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  1. ivy2dw7

    One Hungry Serpent

    I have a serpent star in my 37g and I'm assuming he just isn't getting enough of the food that I put in there twice a day because he just ate another one of my shrimp. He hasn't done this in a month or two, but he did today, luckily it was just my peppermint. So my question is, are there any...
  2. ivy2dw7

    additions to cleanup crew

    I've had a mexican turbo. They get HUGE. Cerith snails are good, but I was just thinking of adding some spice to the mix with the conch and nudibranch.
  3. ivy2dw7

    additions to cleanup crew

    I currently have a 37g with about 10 hermit crabs, 4 astrea snails, 3 nerite snails, 5 nassarius , 2 skunk cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp, and 1 serpent star. I also have a few corals, about 40 pounds of live rock (need to add more) and 2 skunk clowns, 1 royal gramma, and an eibli angel...
  4. ivy2dw7

    calcium at 700ppm!!!

    OK, just looked at the prices on here. I could just get the Red Sea Marine lab off of here, it includes pH, alk, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate and I can buy the Red Sea calcium test kit at my lfs. I going to search on the board for any posts on Red Sea test kits to see if it's worth it. Then...
  5. ivy2dw7

    calcium at 700ppm!!!

    Yeah, there isn't any sort of expiration date on the box and everything in my tank is fine as far as I can see. I read on one post that the water would be cloudy if the calcium was really high and my water is clearer than my freshwater tank so I think it should be fine. I just tested it twice...
  6. ivy2dw7

    Safe Crabs

    I've heard of sally lightfoots harming fish though.
  7. ivy2dw7

    calcium at 700ppm!!!

    Oh and how do you figure out if an ingredient has expired?
  8. ivy2dw7

    calcium at 700ppm!!!

    Does Red Sea have pretty promising test kits? Really my only two choices for test kits are the Aquarium Pharmecueticals and Red Sea. I could call the local Petland and see what they have but it'll probably be the same stuff. I'm hoping that it's just a faulty test kit. I did the test twice...
  9. ivy2dw7

    calcium at 700ppm!!!

    OK, my RO system only does 2g at a time so I might have to wait until tomorrow and just get a few gallons of distilled. I'm going to search on the board for anyone else that has seen this before.
  10. ivy2dw7

    calcium at 700ppm!!!

    Would adding corals or anything else that needs calcium help to lower it at all?
  11. ivy2dw7

    calcium at 700ppm!!!

    I don't have an alk test, my pH has always been at 8.2. I thought you couldn't switch salts...? Isn't there anything else I could do to lower the calcium aside from switching, I have a ton of this salt.
  12. ivy2dw7

    Safe Crabs

    OK well here are some of the things he is definitely wanting in the tank: Flame angel, and probably 1-2 other small fish, fire shrimp, a few other shrimp, some snails and hermits, probably a chocolate chip star, an urchin after I've researched them a bit more and make sure it'll work, and 1-2...
  13. ivy2dw7

    calcium at 700ppm!!!

    Originally Posted by ivy2dw7 ..I use Oceanic sea salt.. I also forgot to mention I originally filled the tank up w/just tap water but I only use RO or distilled water for water changes and top offs now.
  14. ivy2dw7

    calcium at 700ppm!!!

    I just got a test kit for calcium (aquarium pharm. - no salifert here) and the levels are up around 700 in my 37g!!! I have 2 skunk clowns, a royal gramma, an eibli angel, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint, 1 serpent star, 10-15 snails, 10 hermits, some mushrooms, green tree coral, toadstool, and...
  15. ivy2dw7

    Safe Crabs

    Can anyone give me a list of crabs that are safe to put in a tank with fish and other inverts? It's a 29 gallon. They don't have to be compatible with corals, but I don't want to get a crab that is going to kill other inverts or attack any fish. Thanks :)
  16. ivy2dw7

    whisper filter

    Originally Posted by ivy2dw7 This one is a 40. It's going to be pretty much a FOWLR. He wants to get a few shrimp and an urchin too, just no corals or anything. He doesn't have a skimmer, just the whisper filter. must have posted a split second after I did.
  17. ivy2dw7

    whisper filter

    This one is a 40. It's going to be pretty much a FOWLR. He wants to get a few shrimp and an urchin too, just no corals or anything. He doesn't have a skimmer, just the whisper filter.
  18. ivy2dw7

    whisper filter

    My boyfriend was given a 29g equiped with a whisper filter and I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with these filters? I only use millienium filters on my tanks so I don't know if the whisper filters are any good or not.
  19. ivy2dw7

    Cruise - need camera

    I'm going on a cruise in June and I have already posted a thread about what cameras are good underwater but I just found a great deal on a Canon A400 w/the underwater housing and was wondering if anyone has this camera and what you think of it. I don't want to get it and then have bad pictures...
  20. ivy2dw7

    Canon digital for underwater

    I'm going on a cruise in June and I have already posted a thread about what cameras are good underwater but I just found a great deal on a Canon A400 w/the underwater housing and was wondering if anyone has this camera and what you think of it. I don't want to get it and then have bad pictures...