Search results

  1. ivy2dw7

    7-night cruise, feeding fish..

    Just so you know I'm not worried about top off because I don't lose a ton of water from evaporation. I'd just top it off the night before I leave and top it off when I get home. The most I would lose would probably be 2ish gallons and before I got the RO unit I had it go down further than that...
  2. ivy2dw7

    7-night cruise, feeding fish..

    It's a 37g, about 40 pounds LR. Right now I have a toadstool, bubble coral, green tree coral, pulsing xenias and some assorted mushrooms along with 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint, 1 serpent star, 10ish hermits, 10-15 snails, 2 orange skunk clowns and a royal gramma. By the time I go on the...
  3. ivy2dw7

    7-night cruise, feeding fish..

    I'm going on a 7-night cruise in June and I just thought of this: How am I going to feed my fish while I'm gone? There most likely won't be anyone around that will be able to take care of the tanks. I'm in the process of finding timers for my lights (mainly finding room for timers) but how am...
  4. ivy2dw7

    underwater cameras

    Ohh no that's not what I meant, lol. I've been seeing a lot of lens attachments for cameras/underwater housing units that make the colors more vibrant underwater so they don't turn out dull. What I meant to ask was if you used any attachments on your camera or just used the camera and the...
  5. ivy2dw7

    Vacation pics (again)

    Originally Posted by ivy2dw7 Hey Rach, awesome you got the pics working again. That trigger in the first pic is a new one, very nice. What camera did you use and what accesories? I'm still trying to figure out what to do for my cruise in June. ...
  6. ivy2dw7

    underwater cameras

    So you only used the housing unit w/the camera, no special lens or anything? Do you have any pictures from reefs?
  7. ivy2dw7

    Pics from cuba

    What kind of camera did you use? I'm trying to figure out what kind of camera I need to get for my cruise in June to the Caribbean.
  8. ivy2dw7

    Vacation pics (again)

    Hey Rach, awesome you got the pics working again. That trigger in the first pic is a new one, very nice. What camera did you use and what accesories? I'm still trying to figure out what to do for my cruise in June.
  9. ivy2dw7

    ideas for 29g fowlr setup

    Mwahaha, I got my boyfriend into the hobby! :D He has a friend in his apartment complex that is trading his 29g setup for my boyfriend's PS2 (which he doesn't need anyways). It just has regular flourescent lights and he doesn't want to make it a reef anyways so that works out. I'm just trying...
  10. ivy2dw7

    underwater camera

    Yeah, Rach, I remembered looking at your pictures and loving them (if they're the ones I'm thinking of, giant wrasse, moorish idols, etc etc etc) and spent half an hour searching for them last night, couldn't find them. :nope: What kind of camera/housing/lens did you use? I just really don't...
  11. ivy2dw7

    underwater camera

    I'm going on a Caribbean cruise in June and I found out just now that Sony doesn't make an underwater cover for my camera (cybertshot DSC-P32). So I decided to ask around on here to see what all most of you have used on your dive/snorkelling vacations. I won't be doing any scuba-diving, not...
  12. ivy2dw7

    underwater cameras

  13. ivy2dw7

    underwater cameras

    I'm going on a Caribbean cruise in June and I found out just now that Sony doesn't make an underwater cover for my camera (cybertshot DSC-P32). So I decided to ask around on here to see what all most of you have used on your dive/snorkelling vacations. I won't be doing any scuba-diving, not...
  14. ivy2dw7

    lighting ?

    Ooook. I just went to my lfs to see what kind of prices he could get me for MH lights, he can usually find some really low stuff. He can get me a Hamilton 175w pendant light w/14000k bulb for $150. I think I'm going to go with this. Anyone disagree with this idea? I just need to figure out...
  15. ivy2dw7

    lighting ?

    Anyone have any suggestions on places with good lighting prices and what brands are the best? I think I'm leaning towards a pendant/spotlight.
  16. ivy2dw7

    lighting ?

    I want to keep my entire PC setup. I just want to add a MH spot light or something similar to it. My plan would be to keep the timing the same on the current lights, actinic on at 8, day at 10, day off at 6, actinic off at 10, lunar 10pm-8am. But w/the MH lighting I would just turn it on...
  17. ivy2dw7

    lighting ?

    I currently have a 37g "cube" (not really exact cube) with a 24" Coralife lunar aqualight over top. 130w - 65 10,000k day, 65 true actinic 03 blue and 2 lunar LEDs. I only have a few softies right now but I had a thought. Could I get a MH spotlight to hang in the front of the tank to up the...
  18. ivy2dw7

    timers for lights

    Come on, practically every single person on this forum has at least one tank they maintain. Are you telling me that every single one of you has the time to be home in order to turn every one of your lights on and off at the right time every day?
  19. ivy2dw7

    timers for lights

    Oh yeah, and I have 6 plugs in one power strip and 4 in the other. If it was only 3 in the other I'd probably be able to fit 3 timers onto it for the lights, but then I'd have 1 other thing that would have to be plugged into an outlet somehow.
  20. ivy2dw7

    timers for lights

    I currently have 2 6-outlet power strips for my aquarium (2 plugs are to my TV/DVD player) and I need timers for 3 lights. I understand what you mean by hooking them all up through the power strip outlet to the timer but then all 3 lights would turn on/off at the same time. I need to turn them...