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  1. sc0rp_xiii

    Need sand!!

    have recently acquired a 135 gallon and need to cover the bottom. If you can help, email me at
  2. sc0rp_xiii

    55 FOWLR fish suggestions needed

    porc puffer and the volitan lion won't work as both will get too large very quickly. you will need a 125+ gallon for both of those. The eel will work but I'd suggest a dwarf fuzzy or zebra lionfish. I'm going to pick up one to put into my 55 gallon tonight that I've had on hold at the LFS...
  3. sc0rp_xiii

    Mantis shrimp... does it really break glass??

    amazing video!! lol, can't wait to see some mantis inspired patends out there
  4. sc0rp_xiii

    Help-new Aussie harlequin Tusk not eating!!!

    where the water parameters good? know what they were? and sorry for your loss.
  5. sc0rp_xiii

    Help-new Aussie harlequin Tusk not eating!!!

    Originally Posted by greenwolf52 and if you don't mind, how much did it set you back? Mine cost me $70 @ LFS this past weekend
  6. sc0rp_xiii

    Help-new Aussie harlequin Tusk not eating!!!

    just put one in my tank a few days ago from the LFS and let him acclimate to the tank for two days. He didn't eat silversides I tried to feed him the day after getting in the tank so I put in some live ghost shrimp and he went to town chasing them. He then ate silversides off a feeding prong...
  7. sc0rp_xiii

    For sale: Sump, Skimmer, Lighting, other Equipment CT/MA/NY

    still have the skimmer?
  8. sc0rp_xiii

    Growth rate on clown triggers??

    and ask questions I was just curious about it b/c I figured they'd be hard to raise and don't want him paying for a fish he's likely to lose.
  9. sc0rp_xiii

    Blackfoot Lionfish and Fu-Manchu tankmate

    NiCe fish!! did you get him locally? haven't seen these available in awhile.
  10. sc0rp_xiii

    Mantis shrimp... does it really break glass??

    wow, that's the best example I've heard yet...
  11. sc0rp_xiii

    Growth rate on clown triggers??

    gracias, why would LFS get three of them in then?
  12. sc0rp_xiii

    Growth rate on clown triggers??

    thought so and saw someone say they needed to be fed 2-3 times daily too. any other specific care criteria?
  13. sc0rp_xiii

    Growth rate on clown triggers??

    LFS has a few juvis of alittle more then 1" and my friend was looking at them. how long before they outgrow a 75 gal?
  14. sc0rp_xiii

    Mantis shrimp... does it really break glass??

    sorry for your loss. was curious how many people b/c i've just heard rumors of it
  15. sc0rp_xiii

    Passer angel??

    duely noted. he has a 125. it's about 5-6" now so it'll be good for a few years I'd imagine. and yes, it's a beautiful fish even in the small display tank the LFS has it in
  16. sc0rp_xiii

    Passer angel??

    how large does it get? tank requirements?
  17. sc0rp_xiii

    Mantis shrimp... does it really break glass??

    how many here have actually seen or heard first hand a story of a mantis breaking the glass on a tank? seems all the posts/info I see is someone who has heard a story from this person who heard it from this person along time ago about a killer mantis.. and so on. just curious
  18. sc0rp_xiii

    Passer angel??

    anyone has experience with these? A friend of mine is looking at one at the LFS and wondering if anyone has any info on this fish as google didn't turn up much concrete. Thanks
  19. sc0rp_xiii

    Are these fish compatible?

    sure, pics r always welcome
  20. sc0rp_xiii

    First Fish!

    my brother had about 5 of the yellow tail damsels in his 72 gallon bowfront and one of them killed the others one by one til he was only left. I recently gave him a set of 2 blue damsels, 2 orange tail damsels, and a 3" blue velvet damsel and the yellowtail has spent his time hiding mostly.