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  1. fishtanker

    green star polyp still closed

    GSP are moody sometimes, they will close for 1-2weeks at a time. Just when you think they are dead the next day they open and look better than ever.
  2. fishtanker

    My new Tank Let me know what you think

    ditto on the sailfin they can get way to big for most aquariums. the yellow will be OK in a 55gal but a 75 or 90 would be better long term
  3. fishtanker

    My new Tank Let me know what you think

    Originally posted by vtecbro007 so magic ur saying if i get a tank 4'x2'x2' which will be i think 120gal i cant keep those? ur kidding me right? its not a good idea if you want healthy happy tangs.
  4. fishtanker

    what are these emeralds up to?

    mine do that often...i think its more of a territory/dominance thing. i have 2 in a 125 so i dont think its a lack of space issue
  5. fishtanker

    What is this pink stuff???

    yea not familiar with coraline on sand, more likely cyano
  6. fishtanker

    computer ??

    holcd down CTRL and move your mouse "midddle rolly thingy"
  7. fishtanker

    Acclimating Mollies to SW

    I am going to be putting about 5-7 Black Lyretail Mollies in my 125gal reef and want to know how long should the acclimation time be to get them to saltwater levels. I was thinking about 2days but am wondering if it can be done quicker than that? Thanks Brian
  8. fishtanker

    LMB question

    mines clears the glass of brown and red algea..i dont have any sand so i can't help you there.
  9. fishtanker

    Chomp! ???

    Lawnmower blennies are known to attack seahorses and pipefish, never keep them together. i doubt it was the clowns, i suspect the angel. its hit or miss with angels and inverts. another possibilty could be that the shrimp died and you're hermits ate the remains. What are your water readings?
  10. fishtanker

    Urchins / coraline alge

    my Lonspined and Pincushion both eat Coraline (grows fast enought where you cant tell though) my Pencil urchin doesn't seem to eat much Coraline, he's mostly a meat eater.
  11. fishtanker

    kids in my grade

    Wow I must have lived a sheltered adolescence (sp?)..i didn't drink until after I graduated highschool, didn't try pot until i was a sophmore in college. I guess thats what a military highschool will do to you :notsure: Fishman you're on the right path. don't let your friends pressure you into...
  12. fishtanker

    Don't "hand" feed Rock anenomes

    my 2 Rock anems. are sticky as hell. i keep feeding them and they just keep getting bigger and bigger. i feel bad for any fish that gets too close to them:eek:
  13. fishtanker

    What's your favorite line from a movie?

    The best lines are from Ghostbusters "tell him about the twinkie"-Winston "what about the twinkie?"-Pete "Lois, are you menstrating right now?"-Pete "What does that have to do with it?"-Guy in library "back off man, i'm a scientist"-Pete "we're the ghostbusters"-Ray "who does your taxes?"-Louis...
  14. fishtanker

    yellow boxfish "Ostracion Cubicus"?

    i wouldn't exactly call them reef safe. At that size it won't do much harm however once they get larger say goodbye to any shrimp, crabs, and worms. I've even seen mine munch on xenia, anthellia, and he took a chunk out of a BTA. I've had mine for a 3 years now and had to move him from my reef...
  15. fishtanker

    all weathermen should be fired!!

    it is true that weatherman use past trends in their predictions but the only problem is that when dealing with weather patterns even the slightest difference from past patterns can cause a HUGE change in the result. Chaos theory.
  16. fishtanker

    How exectly does this work?

    I've read in a few different places that dripping Kalk will help to reduce PO4. How does that work? I started dripping Kalk 24/7 a month or so ago directly into the skimmer and noticed that i'm getting a lot more foam production in the cup. is that from PO4 export?
  17. fishtanker

    Does LFS know what they are talking about?

    i concur on getting the urchin, my pincushion and longspine clean all the algae on the glass and rocks. he's my can see his trail in the algae
  18. fishtanker

    20 pack (beware dial up)

    yea i never did find my sandsifting star :thinking: i decided on the BB after a year with southdown and constant problems keeping it clean. you cant really direct flow over southdown casue it creates too much of a sand storm. the tank has been setup for over 2 years now and i direct my...
  19. fishtanker

    20 pack (beware dial up)

    wow, having to resize is a pain..some are same with just the actinic and blue on. guess it was just 19. enjoy :)
  20. fishtanker

    20 pack (beware dial up)
