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  1. sc0rp_xiii

    150g Divided W/ Mantis Shrimp

    Was curious about whether or not they do actually break them and asked earlier. These are the responses.
  2. sc0rp_xiii

    Ich on my fish, plzzzz Help

    from everything I have read and been told the only way to definitely kill the ich in the tank is to let it lay fallow for 6 weeks w/o any fish in it. not sure how that applies to your moving and breaking down everything and cleaning it though...
  3. sc0rp_xiii

    125G in need of light upgrade...

    I understand what you are saying but will parts/bulbs/consumables be any cheaper or more readily available for the 36" fixtures?
  4. sc0rp_xiii

    125G in need of light upgrade...

    I inherited this canopy when buying the 125G used: It has a single 36" 6k 50/50 Coralife over a 72" tank with a separate blue LED strip for "moonlight." I have been looking at T5 lighting as I will be going with a FOWLR and maybe upgrading later to a few corals after the tank matures and I...
  5. sc0rp_xiii

    Out of Hobby (for time being) sale. Lots of almost new supplies!

    test kits and refractometer still available?
  6. sc0rp_xiii

    Finally did the change from CC to sand!

    depends on what kind of tank/fish are you wanting to put in there? what kind of filtration do you have?
  7. sc0rp_xiii

    Noisy overflow

    haha, sorry for the convulsions... Thanks for all your help Tim and others, will get the Quiet One 6000 pump and 1" return line tonight and see how that changes things and let you know soon.
  8. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    Updated pic I have the LR and sand in. I went with 40lbs of LS from a friends tank and put in 100 lbs of Koralscape play sand with it. Has been running for 3 weeks now. I am getting the flow correct right now with the wet/dry, return, and overflow box and then the fun will begin.
  9. sc0rp_xiii

    What size tank to upgrade to in order to keep 3 tangs

    diversity wouldn't be a bad idea. look at a medium to larger sized angel to coexist once the tank is well established
  10. sc0rp_xiii

    What size tank to upgrade to in order to keep 3 tangs

    If others are still saying you need a larger tank, then have them send you a check to help pay for it. haha, agreed. I think if the tank is setup right; rockwork, alot of flow, etc that you would be able to pull it off. I got a 6' 125 gallon for this very reason as well. Azfishgal, good...
  11. sc0rp_xiii

    Noisy overflow

    good info to know, the Rainbow Lifeguard Quiet One series is worth the extra $$ then? was asking above as to the reputation on the different pumps in question. My LFS pushes the Quiet One series.
  12. sc0rp_xiii

    Noisy overflow

    the lines dropping from the OF box to the wet/dry are just alittle larger then 1". Am debating on upgrading the pump today at the LFS but it would cost me an extra $60 as opposed to waiting and ordering the Rio 32HF from
  13. sc0rp_xiii

    Noisy overflow

    Tank pic Overflow only halfway filling up Hang on unit as viewed from side Hang on unit as viewed from above U tube not filling all the way
  14. sc0rp_xiii

    Noisy overflow

    so would upgrading to the Quiet One 5000 and 1" lines be advisable? Are they a reputable pump? They are the ones the LFS are pushing. I see the Rio 32HF for sale on this site and for what the Quiet One 5000 costs, I could get the 32HF and a powerhead...
  15. sc0rp_xiii

    tangs, tangs and more tangs

    I noticed my foxface would always follow around my harlequin tusk. Like he was looking to the tusk to be the courageous one and show him around the tank
  16. sc0rp_xiii

    Noisy overflow

    with a 4', 1" return line how much flow would I need from the pump? I have been reading and other overflows like the one I have flow from 1000-1200 g/hr. I am planning on putting a protein skimmer in the wet/dry with a tee junction off the return line from the pump. I think I will need a pump...
  17. sc0rp_xiii

    Noisy overflow

    It is a "Quiet One 4000" can get more info on it when I get home. It has a flow rate of 1017 G/hr. It is one a friend gave to me and I think I need closer to 1500 g/hr. The pump sits in the bottom of my wet/dry and pumps about 4' back up to the tank through 3/4" tubing. I will take some updated...
  18. sc0rp_xiii

    Noisy overflow

    ok, thanks for your help tim. I will continue to adjust it and see if I can tweak it alittle more. I was concerned with the pump not being enough because one of the "U tube" syphon tubes has air in the top of it as the suction doesn't pull on both of them fully. Does this make sense or is...
  19. sc0rp_xiii

    Noisy overflow

    will look at doing something like that into the wet/dry, what about the initial overflow box? the water level in there is always about two inches below the water surface. That is why I was thinking my pump just wasn't strong enough