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  1. aanthony

    whats killing my fish

    so since everything almost dead, does anybody want to help me with my new stocklist this is what im thinking 2 percula clowns 1 hippo tang (i was thinking about a 1 or 2 inch hippo) i know its still frowned upon, but i just loved that fish 1 yellow watchman goby thats all i can think of for now...
  2. aanthony

    whats killing my fish

    its ok, ill get over it, im 17 though, so it really hurts when your too young to make enough money, but you lose about 150 in fish in one day, but anyways ill get over it, my next question is do i really need to set up my canister filter again, because basically i have an invert only tank right...
  3. aanthony

    whats killing my fish

    i was doing a bit of research and posted a few questions on the site (not to blame anybody) but i was told that a powerhead would be fine, and that my live rock/ live sand would provide filtration, but even if this was an unwise thing to do, i would have never thought it would crash my tank...
  4. aanthony

    whats killing my fish

    and basically what happened with the filter, is i just shut it off, and pulled out the tubes,
  5. aanthony

    whats killing my fish

    no clue what my levels, are, but i just lost my angel, so basically all thats surviving..... so far, are my shrimp, crabs, hermits, snails, feathers, and lobster. along with my 6line
  6. aanthony

    whats killing my fish

    ok, so i have a 55 gallon, with about 85 lbs of lr, and 80 lbs or ls, this is what i had yesterday: hippo tang, mandarin dragonette (full sized), percula clown, 6 line, bi-color angel. and today: hippo tang dead this morning, mandarin just died 10 minutes ago, clownfish, dead this morning, angel...
  7. aanthony

    Filtration Question

    and since i have no real knowledge on what a skimmer does, is there any chance that one could overflow?
  8. aanthony

    Filtration Question

    okay, no i do not have a sump, so are you saying that i can run my tank with just live rock, inverts, and a few powerheads? although you say its not the best thing, i have my mandarin eating vitamin enriched brine, and my 6line will eat anything i throw in the tank, and im pretty sure i cannot...
  9. aanthony

    Filtration Question

    Ok, so i have myself a 55 gallon, with an old fluval 403 canister filter, now this filter is hell trying to clean, its already had a leak and caused over $1000 in damages, water has squirted out onto my power bar, giving me one hell of a shock, and within one week its sucked up my target...
  10. aanthony

    First Tank

    those zoos are crazy, but what did you do with your coco worm????
  11. aanthony

    Show me your pics of reefs tank!!!!

    everybody's tank is so nice, im thinking about posting a pic of mine, nowhere near any of the previous ones, its just rock, featherdusters, fish, and a dying xenia. but my favorite so far is trippkids, so much colour to it, i actually thought everything was fake, not sure if you take that as...
  12. aanthony

    question aboot quarantine

    but now you have me paranoid, ich can be brought by snails, and hermits, etc? how do you rid ich of these inverts, if you lower the salinity they will die, if you use copper they will die, what do you do?
  13. aanthony

    question aboot quarantine

    alright, im going to have to do that then, i was just confused on what the disease really was, i know i had it, i know i treated for it, it was almost an out of sight, out of mind type of thing, u know? dont worry, ill put the fish in my qt tank, and may get a few grey hairs doing it, from all...
  14. aanthony

    few shots of my 44 corner(tall)

    wow that tanks a lot smaller than what i pictured it in my head, its because you zoomed in so well, that gargorian looked HUGE in the pictures, but i had to look real hard in that full tank shot to find it. its such a good looking tank though, my girlfriend has a hex tank, and ive always wanted...
  15. aanthony

    question aboot quarantine

    im the type that will take good advice and follow it, so dont think just because i am questioning you, it dosent mean im not listening to your advice. but the reason i ask is because i love the way my tank looks right now, with the rockwork and everything, and im a bit weary of doing hypo...
  16. aanthony

    question aboot quarantine

    sorry i kind of changed the question on you. but i had no clue hard shelled inverts could bring it in, does this include snails, hermits, crabs, lobsters. etc
  17. aanthony

    question aboot quarantine

    no it is not, but i decided to change my post.
  18. aanthony

    How many of you guys have one of these!

    yeah, before i got into sw, i had a brackish tank, i had a little puffer and a knight goby, well i dumped the big bag of salt in because i was switching to sw, and they both survived, both are now dead now, but im so tempted to go and buy some of these brackish puffers and put them in my tank
  19. aanthony

    Before and After pics....100gl at work.

    really nice looking tank, but what made you do a sandless tank, i think that would look so cool with either some really white sand, or some black sand. just my preferences though, lookin good.
  20. aanthony

    question aboot quarantine

    ok, i was just wondering, in my tank im pretty sure it has ich, however, the only fish that seems to have it is my blue hippo tang, and i only see it about once a month, if that, all it is is about 5-10 white dots on him (keep in mind hes about 6 inches) i have quite a few cleaner shrimp in my...