Over the last 6 months I have started reading and researching wanting to get into the saltwater world. In March, I resurrected my brother's old 55 gallon tank w/crushed coral substrate and basic heater/filtration/lighting. With the info the LFS told me I got the tank up and going, put some damsels in and let the cycle conclude. I posted my own water readings a few weeks ago and got guidance on how to complete the cycle and prepare the tank for other fish. I passed on the damsels to my brother as he has his 72 gallon bowfront and wants to keep damsels for awhile before moving on to other fish.
Two weeks ago, I picked up a Harlequin Tuck and small Rectangular Trigger from the LFS as I already had plans of an aggressive larger tank soon to follow. So I began shopping and found a tank on craigslist locally. The tank is a 125 gallon tank (72"L x 18"W x 22"H) w/stand, canopy, skimmer, wet/dry, overflow, UV sterilizer for $400.
The skimmer and UV are made by Jebo, and I already have a replacement bulb for the UV on its way. Only thing I am missing from what I can tell is the pump for the wet/dry to get this all up and going. I am already getting live sand/rock from others here in the area but will need some more to finalize the tank. Here are some pics:
Full tank, note the overflow on the back
Lighting mounted to underside of canopy, light is a 6k Corallife 50/50
From the start, I would like any advice/suggestions anyone can think of. I do have several questions:
- I am unfamiliar with the operation of a wet/dry, what maintanence besides a good cleaning can I do now to make it as efficient as possible? Does anyone have pics of the plumbing and recommendations on running it? What pump recommendations does anyone have?
- The LED strip has most of the lights non-functional. Is there a way to repair these? is this many LED's overkill and will that cause stress to the fish with there not being much "total dark" time?
- This setup will be going on a wall in my bedroom, how much do you think it will end up weighing? my guess is alittle under 2k lbs. I looked at the structure under the floor and determined where the tank needed to be to span as many supports as it can, but do you think I need to place extra support under the crossmembers? The house was built in 2001 and is in great shape. No floor squeaks or dips and I'd like to keep it that way.
That will get me started. Have cleaned the tank, will be putting on the black background tonight hopefully and moving it from the garage. My fish list is still in the works but I am looking at:
- Harlequin Tusk, already have
- Foxface Lo, getting from a friend in a few days
- Lionfish, looking at fuzzy dwarf or radiata, most likely the latter
- either two tangs (compatibility issues??) or a tang and an angel. in either case, it would be 6-8 months down the road for when the tank matures more.
- Tangs I'm looking at:
- powder brown, one of my favorites, or blue
- sailfin but I heard they can get aggressive
- gold rim, haven't seen to many around, kinda curious
- not a fan of yellows, hippos, or koles
- and I'm sure naso's get to large
- Angels, plenty of time to decide
- majestic, how hardy are they?
- Emporer, 125 gallon enough?
- any others, feel free to suggest
sorry for the long post, but I like to know what people think about it all
Two weeks ago, I picked up a Harlequin Tuck and small Rectangular Trigger from the LFS as I already had plans of an aggressive larger tank soon to follow. So I began shopping and found a tank on craigslist locally. The tank is a 125 gallon tank (72"L x 18"W x 22"H) w/stand, canopy, skimmer, wet/dry, overflow, UV sterilizer for $400.

Full tank, note the overflow on the back


Lighting mounted to underside of canopy, light is a 6k Corallife 50/50

From the start, I would like any advice/suggestions anyone can think of. I do have several questions:
- I am unfamiliar with the operation of a wet/dry, what maintanence besides a good cleaning can I do now to make it as efficient as possible? Does anyone have pics of the plumbing and recommendations on running it? What pump recommendations does anyone have?
- The LED strip has most of the lights non-functional. Is there a way to repair these? is this many LED's overkill and will that cause stress to the fish with there not being much "total dark" time?
- This setup will be going on a wall in my bedroom, how much do you think it will end up weighing? my guess is alittle under 2k lbs. I looked at the structure under the floor and determined where the tank needed to be to span as many supports as it can, but do you think I need to place extra support under the crossmembers? The house was built in 2001 and is in great shape. No floor squeaks or dips and I'd like to keep it that way.
That will get me started. Have cleaned the tank, will be putting on the black background tonight hopefully and moving it from the garage. My fish list is still in the works but I am looking at:
- Harlequin Tusk, already have
- Foxface Lo, getting from a friend in a few days
- Lionfish, looking at fuzzy dwarf or radiata, most likely the latter
- either two tangs (compatibility issues??) or a tang and an angel. in either case, it would be 6-8 months down the road for when the tank matures more.
- Tangs I'm looking at:
- powder brown, one of my favorites, or blue
- sailfin but I heard they can get aggressive
- gold rim, haven't seen to many around, kinda curious
- not a fan of yellows, hippos, or koles
- and I'm sure naso's get to large
- Angels, plenty of time to decide
- majestic, how hardy are they?
- Emporer, 125 gallon enough?
- any others, feel free to suggest
sorry for the long post, but I like to know what people think about it all