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  1. fishtanker

    Couple new sps frags, show and tell!

    They look very good. Are yousure that last one is a Monti Elkhorn? Mine looks nothing like that
  2. fishtanker

    Anyone in New York want to trade??

    i'd be happy to trade for a candy cane frag and/or zoo frag. i'm about 250miles from buffalo, however i am planning on a trip to Sytracuse in the next few weeks so if you want wwe can meet there. email me Brian
  3. fishtanker

    Elkhorn Monti Frags FS/FT

    just a lot of xenia and anthellia (softies)
  4. fishtanker

    Elkhorn Monti Frags FS/FT

  5. fishtanker

    Anyone in New York want to trade??

    yup...they're are 3 in this pic. the ones that look the same are the elkhorn
  6. fishtanker

    hypo and copper?

    i thought you shouldn't use copper in hyposaline contidions beacsue the test kits don't give an accurate reading?
  7. fishtanker

    Elkhorn Monti Frags FS/FT

    I have about 6-7 frags of Elkhorn (virous sizes) to trade or sell. I really only want local pickup. I live in NY capital district (albany). Brian
  8. fishtanker

    Anyone in New York want to trade??

    i have tons of Elkhorn Montipora frags...wil sell/trade them to anyone who wants to pick them up. Brian
  9. fishtanker

    LFS in New York?

    yeah its a good time...we are always looking for new members. BTW dave how are the baby clowns? i cant believe they are still kicking after 4days of flake food and DT's. Bang guy could definetly give you some ideas on clown breeding. ps. its kinda hard to reply to your PM when you dont empty...
  10. fishtanker

    LFS in New York?

    the only cool one is me greenman actually made a post over here..whats with that. bang here's a link for the club
  11. fishtanker

    people over 35 should be dead

    its kinda of guys sound like my grandparents when i was growing up. " i remember walking to school up hill both ways" "bread was a nickle" "what happened to those days?" i guess its true when parents say to their children "you'll sound like me some day"
  12. fishtanker

    Fast growing SPS?

    i agree on the elkhorn...mine groes like crazy under the Iwsaki
  13. fishtanker

    Skirrby and I ONE YEAR!!!!

    bradttu..nice avatar "Hey Milton, whats happening? if you could just move your desk down to storage room B that would be greeaaat!! ummm kaay" Lumberg is the best
  14. fishtanker

    Rainbow Urchin

    i had my pencil in both my 125reef, that has gsp's and clove polyps, and now he's in my 110 with only anthellia and xenia. he hasn't touched anything yet.
  15. fishtanker

    Rainbow Urchin

    i have 3 different types of urchins (longspine, pincushion, and pencil). they are great at grazing hair algae off the rocks and they do eat quite a bit of coralline but like said they help to spread it. i've had no problems with them eating corals. i have them all in tanks with soft and hard corals.
  16. fishtanker

    Royal or tuxedo urchin question

    2 should be fine..just be aware that they do eat coralline algae
  17. fishtanker

    All time best song.

    ramble on - zepplin
  18. fishtanker

    Help!! is my boxfish dying

    when a boxfish releases the toxin you cant see it...once when i moved by boxfish from tank to tank i had to keep him in a holding container for an hour or so. by the time i released him into the new tank there was all this flakey type stuff in the container. it wasn't toxin becasue i could see...
  19. fishtanker

    What salt to use?

    Tropic Marin for me...switched from Oceanic, i noticed i would get a white film on the glass when i did water changes using the Oceanic. that doens't happen with the Tropic Marin.
  20. fishtanker

    Need reply in 20 minutes.....ASAP!!!!!!

    i guess saltwater weighs a little more but i dont think much...for the purposes of the stand it wont make a difference