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  1. aanthony

    My first on line fish

    Originally Posted by hurleykid69 isnt that a yellow tang yeah the yellow colour is a dead give-away
  2. aanthony

    any eels reef safe

    i would love a blue ribbon eel, but i thought they were over 200 dollars, and they also get huge dont they
  3. aanthony

    any eels reef safe

    so i have my 90 gallon, and right now i have 1 small hippo tang, one clownfish, and a mardarin, along with 5 cleaner shrimp, one cbs, 2 decorator crabs, 1 tube anemone, 4 feather dusters, and an arrow crab, safe to say i have alot of inverts, now i want an ell, are any of them invert safe
  4. aanthony

    how did this happen!?!?!?!

    yes i know i incorrectly used hypo, i had it down tio about 1.09 and then realized that i dont have refractometre, i just had this cheap plastic thing, so i decided to raise it a little, but still keep it low, figuring maybe that the parasites would be weaker at this salinity, anyways so that...
  5. aanthony

    how did this happen!?!?!?!

    Ok, so i think i may be finished with saltwater, a few months back i bought my 90 gallon, ich then entered my tank because i never quarantined my fish, anyways because of this i lost my powder blue, and my bi-colour anthias. So that was 5 weeks ago, since then i had taken all of my fish out of...
  6. aanthony

    New Pics Of My Tank

    Haha, that guys banned now, yeah sorry for all the arguing, it was not an ego think, i was just telling the guy that 4 foot tank owners are aware of the 6 foot tang rule. anyways, enough said on that. how was it catching that angels, and what do you have for a stock list, one day i hope my 90...
  7. aanthony

    Angelfish Question

    nah its not a 125, its a 90, thats my problem, im wondering if a 90 is too small.
  8. aanthony

    Mykeys 120 1 year update!

    yeah it dosent look like the hippo or the powder blue have really grown at all
  9. aanthony

    Aggresive tang eaters

    i almost had a tank crash due to this, one of my tangs pulled the seaweed off the clip, and then lost interest, the seaweed then got clogged in my canister filter, and this all happened when i was on vacation, 1 week later i have an all green tank, with really hungry fish. but luckily nothing died.
  10. aanthony

    Angelfish Question

    well right now i have about 6 cleaner shrimp, 1 cbs, 2 decorator crabs, some snails, hermits, one huge haloween hermit, an arrow crab, coco worm, 1 tube anemone, and 5 or so featherdusters......i think thats all my inverts i would LOVE to go out and buy a emperor angel, but i know those things...
  11. aanthony

    New Pics Of My Tank

    no i know, but when i bought my hippo tang he was absolutely tiny, around the size of an inch, so these fish are collected at a young age, and put into tanks, my hippo tang for example could be classified as a tank raised tank, because at a very young age it was put into a 20 gallon tank at the...
  12. aanthony

    New Pics Of My Tank

    Originally Posted by S_Holman33 Then why do you still do it?? Why do you know that the fish is too big for your tank and still put it in there? I don't get it. umm to me those tangs look about 3 inches, if that, they are definitely not too big for a 90 gallon. the issue with it is that these...
  13. aanthony

    Angelfish Question

    So usually when i look at an angelfish i am told that they are not reef safe, now im just wondering what is meant by the term not seef safe, at the time i do not have any corals, but i do have alot of inverts. My tank is a 90 gallon, so im wondering what kind of angelfish i can get away with, my...
  14. aanthony

    Cigar Time

    see now thats one think i love about canada, i can have whatever cuban cigar i want, and all i have to do is go to the corner store, i personally am i fan of cohibas, and i also enjoy the romeo & julieta's. maybe ill join you people for a smoke, since everything is so cheap down there for me now
  15. aanthony

    New Pics Of My Tank

    Originally Posted by S_Holman33 just wish you had a bigger tank for those tangs - and angel for that matter. Believe me when I say they will outgrow that 90 FAST. Especially if fed properly... (I'd argue that they should never be in a tank that small to begin with, but I know tons of people do...
  16. aanthony

    Copper Question

    alright, well i figured no need for water changes because the fish will only be in there for 2 weeks. and its only a qt tank.
  17. aanthony

    Halloween Hermit Crab

    u have a massive haloween hermit. and hes soo cool. hes about 5 inches, but the only problem is i think he killed my full grown obesse mandarin dragonette
  18. aanthony

    Copper Question

    well i have a another copper question, can copper deplete over time, because basically what im thinking of doing is putting copper in the water and then just never touch that water again, the fish will swim around for 2 weeks, and then i put them in my 90, while the fish are out of the water...
  19. aanthony

    Copper Question

    Originally Posted by SCSInet you don't need to worry about any lasting effects on decorations, etc. Nevermind i realized you answered my question
  20. aanthony

    Copper Question

    yeah, well i have my 90 gallon, and a have a 30 gallon qt, but i also have this 35 hex lying aroud, and i figure its a lot better looking, and i can just put it in the corner of my room, the gravel it will have is worthless, and wouldnt ever be used in a sw tank, does copper have an effect on...