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  1. sc0rp_xiii

    Puffer died and I dont know why

    sorry for your loss... I did not want to chance any other fish getting stung so I took the Foxface back to the LFS. My passer had a noticeable swollen spot on his side so I attributed his death to the foxface. If you can't say for sure that it was the foxface, consider the puffer may have...
  2. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    will get some more pics and post them this weekend. I added a Powder Brown Tang to the mix and will get a Porcupine Puffer sometime in the next week or so. He is on hold at the LFS. I recently upgraded the lighting and am getting pieces together to build a sump/refuge for the tank to replace...
  3. sc0rp_xiii

    Passer(King) Angel F/S Illinois

    beautiful fish, wish I lived closer and had the $$$ although there is a 4-5" at my LFS for $100
  4. sc0rp_xiii

    72" corallife fixture f/s

    where are you located? and will you ship?
  5. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    ya, $400, that's the beauty of Cra1gslist I will be deciding in a few months whether to get a lion or another angel. Everything I have now should be fine with either of them and I want the tank to establish itself with the current residents and what I will add shortly to make sure there...
  6. sc0rp_xiii


    email sent. let me know :)
  7. sc0rp_xiii

    Phsycotic Foxface

    careful with that Niger, I just took my large FF back to the LFS b/c it killed my passer angel. A FF will use it's spines in defense and with a finicky fish, a more aggressive fish doesn't have to do much to put it on the defensive.
  8. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    the tank I described above will be alittle more then 700 gallons when finished so it should be big enough. ETA two years max on getting it built. The Naso is doing great in the tank. I will take more pics soon and post. The Black Trigger from what I have read and the LFS told me will get up...
  9. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    The foxface is at the LFS and now I have a small 5" Naso tang in its place
  10. sc0rp_xiii

    Passer/King Angel

    Great fish, I unfortunately lost mine to an over anxious foxface that I don't have anymore. I had a 4" juvi in a 125G but plan on a much larger tank in a couple of years. I will be buying another one in the future as I really enjoyed owning this fish. Here is a link to my thread about the...
  11. sc0rp_xiii

    Blueface,imperial,majestic? which one

    I loved my passer til the Foxface killed it. Just throwing in my experience.
  12. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    I know, I have a planned 6' x 4' x 4' to go in my bedroom wall as it adjoins my garage. I believe the foxface will go this week as I upgrade lighting and get the cleaner crew finalized. I loved the passer and how active he was. He would swim in a zig zag pattern between the rock back and...
  13. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    ya, now he's flaring up at the trigger so I am thinking he will have to go to another tank. Updated fish list: -Foxface Lo -Hawaiian Black Trigger What do you think about my options, wait and get another angel when one comes available? or get a lion and call it a day? will add a tang at some...
  14. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    well, everything was going great with the tank til two days ago. The Foxface had taken a liking to the passer angel and continuously followed him around. He did the same thing when I had a harlequin tusk in him before. The angel gave him abit of grief for it but they were playing well...
  15. sc0rp_xiii

    Wanted- Large Fish

    eggs, any interest in shipping that sohal? email me at
  16. sc0rp_xiii

    Chaeto for free

    Thanks, it's in my tank and doing great. I am building my fuge now so it's in my display tank and doesn't look bad at all. The passer angel and trigger leave it alone so it should be fine with your tangs too Waterworld. Thanks chaeto fairy!!
  17. sc0rp_xiii

    Porcupine Puffer

    my LFS for a porcupine puffer in yesterday that is near 20" long and huge! It dwarfs the show size queen angel in the same tank. Will try and go by there tonight or tomorrow and get a pic if it survived the transfer and is doing well.
  18. sc0rp_xiii

    Japanese DME Tankmates?

    do you still have the passer? would love to see some pics of a larger one. All the ones are here that people have had are juvis.
  19. sc0rp_xiii

    Japanese DME Tankmates?

    hey AW2x3, did you ever have problems with your passer and the lion I see in the background? What happened to him and why did you get rid of him? I just picked one up and am debating on what else to go in the tank. Thanks
  20. sc0rp_xiii

    Fish for sale at Southern CA

    still for sale?