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  1. wallie03

    ID please

    Weird filter feeder. Smaller ones around it that you can't see in the picture. It's about the size of a penny. Thanks
  2. wallie03

    new lights any good

    e bay search 48" Aquarium Metal Halide system 760W Reef Lunar Coral anyone have exp with these lights thanks
  3. wallie03

    New to SW getting 30 gallon Help

    yes it is it will take some time to cycle
  4. wallie03

    How to get coraline off glass?

    I use a wax scraper you can get one at any ski/snowboard shop works really well just my 2 cents
  5. wallie03


    its a hard choice i just want a good skimmer
  6. wallie03

    question on water flow.

    im running a K3 and 2 k2 in my 55 gal seems fine to me like everyone els said just play with it
  7. wallie03


    hi all i'm looking to upgrade my skimmer right now i have a p.o.s "SeaClone Protein Skimmer" i dont have a sump so it will need to be a hob skimmer its going on a 55 gal. i'm thinking of buying a Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel 220. anyother sugestions on a good skimmer? i can spend around...
  8. wallie03

    new reef tank 55 gal

    HI All i have a 55gal tank thats been up and cycling for 3 weeks,im running a 5" sand bed and around 80-100 lbs of lr and a corallife super skimmer 220 so im going to place my first order for inverts abd here is what im thinking what do you guys think ? Blueleg Hermit Crab - Group of 50...
  9. wallie03

    old tank syndrome?

    Hi So I have a few general ?, but first I would like to explain my situation I have had a few FOWLR tanks a 55 and a 29 I sold both of them a few years ago and had recently bought the 55 back for 100 bucks. Ok so I’ve been reading a ton of articles on line and I’m wondering if I might have old...
  10. wallie03

    live rock/dead rock

    anyone ?
  11. wallie03

    live rock/dead rock

    1. the tank in the picture has been set up for 3+ years i moved it a week ago and had an ammonia spike from sturring up the sand. i want to the rock to this tank 2. the rock that's in the bucket has been outside in open air for over a year. i diden't no how to go about using this rock weather or...
  12. wallie03

    live rock/dead rock

    here is a pick of the live rock and the tank not bad for 100 bucks
  13. wallie03

    live rock/dead rock

    could i add ammonia to get it to spike ?
  14. wallie03

    live rock/dead rock

    ya its about 20lbs i put it in a 5 gal bucket with a heater and an air stone going to let it sit for a week or two and see if i get an ammonia spike iv'e read that some people have boild it to kill every thing and just put it in the tank what do you guys think
  15. wallie03

    live rock/dead rock

    HI all.... so I have a couple questions I had a 29 gallon tank the I sold off about a year ago and I keep ed the live rock witch has all died off, can I use this ? Right now I have a 55 going that is going through a small cycle since I moved it and sered up the sand bed .how do I go about making...
  16. wallie03

    new tank help help

    anyone else
  17. wallie03

    new tank help help

    the tank has been established for almost 3 years, i did move it and only changed around 20 gal i have moved this tank twice the exact same way i did today with no prob. for filtration im running two BIO-Wheel 350 and a skimmer
  18. wallie03

    new tank help help

    HI all ok so i bought a 55 gal tank that was ounce mine sold it 2 years ago and the guy i sold it to was moving and sold it back to me for 100 bucks.... anyway im having some seriouse problums i think the tank is crashing i changed out around 20 gal the peramiters are ammonia.25 nitrate 10...