Search results

  1. darkslide820

    Percula & B/W Clownfish, Same Tank

    Hi all.   I have a 55g tank, relatively new. True Percula's been in there since the beginning, seems to hang around one corner. Looking into adding a Black & White Clownfish soon. If I keep it to just those two clownfish, should there be any problem with the two of them?   There are no...
  2. darkslide820

    Dragonet, Not Eating

    Okay everyone, last night I ordered 4 "packs," for lack of a better word, of copepods from this website. Should be here tomorrow. Gonna pour 2 of them straight into the tank, hopefully I'll see the Dragonet go after them right away. The others will go either into a breeding basket that I'll...
  3. darkslide820

    Dragonet, Not Eating

    Okay, thanks. I knew about the copepods, but the local store had brine shrimp and the first one did eat them (eventually), so I thought this one would. Tank's reletively new, been running 6.5 months now. Re: the puffer, this puffer stays small, only a few inches big, so he's not going to eat...
  4. darkslide820

    Dragonet, Not Eating

    Hey everyone. I'm a little worried about my Dragonet and not eating. I had one Dragonet (20g, only other fish was Bluedot Puffer), I was feeding the tank frozen brine shrimp cubes. Puffer enjoyed this, but I never saw Dragonet eating. Finally, after maybe 7 days, I got some live brine shrimp...
  5. darkslide820

    Help Firefish Goby

    My 2 Purple Firefish sleep together under a rock. Like, completely under a rock, in the sand. And my Bluedot Puffer sleeps in the sand bed, completely pale colors. Then he wakes up and swims around with sand stuck to his belly. Sometimes he actually sleeps stuck to the wall vertically, as if...
  6. darkslide820

    Is this bad?

    Yeah, sorry, I dunno why it can't focus. I even tried with my [usually] awesome 12 megapixel camera and it wouldn't come out clear. :( I should probably add that it's an inch tall at the most, if that helps at all.
  7. darkslide820

    Is this bad?

    Hey guys. Got my 55g started a few weeks ago, just got around to getting some live rocks from the store today. After a few hours of sitting in the tank, I noticed a couple guys peeking out, and I'm not sure if it's the aipstasia anemones that I read about on here a lot. I'm including a pic...
  8. darkslide820

    Cleanup Crew in a Puffer Tank

    A related question: Would the blue spot puffer go okay with a cleaner shrimp, or would he try and eat him too?
  9. darkslide820

    Found my chocolate chip starfish dead this morning :(

    Hey. I had a CC back in March that lasted two days. He didn't look healthy the whole time and barely moved. I worked up the courage to get another one in late April and he's still around. Goes all over the place. He was crawling all over the bucket when I was drip acclimating him. Great...
  10. darkslide820

    Cleanup Crew in a Puffer Tank

    Hmmmmm. Good idea. Thanks.
  11. darkslide820

    Cleanup Crew in a Puffer Tank

    Hey all. Just as the title implies, what would make a good clean up crew in a tank with a Bluedot Puffer in it? I had hermits and snails and they used to go all over the place. So active. However, once I put in my puffer and I noticed he did go after the hermits occassionally, I've seen the...
  12. darkslide820

    Blue Dot Puffer

    Hey all. I got this small puffer because he looks awesome, and from what I've heard at a couple of stores he stays pretty small. So I know that puffers have beaks and look for hard things to eat, but I don't want him to eat my snails and hermit crabs since they're my cleanup crew. I've also...
  13. darkslide820

    House passed the Health Bill

    I work with taxes, so I'll just quickly reinforce a few points I saw here on the last page. As far as the 1040 Sch A Medical Expenses go, you can deduct whatever is over 7.5% of your Adjusted Gross Income, so long as you're filing Sch A in the first place. Your medical expenses would include...
  14. darkslide820

    Strawberry Crab Behavior

    I just went to the store looking for a Strawberry Crab the other day too. They didn't have any but they did have an Emerald. I was kinda interested in that guy anyway and he was half the price ($10 vs. $20) so I told the attendant that I'd take him. Another shopper was there and said that...
  15. darkslide820

    Are refractometers worth the $$? Anyone have any idea what company this is or if it's reliable? $50
  16. darkslide820

    Syphons and Sand

    OK, I got 4 hermit crabs and a snail today. Snail ain't moving around too much though :/ but he's wiggling his antennaes. The hermits are crazy, they go everywhere so quick.
  17. darkslide820

    Purple Tip Anemone (Sebae)

    Well, what I was planning on mixing him with were flame angel, green chromis, hermit crabs, strawberry crab, chocolate chip starfish, sixline wrasse, maybe mandarin. Are any of those likely to be hunted by an anemone? (I'm going to be putting in a couple of clown fish too, but I left them out...
  18. darkslide820

    Purple Tip Anemone (Sebae)

    Hey all. Thinkin' about getting the purple tip anemone (shown as this website as Sebae Anemone - White) eventually. I know that anemones use their tenticles to kill their prey, so I wanted to know what usually consists of their prey that would be found in a home aquarium? BTW, I tried looking...
  19. darkslide820

    Syphons and Sand

    Good point. Now the sand don't look too messy, but I'm just asking for when I do have to start cleaning. This small tank (20 gallon hex) doesn't really have enough room for powerheads, I tried fitting them in when I got it started but they looked like they took up a lot of the space. I have 2...
  20. darkslide820

    Syphons and Sand

    I don't know the company off hand, but its one of those with the bell bottom on the side that goes in the tank and a skinny little tube where the water comes out of and into the bucket. You shake it up and down in the water to start it, no pumps or automatic stuff like that. Again, I haven't...