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  1. fishtanker

    Changed MH bulb....question?

    Yesterday i changed out my Iwasaki for an XM. I screwed in the new bulb and all it does is keep flickering like its trying to fire and when it eventually does it goes out a minute later. I called the online depot i bought it from and they said thats common when buring in new bulbs and it takes...
  2. fishtanker

    Urchin compatability

    tuxedo's are in the family of pincushion, it is their trade name.
  3. fishtanker

    What would happen to live rock in hypo?

    i've hypo'd my LR about 3-4 times in the past due to ick, Most of the life died but some lived and came back after the salinity was brought back up.
  4. fishtanker

    sick sea urchin

    i believe you mean a Pencil Urchin aka rock boaring urchin. Mine would sometimes sit for days in the same spot when he found something to eat and occasionaly his spines would lay sideways. I wouldn't worry until he starts to lose spines, Pencil's are quite hardy and if you've had him this long i...
  5. fishtanker

    Urchin compatability

    i had a Longspinened, pincushion, and pencil urchin all in the same tank for a while. I removed the Pencil beacsue he was knocking a lot of stuff over, removed the lonspined beacsue he was poking one of my fish at night while it was sleeping (the lonspined was quite large), and i kept the...
  6. fishtanker

    Are you allowed to do a 9-Pack???

    nice the Sohal tang, how does he do with the other tangs in there?
  7. fishtanker

    Reef safe triggers

    All triggers from the Xanthichthys family are reef safe...Blue throat, pink tail, crosshatch, etc.... Large one's may go after small shrimp.
  8. fishtanker

    Fav tang???

    Originally posted by Leopard_babe I have finally decided to get one, because my levels are so good. My 180 has great levels, but I battled with the levels in my 46. I have some marine plants in there that have brought my nitrates down, to ZERO!! Occationally my nirates read 5. That is...
  9. fishtanker


    my best guess is that your turbo snail might have some microaglea growing its shell, thats the mainstay of a dwarf angels' diet. its probably why he's nipping it him. its usually a 50/50 chance with dwarf angels and corals/reefs.
  10. fishtanker

    Fav tang???

    mine usually only eats Julian Sprungs sea veggies, he loves that stuff. he wont touch pellets or flake. Occasionally he'll try my frozen homemade food but not that much. Good luck with yours, they are truely awesome fish.
  11. fishtanker

    Fav tang???

    Originally posted by tony detroit I'm trying with this Achilles Tang I have now and it is not easy keeping these fellas happy. I'm going on month two here shortly. What problems are you having with the Achilles, Tony?
  12. fishtanker

    Fav tang???

    Hey Leopard, I had a Kole tang, their diet isn't much different than most tangs. They do eat large amounts of film algea off the glass and when that is gone mine ate Nori just like the rest. They are very hardy and readily eat in the aquarium. I'd reccommend one. HTH
  13. fishtanker

    Fav tang???

    Achilles tang all the way....had mine for almost 3 years now. Beautiful Fish
  14. fishtanker

    Yellow Tang not looking good...

    Run a Polyfilter to help remove toxins in the tank.l You can do a search on "polyfilter" and find any number of places that sell them.
  15. fishtanker

    my poor clams

    Originally posted by fishking does any1 no Clams dont release toxins such as cukes and boxfish, however the dying flesh could casue an Ammonia spike which, if high enough, will effect your other livestock. Check your parameters and get back to us
  16. fishtanker

    I use tap water

    Originally posted by ReefMad what type of xenia is this? Its Anthellia, waving hand. Nice tank, the Bubble looks good
  17. fishtanker

    my new hippo!

    very pretty fish, juvinelle Hippo Tangs in the wild actually school with damsels for protection, you've just created a nice natural enviroment for the baby.
  18. fishtanker

    Kerry concedes...

    i dont think he cares about the country either...he just realized that all the provisonal ballots still aren't enough to win Ohio. He figures why waste his precious time on it.
  19. fishtanker

    can i add an achilles tang?

    with your current inhabitants the achilles would be to stressed out. I have my achilles in a 125gal with 2 clowns, a royal gramma, and lwanmower blenny. AHe originally was in the same 125gal with a LN butterfly, yellow boxfish, and hippo tang. i had a major disease outbreak, lost the box and...
  20. fishtanker

    achilles tang- can i add him

    i must agree that with your current inhabitants the achilles would be to stressed out. I have my achilles in a 125gal with 2 clowns, a royal gramma, and lwanmower blenny. AHe originally was in the same 125gal with a LN butterfly, yellow boxfish, and hippo tang. i had a major disease outbreak...