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  1. darkslide820

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    Hi people. As I said in another thread, I got myself a 55-gallon tank and have to wait a couple months to get it running. So I have ample time to get ideas for my fishies. Here's the list of what I'm checking out. Throughout my research I think that these seem to be pretty good matches...
  2. darkslide820

    QT Question

    Actually, shouldn't it be glass, water, a filter, and a heater?
  3. darkslide820

    I Have A Tank!! And I Have A Problem!! :(

    No, I meant the smiley at the beginning of the posts. Haha. Who needs books when I have the internet? Haha. You can read a book and come to an unclear section, then go ask someone in a message board for the clarification and they'll help out. No message boards or Google in the book. But I...
  4. darkslide820

    QT Question

    When you say it should be bare, you mean just glass and water, not even gravel?
  5. darkslide820

    I Have A Tank!! And I Have A Problem!! :(

    OK man. Thanks for the tip. I like the wave, btw
  6. darkslide820

    I Have A Tank!! And I Have A Problem!! :(

    Originally Posted by Flower Use this downtime to do some research and fish dreaming. Hang out here on the site and ask questions. Purchase the items you are going to need to replace, and it won't hurt the budget as bad as buying all at once... Yeah, I've been fish dreaming. That'll be for...
  7. darkslide820

    I Have A Tank!! And I Have A Problem!! :(

    Hey everyone. I got myself a 55-gallon used tank from someone on craigslist along with a stand and all his crap. Some of it's still good to use, others are not. But that's not the point of this thread... Right now we have the tank sitting empty in my living room along with the stand and other...
  8. darkslide820

    Questions about non-fish

    Thanks guys. The live sand thing makes sense now
  9. darkslide820

    Questions about non-fish

    Can someone please explain to me the difference between coral, live rock, and reef? What exactly is a reef tank? What is sump? How the heck can sand be alive? Thanks in advance.
  10. darkslide820

    Freshwater vs. Saltwater

    SW: drip acclimate for sometimes 3-4hours or longer then quarentine in a quarentine tank for a month, then drip for another 3-4 or more hours and put into your display tank. Not everyone does it, but you asked for the best way. To me, the safest way is best and this is the safest way. Funny you...
  11. darkslide820

    Freshwater vs. Saltwater

    Hi people. I've been running a freshwater tank for the last couple months and I've been browsing around this website lately in the hopes of eventually getting a saltwater tank. From what I understand, the saltwater maintenance is much harder than the freshwater tank would require. However...