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  1. dedwards

    Got an issue with my cleaner shrimp...

    I purchased 6 snails, (3 Cerith Snails, 3 larger ones but not as large as a turbo) sorry I wish I could remember the names of them, 2 blue legged hermit crabs, 1 cleaner shrimp and 1 sifter goby. I drip acclimated the snails and hermits together for 15 minutes, then dripped the shrimp for 30...
  2. dedwards

    Basket Ball, Horse ......

    It's coo...anyway I want to see how many lawsuits come out of this. God knows there were lawyers watching going $$$$$$$.
  3. dedwards

    Basket Ball, Horse ......

    I say beat them all down. The fans deserved everything that they got. Artest was chillin on the scoretable until he was hit in the face with a cup full of beer. I mean comeon, what did the guy expect to happen when he tossed it? It was uncalled for and I would have done the same. It's a...
  4. dedwards

    transporting a tank?

    Buy stock in tupperware and then buy a whole bunch of plastic containers for the livestock. Empty the tank as low as possible. Put LR in trashcans full of water, same goes for LS. Hopefully there will be enough water in the trashcans that it won't cycle too bad when you refill it. That's the...
  5. dedwards

    another fish order question

    Sorry I was in a smart a55 mood this :jumping::jumping: :jumping:
  6. dedwards

    Corals 4 sale in chicago

    If you are shipping let me know. I live about 2.5hrs away and would rather not make a trip to Chicago if I didn't have to. email:
  7. dedwards

    another fish order question

    Obviously Jason can't read a thread...
  8. dedwards

    coral placement

    Not always
  9. dedwards

    Cleanup Crew...

    I was looking at the clean-up crews here for a 20g tank and wanted to know what everyone thought of the packages. Are all of the inhabitants compatable? Any more desireable than others? Here is the list 20g-55g Scarlet Hermit Crab: 10 Blueleg Hermit Crab: 10 Turbo/Astrea Snail: 20...
  10. dedwards

    Sand Bed: Deep vs Shallow

    That doesn't all have to be live sand. You can use Southdown playsand for 180lbs and then toss in a 20lb bag to seed it. Shouldn't cost more than $50 for all of it. ~$4/bag of Southdown 50lb bags and ~$35 for 20lb LS.
  11. dedwards

    Sand Bed: Deep vs Shallow it's at the bottom
  12. dedwards


    Holy quardruple post Batman
  13. dedwards

    Tank Stand Material

    I have a 20g on a 1" thick HDF bookshelf. I wouldn't go any bigger on it tho. I would look at either pine or oak and go thick with center dividers.
  14. dedwards

    marine rock moved from fresh to marine

    I wouldn't use any harsh chemicals like bleach. Never know when there is a pocket somewhere that might trap a minute amount of it. I would rinse them really really really good and then cure them in a trash can with a heater and a powerhead with saltwater.
  15. dedwards

    New To The Game

    Not a problem...
  16. dedwards

    New To The Game

    Crushed coral can become more maintance in the long run. With sand, the particles tend to bounce off or lay right on top for scavengers to munch on. With crushed coral (CC), the particles tend to get captured under the large particle size and can cause some problems. You can add LS on top of...
  17. dedwards

    New To The Game

    A cycle is when you add anything to your tank and something starts to die off. If you start off with Live Rock (LR) or Live Sand (LS) some of the bacteria within those will die. This creates an ammonia spike. Ammonia will then be converted to Nitrites and then to Nitrates. Once your ammonia...
  18. dedwards

    White fuzzy stuff????

    I agree with a clean up crew. I am still cycling my tank and I have a white layer on my shrimp before I took it out. FYI...don't smell or even come close to smelling a piece of shrimp that has been sitting in your tank for 3-4 days. As soon as I took it out I almost Tank didn't...
  19. dedwards

    Power head

    I would set 1 of each of the back corners and point them to the center front pane of glass. Basically so they hit eachother at the glass. That should disrupt the water enough to flow back to the front corners.
  20. dedwards

    Anybody burn wood for winter?

    When I was a kid, my parents burned wood all winter long. I hated the smell of burnt wood on my clothes.