My new 125G FOWLR project


Over the last 6 months I have started reading and researching wanting to get into the saltwater world. In March, I resurrected my brother's old 55 gallon tank w/crushed coral substrate and basic heater/filtration/lighting. With the info the LFS told me I got the tank up and going, put some damsels in and let the cycle conclude. I posted my own water readings a few weeks ago and got guidance on how to complete the cycle and prepare the tank for other fish. I passed on the damsels to my brother as he has his 72 gallon bowfront and wants to keep damsels for awhile before moving on to other fish.
Two weeks ago, I picked up a Harlequin Tuck and small Rectangular Trigger from the LFS as I already had plans of an aggressive larger tank soon to follow. So I began shopping and found a tank on craigslist locally. The tank is a 125 gallon tank (72"L x 18"W x 22"H) w/stand, canopy, skimmer, wet/dry, overflow, UV sterilizer for $400.
The skimmer and UV are made by Jebo, and I already have a replacement bulb for the UV on its way. Only thing I am missing from what I can tell is the pump for the wet/dry to get this all up and going. I am already getting live sand/rock from others here in the area but will need some more to finalize the tank. Here are some pics:
Full tank, note the overflow on the back


Lighting mounted to underside of canopy, light is a 6k Corallife 50/50

From the start, I would like any advice/suggestions anyone can think of. I do have several questions:
- I am unfamiliar with the operation of a wet/dry, what maintanence besides a good cleaning can I do now to make it as efficient as possible? Does anyone have pics of the plumbing and recommendations on running it? What pump recommendations does anyone have?
- The LED strip has most of the lights non-functional. Is there a way to repair these? is this many LED's overkill and will that cause stress to the fish with there not being much "total dark" time?
- This setup will be going on a wall in my bedroom, how much do you think it will end up weighing? my guess is alittle under 2k lbs. I looked at the structure under the floor and determined where the tank needed to be to span as many supports as it can, but do you think I need to place extra support under the crossmembers? The house was built in 2001 and is in great shape. No floor squeaks or dips and I'd like to keep it that way.
That will get me started. Have cleaned the tank, will be putting on the black background tonight hopefully and moving it from the garage. My fish list is still in the works but I am looking at:
- Harlequin Tusk, already have
- Foxface Lo, getting from a friend in a few days
- Lionfish, looking at fuzzy dwarf or radiata, most likely the latter
- either two tangs (compatibility issues??) or a tang and an angel. in either case, it would be 6-8 months down the road for when the tank matures more.
- Tangs I'm looking at:
- powder brown, one of my favorites, or blue
- sailfin but I heard they can get aggressive
- gold rim, haven't seen to many around, kinda curious
- not a fan of yellows, hippos, or koles
- and I'm sure naso's get to large
- Angels, plenty of time to decide
- majestic, how hardy are they?
- Emporer, 125 gallon enough?
- any others, feel free to suggest
sorry for the long post, but I like to know what people think about it all


My suggestion.. don't mix an Angel with a Lion... the Angel will nip the Lions fins. So you gotta decide one or the other. Don't use the crushed coral as your substrate.... deffinetly go with the Live sand and Live rock. Deffinetly let your tank cycle and mature and don't add all those fish at one time. I'd start from the least aggresive and work your way up to the most aggresive fish last. I"ve made that mistake in the past, added all my fish at once and a week later they were all dead. Add 1-2 at a time and wait a few weeks in between adding new fish. You gotta let your tank catch up with the bio load. Other then that, you sound like your on your way.


