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  1. fishtanker

    Birds nest lighing acclimation

    i picked up a Birds Nest frag at my lfs yesterday and want to know the best way to acclimate it too my lighting. in the lfs it was about 10" directly under 250wt 10k's and my lighting is 400wt 6.5k. right now its in a shady spot in the bottom corner of my tank. i want to eventually put it about...
  2. fishtanker

    Some Macro Shots

    here';s what the tank looked like a few months ago when it was a FOWLR
  3. fishtanker

    Some Macro Shots

    110 and 10gal mantis
  4. fishtanker

    Some Macro Shots

    couple full tank shots
  5. fishtanker

    Some Macro Shots

    xenia and anthellia
  6. fishtanker

    Some Macro Shots

  7. fishtanker

    Some Macro Shots

  8. fishtanker

    Some Macro Shots

    some kind of softie i think
  9. fishtanker

    Some Macro Shots

  10. fishtanker

    Some Macro Shots

  11. fishtanker

    Some Macro Shots

  12. fishtanker

    Some Macro Shots

    here of some shots of the reef in macro....the camera is pretty old but works i guess :)
  13. fishtanker

    MH ?????'s

    i'm an exception to the norm but i actually like Iwaski 6.5k supplememted with actincs. i have that over my reef and if u use enough actincs the yellow gets drowned out for the most part. the growth of my sofies under the 6.5k vs. the 10k is amazing. you do still get a hint of yellow but i dont...
  14. fishtanker

    Achilles Tang

    I consider the LN butterfly to be an extremely hardy fish...mine was the first fish introduced after my initial cycle, went through multiple hypo treatments, tank moves, and living with tangs. he never skipped a beat and always readly fed. i feed mine flake (form 1), fresh seafood (squid, octo...
  15. fishtanker

    Achilles Tang

    i've had my achilles about 2 years now...all the info above is accurate on keeping it healthy and happy. strong water current is important as well as constant supplies of greensstuffs (sea veggies, nori, etc). i dont find this tang to be any more diffucult to keep than others in its family...
  16. fishtanker

    Who is your favorite....

    juggernaut is a great villian
  17. fishtanker

    eye it buy it

    Originally posted by Jenfur427 Maybe I took it the wrong way, sorry about that. You also don't have to call me names. you didn;t take anything the wrong way...its common for new members to get "lashings" from people who have been here a while. espically on things like sun corals and their...
  18. fishtanker

    Who is your favorite....

    Gambit Collosus (sp?) Wolverine
  19. fishtanker

    Led Zepplin

    Any Zepplin fans out there? I've listened to them since high school...i had all their albums on cassette back in the 80's. now i just burn them. i like all their songs but my fav's are ramble on (gotta love the lord of the rings references) immigrant song black dog misty mountain top a bunch of...
  20. fishtanker

    Chronicles of Riddick

    Originally posted by BLUEBERRYBOOMER I can't wait to see it, Pitch Black was great! I love his eyes! Anything with Vin Diesel in it is bound to be good! Has anyone seen Last Man Standing? That is a good one of his too! Lisa that was bruce willis in last man standing...good flick