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  1. dedwards

    super storm??

    hey salty...i'm right there with ya. I'm in Lafayette and we got nothing but rain and ice today. Good ol Indiana weather for
  2. dedwards

    Photo editing...

    Here is another after running a vibrant glow action sorry for adding so many photos but i am having fun playing
  3. dedwards

    Photo editing...

    Here is a little adjustment from Photoshop CS Bumped Saturation of Blue: +20 Bumped Saturation of Red: +20 Reduced Shadows to 0 Adjusted curves as following: 1st point Input:40 Output:35 2nd point Input: 195 Output: 210
  4. dedwards

    Photo editing...

    Not sure if Elements has the saturation options but play around with those. A few other tools that are great are the shadow and contrast. Using these 3 will really bring out the details and coloring. If you camera has a flash holder to attach an external flash it would help eliminate the...
  5. dedwards

    COTM:Plate corals(short tentacles)

    Here's another angle. I used a Midnight Sepia action in photoshop to give it a nice burned look...
  6. dedwards

    COTM:Plate corals(short tentacles)

    Here is my long tentacle plate that I picked up yesterday. It already looks like it is expanding more than at the LFS.
  7. dedwards

    coraline problems

    The Oceanic salt might be causing it. I have heard several ppl complain that Oceanic causes pH problems
  8. dedwards

    Can pods molt?

    how big of a shell are you talking about? If I'm not mistaken it would be very tedious to find a molt or a shell.
  9. dedwards

    Advice and critique please

    I would agree on the sand. In my limited experience and hear-say that I have heard, I would stay where you're at. I'm running at 1.5"-2" deep and it is fine. The brown thing (imo) looks like some kind of urchin but I am probably wrong.
  10. dedwards

    Couple Urgent Questions

    I would post this in the disease will probably get a faster response.
  11. dedwards

    would a 2900 gph powerhead be too much for my tank?

    Have you tested for Phosphates?
  12. dedwards

    ID please Alien vs Predator

    I think the Stomatella snails are more flat. I have a white one in my tank that only comes out at night and he is nearly all flat.
  13. dedwards

    what substate should I use for f/o tank?

    If it's fish only then i would do a shallow sand bed or bare bottom. It will be easier to maintain a bare bottom.
  14. dedwards

    help! anyone?

    Sorry to hear about your snail. I came home the other day and one of mine committed suicide from the top. Once most snails fall over they can't right themselves. I just left mine in and my hermits got a belly full.
  15. dedwards

    problem in acclimation (new tank)

    Don't feel bad. My LFS told me that I could add fish after setting the tank up for 48 hrs.
  16. dedwards


    sorry to hijack this but Sprang where in Indiana? I'm in Lafayette
  17. dedwards

    20 long shmaa

    Very nice and simple.
  18. dedwards

    obscure question about a tank

    Google is a magical tool...lmao :D
  19. dedwards

    Anyone in Michigan want to jointly order from in January?

    Sorry I am in Indiana but thought you would like a casual bump
  20. dedwards

    obscure question about a tank

    This site states 24W x 15D x 17H