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  1. dedwards


  2. dedwards

    how many snails?

    I have heard 1 snail per 2 gallons of water. 4-5 snails in a 10g might be pushing it though. Especially if it hasn't been setup very long. I would add a couple and see how they do. Give the tank some time and if you start to get algae growth then you can always add some more. In my 20g I...
  3. dedwards

    LR or "NO" LR...?

    LR acts as a bio-filter and gives your fish a familar surrounding. Not only that but it gives them places to hide.
  4. dedwards!!!!

    I would be more worried about your ammonia than trites right now. How did you cycle your tank and was your ammonia and trites at 0 when you added fish? Did you have any inverts die or add any LR/LS to the tank recently?
  5. dedwards

    Undergravel filters on reef tanks???

    There's really no need to do a DSB in a 29g tank. You will be loosing a lot of space. I put in a 1.5-2" bed in my 20 and it's going fine.
  6. dedwards

    hermits fighting snails?

    Sometimes they will kill a snail. Just be sure to get some extra shells for it and they should be fine.
  7. dedwards

    I need quick help!!!

    Good to hear...I will post a couple pics tonight when I get home from work
  8. dedwards

    Fellas.... what razor?

    Mach 3..tried that quatro once and it doesn't flex at all
  9. dedwards

    Cleaning an empty tank

    Vinegar and sure to rinse very well
  10. dedwards

    I need quick help!!!

    I have my 20g on top of a 3' book shelf and the 5g is on the floor directly below it. I use the standard air tube line. Not sure the inner-diameter or outter-diameter but it is the standard sized tubes. I picked up ~6ft of it for $.99 at Wal-mart. (one of the very few fish supplies that I...
  11. dedwards

    Hair Algie getting out f hand....HELP!

    There is a product called Phos-Guard. I put some in a filter floss bag in my filter and it should lower your phosphates. It needs to be in a high flow area.
  12. dedwards

    please help this lost n00b

    1. i would like to go with a couple porcupine puffers and a pair of clowns. any idea on how these two will interact? from the research ive done it seems they should be ok together.....Search around for a compatability chart. I have seen several but I don't have any of them bookmarked 2. my...
  13. dedwards

    Can I use these filters?

    The reason that I asked was because for a beginner crushed coral is harder to maintain. It traps waste and causes issues with nitrates.
  14. dedwards

    more actinic = better?

    My statement was more of a generalized statement that I have heard from several places. I haven't found anything that supports or denies their usefullness other than manufacturer's websites that are trying to sell these lights. I personally use these lights but I wouldn't put 3/4 of my...
  15. dedwards

    I need quick help!!!

    I do agree that you acclimated your fish too fast. The only thing to do now is to wait it out and hopefully he makes it through.
  16. dedwards

    I need quick help!!!

    Here is my method for acclimating anything that goes in my tank: Items used: 5g tank large HOB fish holder (same that LFS use to hold fish while bagging) 4' tube several electrical cable tie-downs (self-adhesing with a clip) Method: 1. Float fish bag for 15-30 minutes in display tank 2. Setup a...
  17. dedwards

    cleaner crew

    SWF's invert packages give you a good idea on the cleaners that you would need.
  18. dedwards

    Can I use these filters?

    The filters sound fine. My question is why did you choose crushed coral?
  19. dedwards

    Computer graphic whizzes?

    Microsoft's Photo Editor can resize images as well. Comes with your install of windows.
  20. dedwards

    more actinic = better?

    Actinic lighting is for visual only. They don't provide any benificial lighting for a tank. I would opt for a different *K light than more actinics.