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  1. dedwards

    I need quick help!!!

    How did you acclimate the fish? Do you have enough surface disturbance to add oxygen to the tank? My clowns like to sleep on the bottom on their sides when the lights are out. Maybe your clown is just getting used to the new tank. Is he breathing hard?
  2. dedwards

    evaporation per day? drip catheter

    Alot of that depends on your lighting, water temp and ambient humidity. How much do you top off and how often? 1g of water = 3785ccm if that helps any.
  3. dedwards

    New Tank = New Sand?

    Yeah it sounds fine. I think gring was just making sure that you weren't just going to add salt to the already freshwater that is in the tank. I had to reread his post a few times and finally understood where he was coming from. (Not that it was poorly written) Just make sure that you clean...
  4. dedwards

    sequence of events

    you can use either. LFS cured is preferred because there won't be as much die-off but most shipped LR will have more hitchhikers which may not live through a cycle.
  5. dedwards

    Weird globs

    I have them as well and I believe that they are a form of pods. I will try and get a pic tonight if I can.
  6. dedwards

    Beginner At Saltwater!!!!!!!!!!

    The cocktail shrimp method is another method that you could use. Just go to the seafood counter at any grocery store and pick up a few shrimp. Toss them in the tank and let the bacteria do it's work. I cycled my tank this way in about 1-1.5 weeks. No Damsels to fish out and no stressed fish.
  7. dedwards

    Nitrate help???? Combined two tanks 4 days ago

    Lower temps means the water will hold oxygen better. Mine stays between 78-81
  8. dedwards

    Blue or Red legged hermits

    Those of you that have had the blue-legged hermits, do you have extra shells so that they have shells to grow into? I have 2 BLH's in my 20g and they have never went for the snails. I also have 5-6 extra shells in there for them to grow into and they have been using them instead of killing the...
  9. dedwards

    Need help with my tank..

    First off you need to get a full test kit. Ones that test ammonia, nitrite, nitrate & ph. Here are my list of questions. 1. Are you acclimating the fish before you put them in? By this I mean do you float the bag for 15 minutes and then add small amounts of water to the bag over about an hour...
  10. dedwards

    New Tank = New Sand?

    I would start with new sand. Preferably some southdown and then seed it with the top 1/2"-3/4" from your other tank. Disturbing a dsb could cause some issues.
  11. dedwards

    New Tank = New Sand?

    How long have you had the SW tank setup and how deep is your sandbed?
  12. dedwards

    help, fish swallowed bubbles

    Glad to hear
  13. dedwards

    Ammonia question

    How old is the kit? I have the same one and haven't had any issues...given that my tank has only be up for about 5 weeks
  14. dedwards

    Naked rocks

    My 20g took the 30" Satellite hood made by Current (same brand as the Orbit). I would go with the Orbit if you are choosing between those 2.
  15. dedwards

    What kinda corals...

    I don't know much about T5's but I would look at getting some more lights. I could be wrong, like I said I don't know much about T5's...
  16. dedwards

    lighting upgrade........what can i get now?

    I just got the Satellite's, same setup Dual 65w but slightly different designed hood. I started off with some yellow polyps and ricordias last week and they are doing good. This was for a 20g long. Great minds think
  17. dedwards

    Naked rocks

    I recently picked up a 30" PC (Current USA - Satellite) 130watt hood for $120 + shipping for my 20g. If you are wanting a reef tank, PC lighting would be your best bet while being on a budget. If you go PC I would follow the watts/gallon rule and stick to around 4-6 watts per gallon, so you...
  18. dedwards

    10 Gallon Nano For Sale Cheap In NY!!!

    Sorry didn't realize the $45 was rock and shipping costs together. I thought you meant $3/lb + $45 for shipping which would bring the total to $ bad
  19. dedwards

    Sand Surface Cleaners

    My diamond goby is a pig as well. He will eat just about anything that he sees (mysis, brine, flakes, spectrum pellets & pretty much anything else he finds)
  20. dedwards

    Good Sunday mornin'...
