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  1. aanthony

    starting year 4

    thats such a nice tank. four years, thats quite a feat, i really like the colouration of fish, but 10 bucks says that somebody is going to give you hell because apparently tangs are no good for 4 footers. nice work though, btw do you have any inverts e.g. shrimp, or is the lion not "that reef safe"
  2. aanthony

    algae problem

    ok, so i know i need a test kit, im getting one over the weekend, i always knew i needed one, but i live down the street from about 3 fish stores, so i always get them to test my water, but they only do the basic 5, ph, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, salinity. so here it goes Ammonia:0 Nitrate:0...
  3. aanthony

    Slippery Dick Wrasse Info Requested

    id like to see the fish, but i dont want to type slippery ---- or hairy nuts into google.
  4. aanthony

    please help

    ok and along with the sponge and the carbon packs, it also has these little things in it, (look at picture) and by these things i mean the hollow tube looking things
  5. aanthony

    please help

    alright, thank you, and i have some phosban stuff, if i put this in will i eventaully have to take it out, because i have a small phosphate problem, but i hate having to open this filter up.
  6. aanthony

    please help

    less than 10%, its a 55, and id say maybe like 3 gallons it holds, what about the filter media, like the old carbon packs, and the filter sponges? should i wash those too?
  7. aanthony

    please help

    ok, so i have a 55 gallon, with 85 lbs of lr, and about 80 lbs of ls, with a mandarin, hippo tang, 6 line, and a percula clown, i had a small target mandarin but he got sucked up into my fluval filter, so i opened the top of the filter and noticed that the water is brown, now what i am wondering...
  8. aanthony

    Tube Anenome

    my sand bed is about 4 inches deep, my concern is mostly about the shrimp, i am a bit worried about the mandarin, however what reassures me is the fact that he is full grown (4 inches), i really like my shrimp, so im just wondering if these are known to kill shrimp, and i am worried about all 4...
  9. aanthony

    Tube Anenome

    ok, so i have a 55 gallon tank, with about 80 lbs of rock, i have a mandarin dragonette (accepts frozen foods, which are soaked in vitamins) which is about 4 inches, i have a mediun sized percula clown, a 6 line wrasse, and a hippo tang (i know, i know), along with about 15 hermits, 20 snails, 3...
  10. aanthony

    Can rain water be used for making saltwater? Pic of my tank.

    no kidding man, uve invested way too much money, just to have it all disappear so you could save a few bucks, and ive heard that in some areas rains water has had a ph of 4.2
  11. aanthony

    couple of shots and new addition!

    sorry, my apologies NICE TANK MAN
  12. aanthony

    couple of shots and new addition!

    yo, so if chicks dig your saltwater tank, you come your not getting your bone on right now , if your such a player, then why are spending so much time trying to win an internet argument about whether a fish should be kept in the tank, it dosent matter if you argue or not, he's still going to...
  13. aanthony

    tangs in tanks smaller than 55g

    well i have a 55, and when i first bought the tank, i had a 6 inch hippo tang, and a 5 inch naso tang in the tank, they looked soo cool, they seemed so happy too, the naso ended up dying due to a problem that occured in the tan (deprived of oxygen), so i put the blue tang in my parents 6 foot...
  14. aanthony

    valentini puffer!!

    i had a hawaiin blue puffer, about 2 inches in a tank with 3 cleaners, a coral banded, and a blood shrimp, no problems, however a few snails did disappear and in my opinion, the hawaiin blue is way cooler than a valentini, way more colour to it
  15. aanthony

    Please Show Me Your 36 Inch Tanks

    thats a good looking tank, i would have photoshopped those tangs into damsel or something, because these people on here are CRAZY
  16. aanthony

    couple of shots and new addition!

    well if their like the sopranos that means the blue hippo, and achilles will be killed, and the naso will just disappear when its eating onion rings. But i know what it looks like to have the tangs together, when i first started my 55 i had like a 5inch hippo, and a 4 inch naso, they would...
  17. aanthony

    couple of shots and new addition!

    im liking the tank, and i love the selection of tangs, the blue hippo, the naso with the frills on its tail, and the achilles (favorite fish)
  18. aanthony

    stocking list

    your such a comedian, and just looking for attention, guessing your an only child, ahaha, if u dont want people telling u not to put tangs in a 20, then go to another site and play computer games or somethin
  19. aanthony

    Some questions?

    not to take over somebodies post, but since its on the topic of diatoms, if i have diatoms in my tank, (not much, but its still there) does that mean im not able to have coraline growing?
  20. aanthony

    10,000 miniture feather dusters

    yeah, no kidding, id pay to get a few of those, all the ones on my lr died.