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  1. dedwards

    ? on clean up crew

    "If it's not broken, don't fix it" is my philosophy. If your current crew is doing a good job then I wouldn't add any more to it. If you get tired of cleaning the front of the tank, then you might want to invest in a couple more turbos.
  2. dedwards

    Cleaner Shrimp....

    np...I used a large HOB breeder holder. It's the same type that stores use to hold fish before they bag them.
  3. dedwards

    Cleaner Shrimp....

    mine was 2-3/second just to clarify
  4. dedwards

    what WW2 game is better?

    I have these on Xbox and don't play multiplayer so it's just the campaign mode for me but I would go with Call of Duty. You can do so much more with COD than what you can with Metal of Honor in the game.
  5. dedwards

    Cleaner Shrimp....

    That is how I am acclimating anything going into my tank. The only difference is that I have to dump some of the water out over the period of time because it will overflow my container.
  6. dedwards

    Cleaner Shrimp....

    1.022-1.023 in my tank
  7. dedwards

    favorite x-mas gift?

    How about finding out that I might be a father in Sept?
  8. dedwards

    Cleaner Shrimp....

    I bought another skunk cleaner yesterday because my first one died after an hour in my tank (1.5 months ago). I started my drip acclimate and after 20min I dumped 1/2 of the water. I went in after an hour to check on the water level and the shrimp was on its side. I scooped him up and placed...
  9. dedwards

    Can I add more live rock now???

    it shouldn't hurt any if it is already cured. I did that with my 20g and it didn't kill anything.
  10. dedwards

    New tank Live rock to late?

    You can add LR after adding fish. You just have to make sure that it is fully cured. I purchase my LR locally so that cure time is nearly zero. If you purchase LR online and it has to be shipped then you will need to cure it before it is added to your tank.
  11. dedwards

    First tank went wrong and trying to start over!

    The rock should be fine. Although it may not be live rock anymore. I would remove everything left and clean the tank really good. You don't want anything left over to cause issues in a newly setup tank. I would replace the CC with sand or go bare bottom. Everything else should be fine with...
  12. dedwards

    Light Classifications and Limitations

    Originally posted by skeetrix anything i can/cannot get?? all help appreciated any kind of fish that you desire
  13. dedwards

    Blue-legged Hermits

    I don't think so. I haven't added anything lately besides a tongue coral and it was by itself when I got it. Plus this hermit is using the same shell as one of the original hermit the last time that I saw him.
  14. dedwards


    If you water is staying constantly 82F with lights then raising the heater up will only affect it at night. Your heater won't run if you temp is higher than what it is set at. So if you heater's thermometer is accurate and you set it at 80F, it won't kick on until it is lower than 80F...
  15. dedwards

    Blue-legged Hermits

    My 20g tank has been up for close to 2 months now. I have had 2 blue-legged hermits in there since the begining (these are the only crabs that have been in my tank). Over the past couple of weeks I haven't really seen my hermits out and about like I usually do. The other day I found a molt on...
  16. dedwards


    Originally posted by fishking the nikon rebel isnt as expensive as the d70 but the lense is, for a good one they are like 300+, ive seen sum lenses go up to 5k:scared: but the zoom on it is amazing Nikon doesn't make the Rebel...Canon does. It's part of their EOS line. Lenses aren't that...
  17. dedwards


    I would say no harm. Can you add a little more water to the tank so that it is covered? Just to clarify, the hole is big enough for an airline correct? If not then can you take a pic so we can make sure everything is fine with your PH.
  18. dedwards

    no question is stupid???

    Originally posted by buddahjon this doesnt make him mad or wear him out? i just want all my fish to be happy.... but i guess if everyone else is using fine grain sand *jumps on the band wagon* Not that I know of. He has a burrow under a huge piece of LR that doesn't cave in too much. If it...
  19. dedwards

    XBox Question

    I would stick with the S controller. I bought a 3rd party controller and never use it because you have to smash the buttons for them to work. It becomes a workout before you know it.
  20. dedwards


    That hole is a ventrui aeration hole. It is designed to either put a pump with airline or just airline to draw air into the water flow. IMO if you aim a powerhead at the top of the tank then you won't need to inject more air into the water. It more a personal choice if you want air bubbles...