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  1. fcatch76

    Scarlet Cleaner Dead

    same thing happened to me some months ago. The shrimp may have gotten too close to the emerald and thats where the massacre began. Sorry for your lose..
  2. fcatch76

    Ron's 24gal Nano Cube

    Originally Posted by [Ronnie] its actually in an area fairly high in the tank so it is getting MID-HIGH light.. as far as the area its at, its not getting NUTSSSSSS flow, however it is getting DECENT... I always wondered the best and most accurate way to describe flow......Ronnie, I think you...
  3. fcatch76

    SPS growth under PC's with success

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 It wasn't ready for fragging when I was maintaining his tank. We started from small colonies of sps corals and nothing had grown enough to intersect. He fired me after he couldn't afford my services anymore. He lost some of his clients because of the bad...
  4. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by Whisk good luck with your torch. hope it gets better. if its eating, thats probably a good sign! Thx Whisk, all the heads grabbed some mysis and color is coming back in the two troubled heads, so we are keeping our fingers crossed. Originally Posted by [Ronnie] yes, best...
  5. fcatch76

    SPS growth under PC's with success

    so you are moving pieces around to fit client's needs or do you frag/ break off pieces when needed?
  6. fcatch76

    SPS growth under PC's with success

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 I can usually get sps corals to grow 1/2" to 1" per month on average. But, with PC lights, I guess it's doing alright. You need more light though!! with growth like that you must have a huge tank.
  7. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by happityLogan wait, you have stock lights? yes on the 14 the to stock lights, the 29 has the upgrade. Guess I shoul dhave separated the two diaries.
  8. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    low and behold...when I came home today, fed the Torch some mysis (did not like Krill) and there is much improved coloring in the one head and slight in the other.
  9. fcatch76

    SPS growth under PC's with success

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 I wouldn't call that growing, I would call that surviving... Not here to argue, but thanks for your comment.., and explaining the difference between growth and survival.
  10. fcatch76

    SPS growth under PC's with success

    Originally Posted by AU Mister Is that in a biocube. I have a biocube 29g and I just order the 4.36 kit for it. yes it is, its a great upgrade and kit, you will be pleased. if you need any help just PM me!
  11. fcatch76

    Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!

    rebel, clam is awesome, I can see the green you are talking about. And understand what you mean with cameras not picking up colors. Seems we all have to take trips and see, in person, each others tanks.
  12. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by spanko Just do what you're doing me thinks. Seems you have a green thumb in this hobby and wouldn't try to second guess your success. Tentacles should be lightly flowing in the tank and for the lighting you probably have it in a good place. I would try once in a while...
  13. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Specs for the 14 Biocube Stock lighting at 48 watts 10 hour lighting schedule PH 8.2 trites 0 Ammon 0 trates 0-5 calcium 480 salinity 1.024-1.025 temp 79-80 dkH- 8 feeding home made brew, marine snow and selcon oh, and I am using the BC29's pump in the 14 for more flow. Can't think of gph rate...
  14. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy How long have u had the torrch? rebel, bought it on Monday the 12th (January)
  15. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by spanko Was it that color when you got it? Extrememly white is not good, should have some brown or greenish coloring in the tentacles themselves. If this is a new occurance in your tank it may be some lighting acclimation concern, if it was this way when you bought it...well...
  16. fcatch76

    can i have a clam under 110w pc?

    My Biocube 29 with three clams, only showing one in pic. I have 144w of PC's, clams are roughly 6-7 months in my tank showing 1/2 to 1 inch of growth. Check out my nano thread in the nano section for more info. I am also keeping Stylophora. oh, and Calcium with bi-weekly water changes sits...
  17. fcatch76

    SPS growth under PC's with success

    The purple stylo was just added on the 13th. I will post more comparative pictures of the green in the near future.
  18. fcatch76

    SPS growth under PC's with success

    Growth of the Green Stylo under 144w PC's, dates shown are the time the green stylo was acclimated in my tank until the 13th on January. item was purchased from I feed marine snow, selcon and my own home made food. Lighting schedule is roughly 10-11 hours. Sept. 11, 2008 to January...
  19. fcatch76

    SPS Success With Just T5s

    Did this last night in my nano thread. I currently have stylophora under 144watts of PC lighting. Growth of the Green Stylo: Sept. 11, 2008 to January 13, 2009:
  20. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    A quick question, the Torch coral, two of the heads are extremely white compared to the others. Normal?? or is the lighting too much being that close to the top? Appreciate the help on this one!!