Thanks. The first two fish planned are the harlequin tusk and the foxface. The lion is what got me into saltwater in the first place so I will go with him. Will a lion and angel clash even if it's a fuzzy dwarf and I put the angel in long after the lion?
I plan on sand/LR in the new tank and already have some ready to go from a friend who recently took down a smaller tank.
I have been reading into the wet/dry and refugium debate in other threads and have a question: Can I keep the wet/dry as is with the bio balls with skimmer in it and rely on that, regular water changes, and 30 or so lbs of LR instead of 100+lbs of live rock?


i would say with the small amount of lr, stick with the wet/dry. refugiums are better on tanks with lots of live rock bc the rock in the tank sort of acts like a natural filter. the bioballs in a wet/dry sort of substitute for lr. that's just what i've picked up in my experience.
protein skimmers and water changes are absolutely nessacary for both situations.


I understand that both a skimmer and water changes will be necessary, was just saying that I would have to be alittle more aggressive with the water changes with the bio-balls to help with the nitrate build up in them.


I have been crazy busy at work so I haven't had the time I would have liked to get this going quicker but I have put in the sand, 30lbs of live argonite and 120 lbs of dead sand for a 2" or so sand bed. It is settling now and I will be aquascaping the LR I have while still looking for some more. Currently I have the Harliquen Tusk and the Foxface in my 55g and doing well.
Update on fish list: I will go with a fuzzy dwarf lionfish so I can have more options later on of adding potentially smaller fish such as a maroon clowns. I believe a radiata would get large enough to make them a meal. I believe I will eventually go with one angel and one tang. The passer angel is still available at the LFS and I would love to have it in my 125G when it gets established enough. Still up in there air but I think I would like a Gold Rim, White Cheek, but the more I read the more I like the Sailfin. We shall see.


Updated pic

I have the LR and sand in. I went with 40lbs of LS from a friends tank and put in 100 lbs of Koralscape play sand with it. Has been running for 3 weeks now. I am getting the flow correct right now with the wet/dry, return, and overflow box and then the fun will begin.


well, I got my flow worked out and have all the water parameters where they need to be and have an antenneta lion on hold at the LFS for the past 4 days. I will pick it up tomorrow provided it still looks in good health and eating well and put some pics up this weekend

Will be adding my foxface and Longfin Goby in the next few days as well. The goby is big enough now to avoid being eaten but we will see what happens.
Further fish to be added in the coming months to finish things out
- Red Sea sailfin tang or powder brown tang
- Passer angel
- possibly a harlequin tusk


Thought about it but will have to modify the canopy first as it is open in the back. I will be doing a light upgrade in the future and at that time will figure out ventilation and fully enclosing the canopy. I do love the Tesselata Eel and the Green Wolf Eel I have been seeing at the LFS but haven't done enough research to know if I'd be able to provide a good home for them yet.


they both look good too but the zebras get to nearly 5' in length as well. Will be a decision for down the road but I am trying for a good mix here with one of everything so an eel would fit nicely.


well, the dwarf lion died at the LFS as they could not get it to eat, but I transferred the credit to the passer angel so he will be with me in a week or so. Will update with pics/and a fish list at that time.


New Member
I have a 125 FOWLR tank as well running for about 3 years now. I have a small selection of fish, but to answer your earlier question about compatibility issues with tangs: I have a yellow and a regal blue tang with no problem. Found out that if they don't LOOK alike, they won't bother each other too much. Also, they have to be about the same size as well. If you're going to put in 2 or more of the same species or body types, introduce them at the same time. Good luck!


Thanks for the advice ayatori, I decided to go with the angel and trigger this past weekend and here are the Passer Angel and the Hawaiian Black Trigger
Here's the Passer at about 4-5"

The two together

Hawaiian Black Trigger at about 6"


well, everything was going great with the tank til two days ago. The Foxface had taken a liking to the passer angel and continuously followed him around. He did the same thing when I had a harlequin tusk in him before. The angel gave him abit of grief for it but they were playing well together for more then a weeks time. I came home from work yesterday to find my passer angel dead on the sand with a large area of swelling on his side.
It appears that for whatever reason, the foxface stung him and now he is no more.


So Very Sorry For The Lost. Hope It Doesn't Happen To Me Cause My Fox Does The Same With My Yellow Tang