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  1. fishtanker

    Need reply in 20 minutes.....ASAP!!!!!!

    1 gallon of water equals 10lbs...20 gal tank is 200lbs plus substrate and LR.
  2. fishtanker

    how do you.....

    here's a pic of the frags. i think i have 3, 1 is real good the one on top, another just needs some tender loving care, and the 3rd is a little rough but will probably pull through. i'm not sure of the type i just know its not pom pom.
  3. fishtanker

    Poll:pumping Xenia

    i vote on both answers
  4. fishtanker

    how do you.....

    i usually just peel the new stalks off the rock that they've spread too. its very easy to do if you catch them as soon as they atach to the rock. you'd know if the xenia was dead, wilted, not pulsing, dark unhealthy brown. i fragged some of mine last night if you need some i'm just a few...
  5. fishtanker

    Attention: Polarpooch

    polar is that the panther in the left corner of the first shot? if it is that thing is huge!! it looks like the fish you saved have pulled through...good deal. did the niger make it as well?
  6. fishtanker

    how much do you pay for live rock?

    220lbs figi FREE....traded for a laptop that i never paid for.
  7. fishtanker

    Protein Skimmers

    you could always build your own Counter current skimmer using PVC pipe, an air pump, and a powerhead. here the one i built for my onl cost me $50 in parts at home depot.
  8. fishtanker

    Help with urchin...Bang guy?????

    urchins dont move too much during the day and also when first introduced. If his spines are moving then that is a good sign. When the spines start to fall off then you need to worry. I assuming you have a pinchusion urchin. i feed my urchins nori (seaweed) ocassionaly but they mostly eat algea...
  9. fishtanker

    Damn, He Jumped Ship...

    i'm sorry to hear that Squidd...i found my SF eel on the floor this morning. he was still alive and i put him back in but i guess the stress was to much for him...he passed away
  10. fishtanker

    maracyn 2 killing my trigger?

    i think that pic is lymphocytis elfdoc.
  11. fishtanker

    Frequency of changing sump prefilter material?

    i used to use prefilter pads in my sump and risnse them out every 3days..then i thought what is the point and stopped using them. now my skimmer takes more stuff out and i dont have to worry about changing pads anymore.
  12. fishtanker

    What are some schooling fish?

    its very tough to get chromis to school...usualy you end up with just one becasue he was the most dominant and killed the rest. 3 royal grammas form a nice harem..they wont school but will hang around together and breed readily. justy make sure you get 3 small ones or 2small and 1 big. the...
  13. fishtanker

    God!! Ich Infestation

    Originally posted by beach bum Copper is a second choice to hypo, imo, but many people have more of an affinity for it. I don't know why as it can cause very long lasting effects on whatever tank, substrate and aquascaping is in the tank when you use it - it is only for quarantine tanks. . i...
  14. fishtanker

    fish with personality

    remove the dog faced puffer..way too small for a 29gal, they get over a foot long. then after that maybe you could get a dwarf angel (coral beauty, flame, fireball, ebli). they have good personalities and nice color.
  15. fishtanker

    Water change question

    this is a debatable subject my opinion i would reccomend doing regular (weekly, bi weekly, monthy) water changes where you remove some water (no more than %40) and replace it with new saltwater. this will benefit all of you tank livestock. in my opinion.
  16. fishtanker


    howard the duck, holy crap that was a while ago...i'm getting old
  17. fishtanker

    Best Reef Salt?

    Tropic Marin...switched from Oceanic
  18. fishtanker

    What happens when a fish gets stung?

    what and how often were you feeding? boxfish, cowfish have very special feeding requirements and need to be feed daily.
  19. fishtanker

    Farenheit 9/11 - just a poll

    hell no!!
  20. fishtanker

    Birds nest lighing acclimation

    thanks bang i figured that....a couple people in my reef club say that birds nest are one of the more difficult sps but i know some people here have had success with them. should it be in direct high flow or moderate high flow? i.e should i place where the return will constantly blow over it or...