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  1. dedwards

    tank became toxic so did I

    Shawn The poor lady was having an alergic reaction to the bacteria in her sand bed and was halucinating while writing the thread. Continue to read the other thread after she came back from the ER.
  2. dedwards

    Good deal on lighting?

    Good price but you would need about 3-4 of those lights for a 29g.
  3. dedwards

    white dots on glass

    Originally posted by Wintrmte True, but most retailers have them eating shrimp as well. At least, the three I have all ate shrimp when I brought them home.. Somewhat true. Some have been known to eat frozen food but there are still many that don't and end up starving to death beacuse the...
  4. dedwards

    Just what does "good water quality" mean?

    You can get great water by asking your LFS what to do and then do the complete opposite. :joy: :joy: :D
  5. dedwards

    tank became toxic so did I

    My LR has turned grey as well when it was exposed to air while coming home from the LFS. I wouldn't worry about that too much. You will have some die off but it will regain its color in time. As far as cleaning the tank and that sulfur smell, I have no experience with that and I am sure...
  6. dedwards

    tank became toxic so did I

    Wow...I really hope shawna makes it to the emergency room, if that's where she was heading. Last half of that post made zero sense. Any idea what kind of toxins she is referring to?
  7. dedwards

    white dots on glass

    Mandrain gobies will eat pods but you will need a lot of them daily because they have a huge appetite. Most ppl will say that you will need 100+lbs of LR to supply enough pods for them to eat. Just a little FYI before you go an buy one and it starves.
  8. dedwards

    should hermits be apart of clean up

    I have 2 Blue-Legged Hermits in my 20g long with 5 snails and they all get a long fine. LFS did give me 5-6 empty shells at no charge for the hermits to 'upgrade'
  9. dedwards

    feeding corals

    I have heard of cutting a 2-liter bottle in half and using the end with the cap. Place the cap at the top and make a dome over the corals. Place food from the top, where the cap is, and it should float down. I am planning on trying this method tonight to see how well it works.
  10. dedwards

    Stupid Question

    I have the same issue with my 20g. It's 30x12x12 and it comes to 18g. Somehow they get 20g out of it. Too bad we can't do the same rounding with money.
  11. dedwards

    strings on snail

    Sorry about your loss...any idea why it died?
  12. dedwards

    I need help with tank-55 gal

    What most people don't realize is that fish don't grow based on the size of the tank. SW fish will grow until they get around their max length. Assuming that they can live in a crowded tank long enough.
  13. dedwards

    uP dated pictures!

    Looks good except for the background. :D
  14. dedwards

    Adding sand!

    NC2...I figured you were talking about Southdown but they were asking about LS and I didn't want them to start rinsing their LS because they would end up with some expensive base sand... :)
  15. dedwards

    Power Compact Lighting

    Not a bad deal. I have seen them on sale for $212. Depending on what you have in your tank, you might need some more powerful lights tho. Just a suggestion.
  16. dedwards

    Adding sand!

    I would just rinse it with the same type of water you plan to use in your tank but without the salt.
  17. dedwards

    Adding sand!

    You don't want to rinse live sand. Southdown, yes but live sand, no. Live sand already contains bacteria so rinsing it will wash a lot of it out. If you purchase live sand in a sealed bag then you can remove the water in the bag but I wouldn't rinse it, otherwise you might as well just get...
  18. dedwards

    2 Weeks into cycling..When shoud I add the lights?

    Back to the original can add lights at any stage. I ran mine from the day that I set my tank up and haven't had any issues.
  19. dedwards

    Florida LR

    One place to check out... That link was deleted due to violation of this sites established policy.
  20. dedwards


    The answer is No. You can apply all of the wet papertowels that you want but it isn't going to keep the rock from having die-off. As soon as the rock hits air, organisms on the rock are doing to start to die; bacteria (the main one), sponges, soft corals, micro-organisms that you can't see...