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  1. sc0rp_xiii

    Play sand question.

    Originally Posted by K-ROK Wow Jason nice looking tank there. What size is it? Here is his thread
  2. sc0rp_xiii

    Play sand question.

    stanlalee, where did you get your sand at?
  3. sc0rp_xiii

    Play sand question.

    very good, will be putting that in my tank this weekend. will take pics and show
  4. sc0rp_xiii

    Nemo Movie Fish ID

    and yet I routinely see one or two for sale at the LFS....
  5. sc0rp_xiii

    Best Substrate

    ya, I now see stanlalee's tank with it will be trying that this weekend
  6. sc0rp_xiii

    Play sand question.

    is the sand really thick? would a goby be able to help you turn that over?
  7. sc0rp_xiii

    radiata lionfish info

    what is the best thing and way to "gut load" the ghost shrimp? My harlequin goes crazy after them too.
  8. sc0rp_xiii

    F/S NC taking down 90g, L/R plus

    I could use a few cups to lbs to get my setup going. where is salisbury in NC? will be heading to Ft. Bragg next week maybe
  9. sc0rp_xiii

    alot of fish for sale in delaware

    email sent
  10. sc0rp_xiii

    Play sand question.

    hey stanlee, how deep is your sandbed?
  11. sc0rp_xiii

    Best Substrate

    bump, am curious
  12. sc0rp_xiii

    radiata lionfish info

    have been looking into getting a radiata as well. what makes them more difficult to keep? stricter water paramaters? less likely to eat well?
  13. sc0rp_xiii

    If u use a wet/dry, how much LR do you have?

    am currently setting up a 125 gallon FOWLR and the tank came with a wet/dry with bio balls in it. How many use a similar setup and how much LR do you have? How much water to you change and how frequently? Thanks. Wet/Dry Tank
  14. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    I understand that both a skimmer and water changes will be necessary, was just saying that I would have to be alittle more aggressive with the water changes with the bio-balls to help with the nitrate build up in them.
  15. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    Thanks. The first two fish planned are the harlequin tusk and the foxface. The lion is what got me into saltwater in the first place so I will go with him. Will a lion and angel clash even if it's a fuzzy dwarf and I put the angel in long after the lion? I plan on sand/LR in the new tank and...
  16. sc0rp_xiii

    Pix of my 150 FOWLR

    what are the dangers of using quikrete play sand?
  17. sc0rp_xiii

    My new 125G FOWLR project

    Over the last 6 months I have started reading and researching wanting to get into the saltwater world. In March, I resurrected my brother's old 55 gallon tank w/crushed coral substrate and basic heater/filtration/lighting. With the info the LFS told me I got the tank up and going, put some...
  18. sc0rp_xiii

    Best Substrate

    Originally Posted by BRIAND7878 I personally used quickrete play sand with no problems. The best reason i have found to use that is the cost. $3.50 per 50 lbs. I put live rock with it and i have critters crawling through it all the time. has anyone else done this? what does it look like in...
  19. sc0rp_xiii

    Best Substrate

    am wondering this myself as I'm about to upgrade out of my 55 gallon with crushed coral. I've heard that crushed coral does not filter/buffer like sand does and will negatively affect the tank so I was planning on a mixture of dead/live sand with some LR in 135 gallon I have in my garage...
  20. sc0rp_xiii

    Rectangular trigger

    Anyone had experience with them? I don't see many mentioned here or other message boards online. I picked up one about two weeks ago at the LFS and had to take him back yesterday as he was picking on the harlequin tusk unmercifully and I like the tusk quite abit more. The tusk is over 5" and...