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  1. ivy2dw7


    anyone at all?
  2. ivy2dw7


  3. ivy2dw7


    I have a 39g cube with just a lionfish, pencil urchin, and CC star right now. About 40-45lbs LR and 25-30lbs LS. I'd like to get two more fish and I was thinking a ghost eel once I get the lid completely sealed and maybe a leaf scorpion? It's either a leaf scorpion, yellow stripe maroon...
  4. ivy2dw7

    sealing top for eel

    Would a leaf scorpion go well with my fuzzy dwarf in this size of a tank? I'm still considering the eel if I can find a way to trace an outline around all the skimmer parts. So it'd be my fuzzy, ghost eel and a leaf scorpion..? Any thoughts? On another site it says they go well with other...
  5. ivy2dw7

    sealing top for eel

    Hmm, thanks for letting me know. They seem to be doing fine together so far, they've been in there for about two months, put in at the same time. I'll keep a watch on them though and I have another home the CC can go to if problems start. Anyways, how does a ghost eel and a marine betta sound...
  6. ivy2dw7

    sealing top for eel

    How tight of a seal does it have to be? Does every little gap have to be filled in?
  7. ivy2dw7

    sealing top for eel

  8. ivy2dw7

    sealing top for eel

    I am really starting to want a ghost eel in my 39g but my main problem is that my DIY canopy has a big opening in the back for the filter and on one side to fit the protein skimmer. The pics show it all. Right now I have just a fuzzy dwarf lion, a pencil urchin, and a chocolate chip star in...
  9. ivy2dw7

    1 more fish

    I've had a 39g FOWLR up and running for awhile now with just a fuzzy dwarf lion and a pixy hawkfish and I think it's time to add one more fish. I have a coralife 65 skimmer, 45 pounds live rock, 25-30 pounds live sand, and a millenium 3000 with one side carbon and one side LR rubble. I'm...
  10. ivy2dw7

    need 1 more fish

    Oh and I have a diy canopy as a top for the tank and the back area is all open around the filter and on the side where the skimmer is so getting an eel isn't an option unless I want to have a dead eel on my floor.
  11. ivy2dw7

    need 1 more fish

    I have had a fuzzy dwarf lionfish and a pixy hawkfish in a 39g for over a month now and I still need one more fish to finish it off. I just have the two of them, snails, hermit crabs, a chocolate chip star and one pencil urchin. I'd also like to get one more urchin and possibly some other...
  12. ivy2dw7

    tadpoles as feeders

    Ok. I wasn't planning on feeding him the tadpoles for those reasons but I just thought I would get other people's opinions on the topic. Thanks.
  13. ivy2dw7

    tadpoles as feeders

    Has anyone ever tried using tadpoles (bullfrog) as feeders? We have an excess amount of tadpoles in our pond this year and I was thinking maybe I could use a few to feed my fuzzy dwarf lion.. Any thoughts?
  14. ivy2dw7

    39g stock

    Would a 39-40g be too small for a hamlet? And aren't groupers/hamlets more bottom dwellers than mid-top dwellers?
  15. ivy2dw7

    39g stock

    Anyone have any opinions/suggestions?
  16. ivy2dw7

    39g stock

    The puffer may cause problems with all inverts including snails and urchins or just the hermit crabs? And has anyone had success with putting valentinis and fuzzy dwarfs together in an aquarium together? And if this absolutely isn't a good idea at all, what other suggestions do you have for...
  17. ivy2dw7

    39g stock

    I just added my first fish to my 39g. I bought a fuzzy dwarf lion and also went ahead and got a dozen hermits, a chocolate chip star and a pencil urchin. I would also like to add a valentini puffer, and a pixy hawk or a long nose depending on which is available in my area at that time. I...
  18. ivy2dw7

    carbon or LR rubble?

    Thanks, I think I'll do the one side carbon, one side rubble. Will the rubble stay down w/the waterflow or do you have to keep it down in the filter chamber somehow?
  19. ivy2dw7

    carbon or LR rubble?

    So my order of live rock came in today and I'm at the bottom of the box and it is all just a bunch LR rubble that probably broke off of the main pieces during shipment. What is a better way of filtration, carbon cartridges (it's a Millenium 3000) or using the rubble instead? I'll also be...
  20. ivy2dw7

    37 Fowlr

    It's a valentini puffer, not a porcupine or dog face. Valentinis, if I'm not mistaken, are the smallest captive puffer and I believe have a minimum tank requirement of 30 gallons, same as a fuzzy dwarf lion and hawkfish.