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  1. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    and a video...
  2. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    Thanks for the advice ayatori, I decided to go with the angel and trigger this past weekend and here are the Passer Angel and the Hawaiian Black Trigger Here's the Passer at about 4-5" The two together Hawaiian Black Trigger at about 6"
  3. sc0rp_xiii

    Passer Angel

    Here's a few pics of the new additions as I picked up the Passer Angel and the Hawaiian Black Trigger Here's the Passer at about 4-5" The two together Hawaiian Black Trigger at about 6"
  4. sc0rp_xiii

    i want to start a 125 aggressive need help stocking.

    the LFS near me had two Aussies in last I looked for 69.99 + tax. Have been wanting another one since I lost the first one to ick. great fish though
  5. sc0rp_xiii

    Passer Angel

    ya, crosshatches are abit pricy and the LFS has a blue throat and a black trigger that I like. I haven't even thought about a naso as I know they get too big too fast. The passer is still a juvi and I will be upgrading in the next year to eighteen months. That is why I was considering a small...
  6. sc0rp_xiii

    Common misconceptions on

    Originally Posted by ReefForBrains My Dad can beat up your Dad............ Horse is dead, put the whip away. And for the record- no the horse didnt die from being in too small of a corral.... NiCe.... For the record, I am new to this compared to the others posting here as I have less...
  7. sc0rp_xiii

    Passer Angel

    ya, looking at a tang and a trigger to go along with it. Likely a red sea sailfin, powder brown, or yellow tang and have been looking at the hawaiian black triggers or a blue throat. Here is a thread about my setup/fish list in progress.
  8. sc0rp_xiii

    i want to start a 125 aggressive need help stocking.

    harlequin tusks, while a wrasse, are not as aggressive as the others. I had to take back a rectangular trigger months ago b/c my tusk was getting picked on too much.
  9. sc0rp_xiii

    Passer Angel

    I have one on hold at the LFS that is 4" or so, and was wondering if anyone on here has one. Mine is eating well, is very active, and survived a few different diseases as the LFS has had it for two months. Can you please post pics? what size it is? how long you have had it? and what tankmates...
  10. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    well, the dwarf lion died at the LFS as they could not get it to eat, but I transferred the credit to the passer angel so he will be with me in a week or so. Will update with pics/and a fish list at that time.
  11. sc0rp_xiii

    Chaeto for free

    replied and paypal sent. Thanks!!
  12. sc0rp_xiii

    Lionfish & Chromis

    all fish will have their own personalities, but more often then not, I'd say a lion will eat your chromis. What kind of a lion are you looking at? a dwarf of some kind will have more then enough room in the 75g. A radiata would be pushing it and a volitan would outgrow it in the not so...
  13. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    they both look good too but the zebras get to nearly 5' in length as well. Will be a decision for down the road but I am trying for a good mix here with one of everything so an eel would fit nicely.
  14. sc0rp_xiii

    Stock For 144 gal

    I am looking at the following tangs to put in my 125g, not sure yet who's going in though - red sea sailfin tang - powder brown tang - achilles tang, later on when tank is more established. With your size of tank I'd consider a Naso if you didn't have much else in there. Also, with your...
  15. sc0rp_xiii

    Chaeto for free

    I will take some
  16. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    Thought about it but will have to modify the canopy first as it is open in the back. I will be doing a light upgrade in the future and at that time will figure out ventilation and fully enclosing the canopy. I do love the Tesselata Eel and the Green Wolf Eel I have been seeing at the LFS but...
  17. sc0rp_xiii

    Agressive Angel

    solution: put the blueface in a bag with air and send him overnight to me jK. The angel will be more aggressive then normal in tighter spaces as he will want as much room as he can get. A larger tank will allow him to "graze" more off LR and hopefully vary his diet more.
  18. sc0rp_xiii

    What time should i feed my fuzzy dwarf lionfish?

    it likely will not eat frozen right away. Try some ghost shrimp or see if you can cut up some fresh seafood to put on a feeding stick to wave in front of him like it was alive.
  19. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    well, I got my flow worked out and have all the water parameters where they need to be and have an antenneta lion on hold at the LFS for the past 4 days. I will pick it up tomorrow provided it still looks in good health and eating well and put some pics up this weekend Will be adding my...
  20. sc0rp_xiii

    125 Gallon REEF READY for sale Okla.

    sorry to see another great setup getting sold. If you do part out, I would love to give your sailfin tang and possibly the queen angel a new home