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  1. aanthony


    not too horrible, the only one showing signs of ick is the hippo tang, the yellow is perfectly fine along with the anthias, clownfish, 6 line, and mandarin. I have just one question, the typical answer for ich is hypo or copper. and hypo is suggested alot more than copper is. Now when we have...
  2. aanthony


    the other thing that i was wonder was, even if this was powerful enough to kill ich, but not my shrimp, it would still wipe out all my pods, and little critters.
  3. aanthony


    alright, well then now im happy its only 4 dollars down the drain, as opposed to hundreds
  4. aanthony


    wow, i wasnt expecting you to respond so fast
  5. aanthony


    and to add active ingredients Sodium Chloride .50%, Malachite Green .50%.
  6. aanthony


    okay so my hippo tang has ich, so i went to one of my lfs, and noticed he was dosing his tanks with this NOX-ICH stuff, and he told me that if you want to get rid of ich then use this stuff, then i asked, well wont this be bad for my inverts, he went on to say "look at my fish, theres no ick on...
  7. aanthony

    New to posting pics hope it works

    i say eff that! combine those tanks and make a L shaped 480 reef!!!!!!!!
  8. aanthony

    New to Forum - My 225 Gallon Tank

    Originally Posted by MIKE22cha Ya, I've seen plenty of 180g with that kind of stock list.LOL i think he has a pretty rare stocklist, especially that black tang and the clarion, and im sure this guy is pleased to hear that his stocklist is the same as everybody else.
  9. aanthony

    just a fish question

    well i was just reading a thread on --, and it was about 6 pages of people with sucess stories, with things such as dosing with selcon and garlic, and cleaner shrimp, and uv's etc etc
  10. aanthony

    New to Forum - My 225 Gallon Tank

    but i must say, its good to see a saltwater tank actually stocked, as opposed to a big cube of water with 4 fish in it
  11. aanthony

    just a fish question

    Ok, just out of curiosity, does anybody here have a succesful tank with ick. when i read the disease forums everybody says that the disease will for sure kill the fish etc, whereas any lfs i go to say that basically its a stage that the fish goes through, and that most have the immunity to pull...
  12. aanthony

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    hey goodwin, just out of curiosity, how is your battle with ick going, i remember you saying you lost a few hippo tangs because of it, but have you had any other losses due to ick, and also, what are you doing to prevent it, besides the 25 or so cleaner shrimp oo, and one moe qustion, how is...
  13. aanthony

    Anybody have freshwater pics?

    i just love the fact that you can have like 50 freshwater fish in a 50 gallon, but in a saltwater 100 you get told your overstocked at 8 fish. another goodthing about freshwater NO TANG POLICE
  14. aanthony

    New to Forum - My 225 Gallon Tank

    everythings so..... WHITE. looks like it belongs in a bachelor pad. realy nice looking tank though, i must say that my favorite is that huge emperor angel
  15. aanthony

    Pajama Cardinals = Ugliest Fish Alive?

    Originally Posted by reefernana I don't really feel that starting a thread like this is for any other purpose but to start arguments and to show your age because usually young people think it's funny to put something down. You know darn well that many people on here must have them and since...
  16. aanthony


    alright, well i was just wondering, id rather have 50 more dollars in my pocket rather than a dead seahorse
  17. aanthony

    What fish next for 90 gallon?

    Originally Posted by Ice4Ice No Tangs !! K seriously, one yellow tang in a 90 will not be bad, it seems like you go to every tang question and PREACH the 6 foot, or the 12 foot rule or whatever you tang people preach
  18. aanthony


    Seahorse??? [hr] Ok, so i have a 90 gallon, with around 90 lbs lr, and 150+ lbs live sand, and in my tank i have a hippo tang (size of a quarter) percula clown (same size) mandarin dragonette (full grown, and obese) yellow tang (about 2 inches), 6 line wrasse(1.5 inches) bicolour...
  19. aanthony


    Ok, so i have a 90 gallon, with around 90 lbs lr, and 150+ lbs live sand, and in my tank i have a hippo tang (size of a quarter) percula clown (same size) mandarin dragonette (full grown, and obese) yellow tang (about 2 inches), 6 line wrasse(1.5 inches) bicolour anthias (3 inches) Invert...
  20. aanthony

    Question about stocklist

    well my tank is actually about 2 weeks old, but remember i upgraded from my 45, meaning i used my old water, sand, rock, etc