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  1. darkslide820

    Syphons and Sand

    Originally Posted by rlablan I was losing a lot of sand when I was vacuuming. That's why I brought it up. I didn't want to have to keep buying new sand.
  2. darkslide820

    Syphons and Sand

    I've kept that in mind (having the crabs, etc. clean for me). But isn't 10 days a little early in the cycle to start throwing in those guys?
  3. darkslide820

    Syphons and Sand

    But what about the fish poo?? It's a 20 gallon hex tank. If my living room would ever get finished being redecorated, the 55 gallon I have sitting idle would be the main tank (in the living room) and the 20 gallon hex (in my basement) would be the quarantine tank. But for the time being I'm...
  4. darkslide820

    Syphons and Sand

    Hey all. I have a small tank running now with live sand. I've had fish swimming about for a little more than a week now, and figuring it's prob time for first water change soon. But then I got to thinking. If I use a syphon, that's gonna suck out all the sand. Right? What should I do?
  5. darkslide820

    Origins, How did you get started in this hobby?

    Lady in my office moved to another department. After a while, coworker and I joked about why don't we get an office pet to take her place. We joked about getting a little goldfish bowl for the empty desk, but then realized we could actually do that. So we went ahead and got it (our manager's...
  6. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    Yeah, I've been debating the Dragonet too lately. I took a road trip with my friend this weekend, we went to 3 new stores and each had pretty good sw sections. Each also Sixlines, which I'd never seen before, and each had at least one Dragonet. What I noticed in all was that the Sixline was...
  7. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    Yeah, the clean up crew is the hermit crabs and I guess the shrimp. A couple people mention the scooter now. Funny cause I probably wanted that thing for like a day, then I saw the Purple Firefish and wanted that instead, then my friend showed me the Sixline Wrasse and I decided that will be my...
  8. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    Hey all. I'm back! Unfortunately, in the weeks since I last posted, our floors haven't been finished. Not even started :/ Don't ask. We're big procrastinaters in our family. I may have to just find somewhere else in the house to put the saltwater tank, but oh well, that's my own problem to...
  9. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    What are your thoughts on freshwater dunking? Guy at fish store today told me that they sit their saltwater fish in freshwater for about 5 minutes to cleanse them of parasites and other badies before they put them in the display tanks.
  10. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    OK guys. I have a slightly different idea for the tank. I'm thinking of replacing the Royal Gramma basslet with a Purple Scooter Blenny that they had at my pet store today, simply because of the switch from aggressive to peaceful nature, and I keep purple in my tank. I've also thought about...
  11. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    You guys are awesome. Occasionally someone else recommends something else that I forgot the Craig's List guy gave me w/ the tank. The guy gave me a little clear plastic breeding "basket" that hangs on the rim of the tank. It has about 4 little holes in it to let the water flow in and out of...
  12. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    Well I'm not planning on gettting corals, only inverts would be maybe 5 hermit crabs and the cleaner shrimp
  13. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    Oh so the shrimp and the hermit crabs will do that?
  14. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    Which of my fish would use a lot of minerals?
  15. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    Nah, I think I get it. So I guess my next question is this: With the filter I have and live sand, with the fish listed above, about how often should I expect water changes? And to avoid buying tons and tons of sea salt, how can I minimize this?
  16. darkslide820

    What eats Copepods?

    Maybe when they see there is a predator they will mate rapidlier to save their race??
  17. darkslide820

    Protein skimmer I need it?

    Haha, the one about getting what you pay for was in my thread. Nice!
  18. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    Originally Posted by small triggers and dont forget to check C-list, the bay and how to make home-made equipment,,,sump/fuge's are fairly simple and inexpensive if you make rather than buy... SO what do you have so far??? If I get a sump, does that minimize how often I would have to do a water...
  19. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    Regarding the mandarin dragonet: I found on the website that they sell copepods for $13. Cool? And, yes, I think I do have a powerhead from the guy who used to have the tank. Nice!
  20. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    Dang. Thanks for all the input guys. Wasn't expecting this much opinion already. I don't know if it makes a difference to what you guys had in mind but the size of my tank is 48 long deep, 12 inches deep, 18 inches tall. Don't know if this makes a difference when you're talking about it not...