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  1. ivy2dw7

    37 Fowlr

    I'm wanting to turn my 37g into a FOWLR. It used to be a reef but I transferred everything into a 20g so I could start over on this tank. I'm wanting to get a fuzzy dwarf lion, a hawaiian spotted puffer (or valentini if the hawaiian would definitely not work) and a pixy hawkfish. What are your...
  2. ivy2dw7

    37 Fowlr

    When I had this tank running as a reef I had 2 clowns, a royal gramma and an eibli angel in it. I figure with a good skimmer on it and plenty of live rock, it should be enough for 3 fish.
  3. ivy2dw7

    37 Fowlr

    I'm wanting to turn my 37g into a FOWLR. It used to be a reef but I transferred everything into a 20g so I could start over on this tank. I'm wanting to get a fuzzy dwarf lion, a hawaiian spotted puffer (or valentini if the hawaiian would definitely not work) and a pixy hawkfish. What are...
  4. ivy2dw7

    tangs for 125

    I have the chance of buying a 125 reef ready w/stand and megaflow accesory kit for $300 (new) and I'm seriously considering getting it. I just can't decide if I'd want to slowly build up money to make it into a reef or keep it as fish only. Either way I'd really like to have some tangs so...
  5. ivy2dw7

    help!! power outage!

    Come on, someone has to have some ideas of what to do. Please!! This is an emergency!
  6. ivy2dw7

    help!! power outage!

    For some reason the electric company turned my boyfriend's electricity off 2 1/2 hours ago and his d*mn roomate has the account number and is in class so the electric company won't even tell him why it was turned off let alone come and turn it back on. He has a 29g FOWLR with just a firefish...
  7. ivy2dw7

    levels after the transfer

    How can I raise my pH though? I had been having problems with it in the 37g also, it's just lower now.
  8. ivy2dw7

    levels after the transfer

  9. ivy2dw7

    levels after the transfer

    I transfered everything from my 37g into a 20 long earlier this week and checked all the levels just now. The tank hasn't started a new cycle so that's a good sign. I used everything from my 37g and just added some new live sand, everything else was from an established tank. But my pH is...
  10. ivy2dw7

    glass lid too large, what to do

    I just set up my 20g, I downgraded from my 37g so everything from my 37g is in there except the larger pieces of live rock which I got store credit for ($70). I have my Prizm skimmer and a Millenium 2000 on the tank but there is one problem: The versatop is TOO BIG for everything to fit. I...
  11. ivy2dw7

    downgrading 37g to 20g long

    I only used maybe 10-15 pounds of new sand and it's on teh bottom. i'm going to sift out my 37g sand once i get the rocks out and put as much as I can get out of it into the 20g. And yeah, I can put the fish and everything else in bags. I'll just have to take the rocks out first so I can...
  12. ivy2dw7

    downgrading 37g to 20g long

    I need to re-do my 37g for many reasons and I need to get everything out of it soon. I have a 20g long ready for the transfer of everything, I just want to make sure I'm setting it up correctly. I have a Millenium 1000, Prizm skimmer, two Penguin powerheads, a 550 and 660 or something along...
  13. ivy2dw7

    coralife mounting legs

  14. ivy2dw7

    coralife mounting legs

    Anyone? And also, so that my 20g doesn't go through a cycle, I can just take the water out of my 37g and put it into the 20g, right? But I'm going to buy a new bag of live sand, and I will have a smaller filter on the tank, other than that everything will be from my 37g. What do you think?
  15. ivy2dw7

    coralife mounting legs

    Anybody else think it would be safe to just leave it on the glass? I doubt I'd have this tank set up with the 24" light for more than a few months. Maybe until December at the latest, I hope.
  16. ivy2dw7

    coralife mounting legs

    I really need to re-do my 37g reef setup. I had a problem with the skimmer while I was on vacation and now pretty much all of my corals are dead and it's just a mess. Luckily my 2 clowns are still alive but I really just want to put them in a better an environment until I'm able to fix this...
  17. ivy2dw7

    coral skeletons in tank

    I'm currently at the beach and I'm seeing a lot of stores that are selling dead coral skeletons. I was wondering if it's safe to put this type of thing in my tank and if it is how I should go about cleaning it so that nothing on it will hurt my tank. Most of them are white/white-ish but there...
  18. ivy2dw7

    5 1/2 setup

    Now that that's out of the way :P I need some help figuring out the filtration/water flow for a 10g. Right now I'm just going to hope that I can get a 10g into the room and if when I see the room next week it looks like it'll be impossible, then I can start thinking about the 5 1/2. If I take...
  19. ivy2dw7

    5 1/2 setup

    I have practically been in college for the past year, taking classes there, all that stuff. I know that isn't what you mean, but I'm going to be in a single so having some other lifeforms in the room would be nice :P and I know what I'd be getting myself into. If it doesn't work I would just...
  20. ivy2dw7

    5 1/2 setup

    Oh and if I go with the 10g, would a 96w 50/50 work well? I don't want it to be so much that it would bleach out mushrooms or zoos, but it'd be nice if I could keep a brain or something that needs stronger lighting.