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  1. fishtanker

    quick ?

    and it doesn't have to look as ghetto as mine does... BTW Tizzo nice install
  2. fishtanker

    quick ?

    would it be possbiel to hang the light from brackets on the wall? that is what i did with my MH..i just used shelving brackets screwed intot he studs and also added some pulleys to make tank maint. easier.
  3. fishtanker

    WANTED: blue hippo tang pictures

    here's mine..3yrs old 7"
  4. fishtanker

    read this

    some people are so stupid..:nope:
  5. fishtanker

    Should I QT invertebrates and corals?

    i QT fish always and only QT corals if they come from a tank with fish....ich can be introduced on the rocks corals are attached too
  6. fishtanker

    $50 Skimmer

    its not putting any micro bubbles in the tank becasue i have the airstone about 6 inches above the return pipe so the bubbles aren't able to to travel up the return. i've never seen Calfo's design, but mine is just a basic CC skimmer. the water goes in through the top of the chamber and travels...
  7. fishtanker

    $50 Skimmer

    not the best looking thing hanging from the tank but does the job. this was after 10mins
  8. fishtanker

    $50 Skimmer

    here's the skimmer a friend and i built for my 110gal. its a 6ft CC with a maxi jet 1200 for the pump. only cost $50 for parts plus the air pump.
  9. fishtanker


    if one fish in your tank has ich then the whole tank is infected. you will have to remove all the fish and treat them in a seperate tank (QT). by leaving the main tank fishless for at least 4 weeks will ensure that the ich has died off. i hae never heard of NOXich. the only 2 ways of killing...
  10. fishtanker

    One of my Tangs...

    the probe is definetly something to purchase for any fish tank. the HLLE can be caused by stray electrical current (ground probe solves that) and poor water quality and nutrition. My achilles tang started to get HLLE so i switched to RO/DI water and started using JUlian Sprungs Sea Veggies and...
  11. fishtanker

    copperband butterflyfish and long nosed butterflyfish

    Originally posted by beautful what i want to know is how big can they grow? have 55g for start up...... i would like to add long nosed buterfly fish , copperband butterfly fish, clown fish , yellow faced angelfish,Occeanic seahorse............what you think? actually LN butterflies are...
  12. fishtanker

    How to Un-gravel?

    i did it the same way as you neoreef. i just did water changes weekly and sucked out the substrate with the water change. i took a few weeks to get all of it out but it caused no mess in the tank.
  13. fishtanker

    Yellow Tang

    raising the temp won't rid the fish of any parasites. raising temp only speeds up the lifecycle of certain parasites, i.e. ich. white spots could be parasites its kinda hard to tell without further info or pics. i've never heard of green spots...maybe posting this on the disease and treatment...
  14. fishtanker

    Cyanide Poisoning

    the phillipines are notirious for cyanide collecting..its pretty sad, not only are they killing the fish but the reefs are dying as well becasue of the cyanide
  15. fishtanker

    who likes cheez its?

    EZ cheese on triscuits is the best
  16. fishtanker

    Empty shells sold here---anyone buy them?

    if you need shells you can try your local fabric/craft type store. i picked mine up there i got around 100 of them for about $2.
  17. fishtanker

    Wow what a difference from a 6.5k to a 10k MH

    yea i'm gonna be picking up a ab or xm 10k once i get the funds actually people in my reef club have been switching from the 20k's to 10ks so they can get more growth. it seems to me that the 20ks just dont have the intensity. just my opinion
  18. fishtanker

    Wow what a difference from a 6.5k to a 10k MH

    Originally posted by chriscobb Congrats!!!!! What were u keeping under the 6.5K MH??? How did they do??? I didn't think anyone was still using those bulbs. hey i'm still using an Iwaski...only becasue my 10k blew out. i actually noticed a lot more growth from my softies using the 6500k. it...
  19. fishtanker


    just make sure that there are no other fish in your display tank...if one of your fish has ich you'll have to remove all of them into the QT and leave your display fishless for 4 weeks.
  20. fishtanker

    What size tank can you fit under a standard 125 gallon stand?

    under my 125gal i have a 30gal stand has 2 center braces so i had to pop one out put the sump in and put the brace back on. i think i can fit a 55gal under there but i havent tried BTW OA dont you have a 135gal or something like that? or am i confusing you with someone else