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  1. aanthony

    More test shots of zoos

    i like the red and green colony, very christmas like, but really good work on the tank, i love the selection of zoos
  2. aanthony

    Help Me Pick Out a Tang

    eff the powder blue, get an achilles
  3. aanthony

    mandarin or not!

    i dont want to give you false hope or anything, but about a week or so ago i bought myself a target mandarin, and hes been eating, mysis, brine, bloodworms, formula one pellets, he seems to be eating everything. But i have been adding vitamins to all food, so that he's healthy, maybe im just...
  4. aanthony

    Getting better at this picture taking stuff.

    yeah the pics are blurry, but damn uve got a good selection of coral. what do you have in there as far as fish
  5. aanthony


    yeah hermits are fun and all, but i just removed one of my big ones, he was probablly the size of a golf ball, but since ive had him hes probably eaten roughly 30 dollars worth of snails, so if you get hermits, stick to smaller ones, but stock up on snails, however i have 3 cleaner shrimp and...
  6. aanthony

    Blackfoot Lionfish and Fu-Manchu tankmate

    id love to get some lionfish like that, what stops me though is that they will eat anything that fits into their mouth, just hope they grow slower than your other fish
  7. aanthony

    My personal favorite fish ever.

    Rhinopias escmeyeri ? can you buy those things, ugly as hell, but i kinda want one, haha
  8. aanthony

    Are Blennies susceptible to ick??

    a valentini puffer was what released ich into my tank
  9. aanthony

    calcium problem???

    ok, so im not sure im even posting this in the right thread, but i have a 50 gallon tank with a few small fish, and about 4 shrimp, along with several hermits and snails, ok so i was going to put a bit of purple up in my water to raise my calcuim, and i guess i was at the end of the bottle...
  10. aanthony

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    wh cant my coraline groth be that good im lucky if i get a spot on the glass. i must say though, very nice job.
  11. aanthony

    aquarium problem

    yeah, the mandarin was just one of those dream ideas, well you seem to know what your doing in this hobby, so ill take your advice, but its 12 a.m. for me right now so i wasnt even expecting a reply, so thank you for helping me out. i can now sleep without worry.
  12. aanthony

    aquarium problem

    ok, so from looking, i have decided that these things are either mysis, or just some type of pod, i hope they all dont die, i was hoping to get a mandarin in a few months
  13. aanthony

    aquarium problem

    thank you guys for the quick replies, what im worried about is these things are just kindof floating, i can see their legs moving, so i know they are alive, but my filter is on, so im worried what if these things all get sucked up into my filter?
  14. aanthony

    aquarium problem

    maybe the fact that i think i put a bit too much food in the tank was a factor in this also,
  15. aanthony

    aquarium problem

    ok, so i have had my 50 gallon set up for roughtly 6 months, however bought the rock off of a person who had it set up about a year previous to that, i have about 85 lbs live rock, and roughtly 60 lbs sand (live by now) so today i decided to get some of that arga-alive fiji pink sand, and i...
  16. aanthony

    how would u put out a fish that was sick?

    one time i put a tiny bit of vodka in my tank, (heard it reduces nitrates) a few drops killed off my tank, so put a few drops of vodka in his water, hell go out happy, ahaha. but seriously the science behind that is that the alcohol raises the bacteria level, which uses up oxygen, water without...
  17. aanthony

    naughty mandarins rated-R

    ewwww...... are they making whopee
  18. aanthony

    shrimp questions?????

    when i went to my fishstore i was told that coral bandeds will kill my other shrimp, hermits, etc.... and my coral banded never picks on any other shrimp, and i had a 6line with my shrimps at one time also, and no problems at all. now an arrow crab, thats a different story, killed me 25 dollar...
  19. aanthony

    (First Reef Tank Ever) **** 600gal Display **** 1300gal System

    crazy tank man. i would do so many horrible things to have one like that. but 1300 gallons, thats massive, if it was me, i would build a pool, fill it with saltwater and make a crazy shark and stingray tank
  20. aanthony

    whats wrong w/ america?!

    i dont know whats going on in america right now, all i know is that the american dollar and the canadian dollar are pretty close to equal, i would like take advantage of that by shopping in america, if it wernt for the 2 hours i have to wait to get across the border, with the customs officer...