. I'm a she :P
  8. ivy2dw7

    Help!!! My Angel!

    I just looked at the boxing crab on this site, definitely not a boxing crab, it's a good guess though. His claws are a solid dark purple/black, so that's why I'm guessing he isn't. Does anyone have any pics of the stone crabs they had? I'll do a search on here, but it'd be nice if one of you...
  9. ivy2dw7

    Help!!! My Angel!

    Found the crab. He's very very small, only about half an inch including the span of his legs. I think I may have broken a couple of his legs in the process of trying to shake the rock to get stuff out of it, but I found him, caught him, and he is now in my quarantine tank which is in the...
  10. ivy2dw7

    Help!!! My Angel!

    I took the big rock out, and a crab did come out of it, but I couldn't catch it in time, it was the crab that I spotted a few weeks ago, only much smaller than what I had remembered. I have a better idea of what it looks like now so I'm going to search around to ID him. I just have the rock...
  11. ivy2dw7

    Help!!! My Angel!

    There is another rock, a BIG rock, in the corner where the angel was, that definitely houses the bristleworm, and could possibly be housing the crab that I spotted a few weeks ago. But it probably also houses a bunch of other things that I may want, should I do the same thing to that rock as I...
  12. ivy2dw7

    Help!!! My Angel!

    I am at a loss... There is nothing in the rock. And now my bigger serpent has decided to eat the dead cleaner as his dinner and is so full that he can barely walk right. I don't understand what could have killed my angel and what could have killed my cleaner without tearing it to pieces...
  13. ivy2dw7

    Help!!! My Angel!

    You can see scratches all over her face if you look at the pictures. I'm not saying a shrimp did it, I'm saying that one of my shrimp is now dead too, in her home. I'm going to fill a cooler with water and take the rock out and put it in there. It's white so I'll be able to see anything...
  14. ivy2dw7

    Help!!! My Angel!

    Well I don't mean to kill whatever is in the rock, I really just want to find out what it is and if it IS something that needs to be killed then I'll find a way. But can I use just tap water to fill the bucket and then put the rock in there for a minute or 2? I'm not sure how I should do this...
  15. ivy2dw7

    Help!!! My Angel!

    OK, NOW one of my CLEANER SHRIMP is dead!!!!! I have this big piece of lace rock in the center of the tank in front that has these 2 big dips on one side and the one towards the middle of the rock forms a cave, this is where my Eibli would always hang out, although this is not where I found...
  16. ivy2dw7

    Help!!! My Angel!

    She was so cute...
  17. ivy2dw7

    Help!!! My Angel!

    Something happened to my Eibli!! I got her last Saturday and everything has been fine, I found her just now at the back of my tank laying on her side on the sand breathing very hard. I got her out and put her in a bowl of the tank water. She cannot swim right at all, she just tried swimming...
  18. ivy2dw7

    ricordea and peppermint shrimp

    Ok. I got irritated with it so I pushed the shrimp away and moved the mushroom back in it's spot. He hasn't touched it since.. It just seemed like he was tearing bits of it off, the mushroom was definitely stressed out.
  19. ivy2dw7

    ricordea and peppermint shrimp

    I just added 2 ricordea polyps to my tank and one of my peppermint shrimp will not leave them alone. Is he just inspecting them or is he trying to hurt them? At this moment as I type he is lifting one of the polyps up.. I don't want him to knock it over or tear it.. What is he doing?
  20. ivy2dw7

    3.5wpg, what to do

    The dimensions are 24x18x21". I do not have a canopy on it, the lights are just sitting over top of the tank, but are not DIRECTLY on the glass top because the casing for the lights has legs that lift it up about half an inch off of the top. I have my rocks built up about 2/3 of the way up the...