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  1. aanthony

    Tang Question

    Ok, so i just got myself a 90 gallon (i used to have a 45), now when i first started my 45 i had a 5 inch hippo tang, and a 4 inch naso tang, a valentini, 2 clowns, and a damsel... Safe to say i was overstocked.......... but that was over a year ago and i have learnt. Now i have a 90 (48X18X24)...
  2. aanthony

    New pics today of my 75 ...LOTS of pics!

    are these pics showing up for anybody else, because i cant see them anymore
  3. aanthony

    Getting Bigger?

    basically, just shop around, i just bought myself a brand new 90 gallon tank, with stand for $210.00 and it was at some ghetto liquidation place.
  4. aanthony

    my tank pics

    ahah. what did your arrow crab do? i had mine and within 5 hours it ate my 25 dollar fire shrimp,
  5. aanthony

    just a quick question

    if i have an orange percula, and a black percula, is there any chance of them one day breeding, because they are the same species of clown, just the coloration is different???
  6. aanthony

    just a quick question

  7. aanthony

    Before and after....and some corals shot

    thats such a nice tank, just out of curiosity, why did you decide to do a tank with no sand bed???
  8. aanthony

    Reef safe puffer?

    i had a blue spot puffer in my 45, with about 4 other shrimp, and it never touched a thing. i never really had any corals, so i have no clue how it takes to those, but out of all the puffers i would say that this is the most peaceful/
  9. aanthony

    just a quick question

    just a question about the clowns, is it a territorial issue? because i cant see 4 clowns having a huge bioload, and as far as clownfish go, in my 55 i had 2 perculas and a marroon live together for about 6 months, i guess its just luck
  10. aanthony

    Lazy's 125 Pics n Stuff

    really nice looking tank, but if you can have 5 tangs in that 125 then im definately putting one tang in my 90
  11. aanthony

    just a quick question

    ok, well since that is out of the way, i have a few more quick questions, 1. Ok so im going from a 45 to a 90, so i am going to put my many pounds of live rock, and live sand, along with 45 gallons of saltwater into the 90, and then i will be putting an additional 45 gallons of newly mixed...
  12. aanthony

    what is this and is it safe to put in my tank?

    first of all i think they are all dead. i put a 5 inch reef lobster in my tank, they were pretty small, about the size of a quarter, and they wernt as green as an emerald crab, but they were pretty green. and im pretty sure the lobster ate them, but any reason why you say i should get rid of...
  13. aanthony

    what is this and is it safe to put in my tank?

    ive put a few beach crabs in my tank, and they are still alive 6 months later, but thats about the only thing i would put in my tank (from the beach) i also live in vancouver b.c. so i was very surprised the crabs lived. and honestly i wouldnt even risk it, those sponges are pretty ugly, they...
  14. aanthony

    just a quick question

    ok. yeah the stand is for 90 gallon aquariums, im not so much worried that the stand wont handle, im more worried that the glass will not handle. because that bottom piece of glass has hundreds of pounds ontop of it. so my only worry is that it will shatter
  15. aanthony

    just a quick question

    ok so i just bought myself an all glass 90 gallon aquarium!!! 48X18X24 and i bought a stand for it, now the stand does not have a top its a base, with 4 walls, and the tank basically sits on the walls, now should i have a piece of plywood go under the glass so the weight is equal, or will the...
  16. aanthony

    stand pics

    no, no, no, im way smarter than that, i still have my 45 running, and im not even going to consider putting a thing in that 90 untill it is on a stand, im moving, so im leaving the old setup behind, but thats not until i build a stand, and i cant build a stand unless i get lots of stand ideas!!!!!
  17. aanthony

    Contest! Oldest Tank on Record

    yeah my 45 was made custom for my parents resteraunt, that was about 10 years ago, it started out saltwater, it had puffers, tang, etc, (this was before the 6foot rule was made, ahah) anyways, saltwater prooved to be too much work so they turned it to freshwater, with african chichlids, then my...
  18. aanthony

    stand pics

    what the? are all you people telling me you dont have a stand, im pretty sure you all have stands, because there's no such thing as a floating tank. now that i think about, that would be pretty cool. anyways, could you please post pictures.
  19. aanthony

    stand pics

    ok so i now have a 45 gallon, up untill a month ago i had a mandarin, a hippo tang, bicolour angel, a sixline, and a percula clown. anyways long story short, they all died (except for the 6line) within a matter of a day, (removed my canister filter = tank crash) so i wanted to add more fish, and...
  20. aanthony

    some pics of my 55 reef

    looking really nice, i wish mine could one day look like that, just out of curiosity, what lightings are you using???