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  1. girlina4x4

    Finally Something To Look At

    20 watts, and I am about to buy a 2 bulb nova extreme light from MaryG, not sure how many watts on that though. Ill have it in less than a month. Im about to go to the LFS to return a murderous hermit crab, and wanted to save a trip and get a shroom while I was there
  2. girlina4x4

    snowflake eel and green mandarin?

    No, the mandarin will be eaten, and it needs at least 60 gallons anyway.
  3. girlina4x4

    Finally Something To Look At

    I don't want to steal your thread, but can I put a mushroom in a 29 gallon with a Coralife 50/50 bulb?
  4. girlina4x4

    Best Urban Legends! lol

    If you swallow a piece of gum, it will stay in your intestines for seven years
  5. girlina4x4

    how not to move the aquarium

    Now this one is pretty awesome, not a break, but still...
  6. girlina4x4

    Copepods in Fish Only Question?

    You sure can! I would look into a refugium or a refugium/sump combo. It would be a place where the pods could breed without being eaten, while a healthy amount are still going into the tank regularly.
  7. girlina4x4

    29 gallon Tank

    Would it be possible to get just the light, equipment, and tank? Would it be too much trouble for you to take out the rock, crab, and sand? I need the tank itself for a new FW setup, and I can put the light and equipment in my SW. Can you put any corals in there with the light? You wouldnt have...
  8. girlina4x4

    What up

    Oh, I completely understood! Its easy as pie to use a fake ID at the bake sale!
  9. girlina4x4

    hi performence car sites

    I never said we were rednecks! I meant that since there are so many rednecks in this area, you will not often find fast bmw's. Jeremy might have built the fastest one in the panhandle, but you gotta remember there isnt a lot of competition!
  10. girlina4x4

    Coral Beauty

    I would take out the tang and then add the angel. Tangs need tanks that are 6 feet long. Other than that I see no problem. Ive never had a coral beauty, but you can use the search feature located in the upper right side to find out more info.
  11. girlina4x4

    How long before i can add coral

    It is recommended to wait about 6 months. Im sure some people add them sooner and come out fine, though. And to say what corals you should add first, what kind of lights do you have? Mushrooms and zoas are good first choices.
  12. girlina4x4

    Show off your tanks

    On closer inspection, it looks like a reddish orange "stalk" with white branches coming off of it
  13. girlina4x4

    Show off your tanks

    WOW! Beautiful tanks everyone! I can't wait to upgrade my lights so I can attempt a reef system! What is the name of the white coral with a red center in PhuongThuy's tank? Very scientific description, I know
  14. girlina4x4

    What up

    Originally Posted by Salt Life I don't drink though im not old enough yet Haha, neither was I!
  15. girlina4x4

    What up

    Im from Stuart! I went to the bake sale 2 years ago. I had so much fun! It was a pain to pay 7 bucks for a draft beer though!
  16. girlina4x4


  17. girlina4x4

    29 gallon Tank

    In my 29 at home, I had at one point (before something started eating my inhabitants): 2 pj cardinals 2 firefish 1 lawn mower blenny 1 cleaner shrimp 2 pep shrimps 1 feather duster 1 strawberry conch hermits and snails In the 29 I have at work: 2 false percs 1 royal gramma 1 firefish 1 lawnmower...
  18. girlina4x4

    hi performence car sites

    Ok, really, I dont even care about cars. drTITO, Im sorry Jeremy couldnt answer your question. I tried, really! But if rotary is gonna hate then I give up. I said it was the fastest bimmer in the panhandle, not on earth. Do you realize how redneck the panhandle is? Socal, I will aks him about...
  19. girlina4x4

    Fox Face Eating Snails??

    Those (other than snails and crabs) were the first deaths in my tank since June. The firefish died in early November, with the LMB gone without a trace a week later. If I had a mantis or other myterious culprit, something would have died sooner, right? And while typing this I remeber I...
  20. girlina4x4

    Fox Face Eating Snails??

    Originally Posted by jpa0741 If you have the blue leg hermits or red leg (scarlets) I really doubt they ate your fish. They were probaly dead alreay and they were just doing there job (cleanup). Now if you have regular large hermits, that is another story. They are not reef safe. The small blue...