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  1. aanthony

    Copper Question

    really, even if i washed it down, rinsed with a hose, soap and water, etc.
  2. aanthony

    Copper Question

    Ok, so i have a copper question, i was thinking about using one of my tanks and use it for quarantine, now ive heard, once you use a tank with copper, that means you cant keep any inverts, live rock, etc,etc. Now im planning to use this tank for a reef in a few years, if i take out all gravel...
  3. aanthony

    Ok Need Help Asap

    Originally Posted by rudedog40 The big question is, how did the ich get into the DT in the first place? Did you recently add one of these other fish into your tank without QTing it first? Ok, so the reason to why ich was introduced into my tank was because i had bought my blue hippo tang, and...
  4. aanthony

    Ok Need Help Asap

    well i COULD probably sit there and wait for the ick to disappear, but thats what i did in the beginning, and my powder blue is dead because of it. now the next one to show signs was my hippo tang, so i figured i would have to treat the tank, my bicolour anthias was kindof a sacrifice, so that...
  5. aanthony

    Wrasse compatibility

    i put a cleaner wrasse in my tank, which had a 6 line in it, and all the 6 line did was chase the other wrasse, the next day the 6 line was dead, lying on my carpet.
  6. aanthony

    Ok Need Help Asap

    how long of a time frame do i have, right now its 8:45 at night, meaning all lfs are closed. and i dont have a powerhead in the tank, if needed i can take my koralia 3 out of my 90 gallon, however 850 gph in 20 or so gallons of water seems like alot. and also in my 90 i have an old canister...
  7. aanthony

    Ok Need Help Asap

    ok, one more problem, my pengiun filter just broke, so my filtration in my qt is now gone, is this that horrible of a problem? what do i do?
  8. aanthony

    purple lobster?

    i never had the purple lobster, but i had the red reef lobster, the thing was about 6 inches, at all my big turbo's, and completely chopped up my angel fish, he was really cool, but i only really saw him a few times a day, in my opinion its not worth it, if you want something like that, try a...
  9. aanthony

    a few more shots from my tank

    Originally Posted by teen that tabling acro is almost touching the front glass. I think its about time for an upgrade!!
  10. aanthony

    Ok Need Help Asap

    Originally Posted by NigerBang Lowering the sal. should take days...not 5 hours...The bicolor might have died from the shock...As goes with raising the salinity yeah i know, i guess when its really late and your 60 dollar fish dies, and you spend 3 hours getting the fish out of the tank, you...
  11. aanthony

    Ok Need Help Asap

    ok so my bicolor anthias died, i cant really decide why, because the 4 other fish are still fine. so basically im going to raise the salt back up to an acceptable level (1.20) and then let them calm down a bit, and then im going to use cupramine to treat the fish (copper) while doing this my dt...
  12. aanthony

    Ok Need Help Asap

    Originally Posted by NigerBang Tell me that you didnt take fish out of 1.022-1.025 water and put them right into water at 1.009... There was a slow dropping of the Sal. right? well it was a kind-of slow dropping of salt, it was over the span of about 5-6 hours, this also happened at about 10 at...
  13. aanthony

    Ok Need Help Asap

    alright sorry, my tank had ich, and instead of me just fixing the probelm i just figured it would go away. So when i came home my powder blue was dead due to ick, so i figured that was the last straw, so i had to take all my fish out and put them in my 30 gallon, at a salinity at 1.09, so i am...
  14. aanthony

    Ok Need Help Asap

    ok, so im confused, what do i do, i came home and found my powder blue dead!!!, so i took all my fish out of my tank, meaning i had to take out all the lr. so right now i have a hippo tang, yellow tang, clownfish, bicolor anthias, and a cleaner wrasee in a small bowl, im on my way setting up a...
  15. aanthony

    Just An ich Medication Question

    hmmm, well the other one i looked at was stop parasites, made by chem marin heres a little descciption. Basically all im looking for is a temporary solution while i wait for my uv sterilizer to come in A 100% all natural reef safe alternative for your aquarium! Stop Parasites works by speeding...
  16. aanthony

    Just An ich Medication Question

    Ok, so my 90 gallon has ick, the only fish that seems to have it affecting them is my powder blue, and ick has hit him hard, i have about 4 cleaner shrimp, and one cleaner wrasse, i dose their food with selcon and garlic, but this powder blue has tons of spots, and ive noticed he has gotten a...
  17. aanthony

    Koralia noisy?

    i have a koralia #3. and its silent, so im guessing you may have gotten a faulty one.
  18. aanthony


    when i started my 45 my first fish (other than a damsel) was a maroon clown, within a week of adding the maroon i put in another maroon, long story short the new addition jumped, however i put 2 ocealaris in the tank and all 3 seemed to get along fine
  19. aanthony

    Hydor Koralia size for 40 gallon

    Originally Posted by Isistius i have 2 #4's in my 30 long frag tank. sweet turnover!! TWO number fours!! thats crazy, your tank is probably like a whirlpool
  20. aanthony

    UV Sterilizer

    ok, so i hope i am not highjacking this thread, and if i am i am sorry, but i have a 90 gallon, whats the best performing uv sterylizer i can buy, without emptying my wallet