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  1. dedwards

    Lowering Phosphate?

    PhosGuard is good at removing phosphates.
  2. dedwards

    !!!help Major Problem With My Tank!!!

    First off, your turbos and shrimp may have died if they were in there during the cycle. Cleanup crew and fish shouldn't be added until after the tank's cycle. Shrimp are sensitive to water parameters and changes in their water. If your water is looking brown or cloudy then I would run your...
  3. dedwards

    no question is stupid???

    I have a Orange Diamond Goby and use aragonite sand. He just has to keep redigging it every couple of hours. I went with around a 2" bed and he has yet to reach the bottom of the tank.
  4. dedwards

    !!!help Major Problem With My Tank!!!

    Sounds like a bad case of diatoms. I would beef up your inverts/cleaner crew. Your snail is probably just sitting there eating all of the algae in the area before moving. If you are concerned about your snail, pick him up and smell him. If he smells dead then he is and you can either discard...
  5. dedwards

    Why Is My Live Rock Turning Brown?please Help Asap

    Good to hear that the mandarin is eating frozen food. You might try some more snails. I had some green algae and added 3 turbos and they got it under control in a few days
  6. dedwards

    Why Is My Live Rock Turning Brown?please Help Asap

    How much LR do you have? What are you feeding your mandarin?
  7. dedwards

    Starting out question

    Not real sure how to calculate T5's since i haven't read much about them.
  8. dedwards

    Ricordea growth question

    I have a rock with about 15 polyps. The largest is about 3-4" in diameter with about 3-4 that are 2-3". I have 1 that is splitting and they are in the 1" range. So it really depends on the polyp when it splits. Here is a pic of the 2-3" ranged polyps. The ones splitting are in the bottom...
  9. dedwards

    must b a fool

    TTC? Sorry not familar with that accronym BTW...Good to see that your back.
  10. dedwards

    Starting out question

    You can always head over to and signup there, and use me as a referral. There are some serious aquarists over there and they give good and honest advice. My tank went from looking like a martian wasteland to very nice from their advice.
  11. dedwards

    Buying Live Rock also $7/lb isn't too bad for a LFS. Mine charges $5.99/lb for Fiji and upto $8.99/lb for others.
  12. dedwards

    Starting out question

    I also disagree with Alison on the purchasing and buying a larger tank. I started with a 20g tank and it's not hard to maintain. You just have to know what you are doing and don't rush anything. My first purchase would be to start off with some live rock and possibly live sand if you want to...
  13. dedwards


    If you are serious about photography then the Canon Digital Rebel is a good buy. It doesn't do movies but it is an excellent camera.
  14. dedwards

    good salt mix

    I'm with WWFstyle. I wait about 10-12 hours before putting it in the tank. I usually mix it up in the morning and go to work. When I get home I check it and put it in the tank. Instant Ocean's bag states that it can be put directly in the tank after mixing.
  15. dedwards

    Help the newb!

    Indy houses the Indiana Marine Aquarist Society or Good to hear from more ppl in Indiana.
  16. dedwards

    The case of the disappering fish....

    You can't use the current size of the fish when estimating bioload. You need to use the adult size. I wouldn't put more than 4-5 fish in a 29 gallon tank.
  17. dedwards

    Why do we do this?

    I don't have a sump.... AHHHHHHHHHH :scared:
  18. dedwards

    Why do we do this?

    It's funny because my 2 percas love to swim in the freshly made water as I pour it in. Salts don't truely disolve in any water, hense the reason for topping off with freshwater. Hot water breaks the salt crystals down faster so it appears that they dissolve faster. BTW...I never said that it...
  19. dedwards

    Why do we do this?

    Personally I think 24hrs is overkill. I mix my saltmix at 120F, put in an air stone then cover it and let it sit for about 10hrs. Then I pull the towel off that is covering the bucket and let the temp come down to equal my tank then add it. I haven't had any issues so far.
  20. dedwards

    adjusting tank temp?

    By having them in a low flow area, the surrounding water is heating up to the temp set on the heater. Heater then shuts down and surrounding water doesn't move. I have found that the dials on most heaters aren't correct anyway. I have a 100w on my 20 that I have to set higher than 80 to get...