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  1. fishtanker

    long spine urchin

    just be careful when putting your hand nearby...its amazing how quickly and accurately those spines can move toward a "threat":eek:
  2. fishtanker

    What's your JOB?

    i work in Human Resources....and in case anyone asks (they always do) i cannot get you a job:rolleyes:
  3. fishtanker


    pretty sweet bang..i like the silver mollies. i still haven't decided on what type to get for my reef.
  4. fishtanker

    Congrats to Brooklyn Johnny (I think?)

    Ditto on that..
  5. fishtanker

    I dont think it is ick

    ick on one fish means ick in entire tank..some fish are less prone to getting ich. check the sticky's at the top of the forum regarding hyposalinity and quartining
  6. fishtanker

    Question about dripping kalk

    i have read the Pickeling Lime is pretty mcuh comparable to the the Brand name hobbyist type. I did read that the food grade pickeling lime leaves more of a precipitate onthe bottom of the dosing container. if you do a web search on Ball's pickeling lime or Mrs. Wages pickeling lime you can...
  7. fishtanker

    very interesting 9-11 content

    gotta love conspiracy theories! Bunch of garbage if you ask me.
  8. fishtanker

    Lookie what I found!

    i dont think you can spot feed linkia stars..they feed off micro algea.
  9. fishtanker

    sea urchins??

    if any of them are losing their spines then its pretty much a lost cause...what is you specific gravity/salinty at?
  10. fishtanker

    aahhh my urchin. . . . . what can I .....

    yea urchins will pretty much ggraze on coraline all day long..they will help to spread it as well.
  11. fishtanker

    Corals Turning More Brownish

    my bubble changed the LFS it was white/greyish under 10K's but now its more greyish/brown under my Iwaski 6.5k. Had it for a few months now.
  12. fishtanker

    is this normal for a feather duster?

    coming out of the tube is a sign of stress...but dont lose all hope. He might just move to a better location and construct a new tube. where in the tank is it? what type of water flow and light is it in?
  13. fishtanker

    Feather Dusters?

    mine is attached right to the glass in a low flow low light area.
  14. fishtanker

    2 tangs in a 55 gal?

    only 1 yellow tang in a 55gal..even that might be a little tight. Another suggestion would be to axe the cleaner wrasse..not a good canidate for capitivity, needs specialized feeding.
  15. fishtanker

    LTB 90 to 110 Gal w/ Stand

    the tank/stand is in decent shape, the tank is somewhat old but still holds water:) . i took it down last week since i had no more need for it. Lost my boxfish, which is why i set the tank up originally. The stand is made from 2x4's so its not the prettiest thing which is why i'm selling it...
  16. fishtanker

    Olympic Marathon runner attacked by costumed "jerk"

    i think its very humorous
  17. fishtanker

    LTB 90 to 110 Gal w/ Stand

    i have a 110gal with a 2x4 stand and am willing to sell it cheap $100 or best offer. I live in Albany, NY
  18. fishtanker

    ATTN: OCEANIC salt users

    i swithced from Tropic Marin to Oceanic and had no ill effects. I was using the Tropic Marin for about 3-4 months.
  19. fishtanker

    Acclimating Mollies to SW

    cool..i'm going to pick some up today. i'll probably go with 2males 3females so that they can breed often. My plan is for the babies to be some additional food for the LPS and Anemones, i'm sure the crabs/shrimp will enjoy them also.
  20. fishtanker

    ATTN: OCEANIC salt users

    Originally posted by YellowTail good i was thinking about swithich because my lfs has a oceanic salt sale for a 50 gallons worth of salt water mix for $15 and 90 for i think $20 or $25 Gotta love that sale still going on?