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  1. fishtanker

    Blue Linkia

    Ophiura is the star expert :)
  2. fishtanker

    ATTN: gasguzzler!!!pics are ready

    very nice eel Gas, the colors are awesome. BTW why is it in every thread Lionfish12 posts a reply Liontamer jumps all over him and contributes nothing? Do you troll threads to find out where Lionfish posted just to flame him? Its sad, pathetic, and ironic since you have no more experience than...
  3. fishtanker

    lessons learned from hurricanes

    Originally posted by CindySki > > >Subject: lesson learned from hurricanes Even after all these years, it can be nice to spend time with Col.Mustard in the ballroom with the lead pipe. Gotta love CLUE!!
  4. fishtanker


    i would think haveing the lights on 24/7 would cause some undue stress on the urchin since they do like to roam about in the nightime hours. You could probably get away with 5-6 of darkness but i wouldn't go any shorter than that.
  5. fishtanker

    New reef safe King Angel

    Originally posted by golfish I'm about oldest will be 21 in Nov, she's one sarcastic remark away from learning how far you can go in this world without an education..At least we're smart enough to keep the new car we bought her in our names Like you've never been there. You old...
  6. fishtanker

    Got robbed

    or have their hands chopped off like in the old days.
  7. fishtanker

    New reef safe King Angel

    Granted a 140gal is a large tank however, it is no where near large enough for one of the biggest species of full size angels. This isnt an Maculosus or Blue Girdled angel we're talking about
  8. fishtanker

    180 gallon owners:

    here the displays, plumbed into the basement
  9. fishtanker

    180 gallon owners:

    here's a pic of my friends sump aka lab for his 125gal and 180gal plumbed together. i believe the rubbermaids are 100 or 150 gals, one is a fuge and the other is a sump. Its quite the setup he's got.
  10. fishtanker

    Maroon clowns

    Maroons can be paired. I had a female for 5+ years, she never had a mate, about 3-4mos ago i introduced a small juvi GSM clown. The female went after him of a few days and now they never leave each others side. Constantly "dancing" and hosting 3 BTA's
  11. fishtanker

    new frags

  12. fishtanker

    Kip,Caugh em' up.......

    come on Kip i've seen those already...why you holding out? :)
  13. fishtanker

    Romaine Lettuce is good

    I always thought that Romaine Lettuce had its place in Marine Fish diets and i read an article the other day that reinforces it. Romaine lettuce is a great source of Lienoic Acid which is an Omega 3 Fatty acid that is needed for proper health of fish and animals. Lienoic Acid is devoid in...
  14. fishtanker

    New tank on wheels . . .

    Originally posted by oyam1 you did not invent the wheel. water does not stand still........... YOU WILL SEE! is that supposed to mean something
  15. fishtanker

    New tank on wheels . . .

    this is very wife owns a very large and old dresser that is 4ft long, 1.5ft wide, and 4ft tall. it easily weighs over 500lbs with the clothes in it. It has 4 casters with wheels on it. i've never had a problem with the casters breaking. Granted it doesn't have any water in it...
  16. fishtanker

    Lawnmower blennies

    2 lawnmowers will fight nonstop...they do well together unless they are a mated pair.
  17. fishtanker

    My XXX rated tank

    No safe --- going on here
  18. fishtanker

    My XXX rated tank

    Over the past few weeks my reef has become a "kingdom of love". I've witnessed my Pincushion urchin spawn, a keyhole limpet, my peppermint shrimp (they've been spawing for months now), my GSM clowns, and finally last night my emerald crab released a bunch of larvae into the column. I must be...
  19. fishtanker

    Anthelia Eating urchin

    Longspined Urchin...i have one myself. i never had a problems with it eating Anthellia (i have that also). the only urchin that i know eats polyps is a pencil urchin. Is this what you have?
  20. fishtanker

    Help! Spotted Box Fish!

    my yellow boxfish used to do that occasionally. he would be fine for months then one day he would be very dull in color and be "hiding" in the corners and back of the tank. the next day he would be right back to normal and it wouldn't happen again for months. I attributed it to him being in...