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  1. aanthony

    Question about stocklist

    well his body is the size of a quarter, this is excluding the tail
  2. aanthony

    Question about stocklist

    Anybody Have Any Opinions
  3. aanthony

    Anthias in a 90

    i just bought a bicolour anthias, its really cool looking, colourfull, big, and cost me about 30 bucks, apparently their harmfull around shrimp, but i have had no problems with mine and my cleaners, or my decorator or arrow crabs, and btw i have a 90 too
  4. aanthony

    Question about stocklist

    whats maxing out my bioload, its a 90 and my biggest fish is 3 inches??
  5. aanthony

    Question about stocklist

    Ok, so i have a 90 gallon, with around 90 lbs lr, and 150+ lbs live sand, and in my tank i have a hippo tang (size of a quarter) percula clown (same size) mandarin dragonette (full grown, and obese) yellow tang (about 2 inches), 6 line wrasse(1.5 inches) bicolour anthias (3 inches) Invert...
  6. aanthony

    Why is Everyone so Against the War?

    this is basically my opinion on the war We are making it easier on the terrorists Heres why: Because way back when, before we were in Iraq they had to travel all the way to america to kill americans, now we are in their home land, so if they want to kill some americans, its only a 20 minute drive
  7. aanthony

    What fish next for 90 gallon?

    Originally Posted by jfingers088 i have 2 tru perc clownfish, royal gramma, yellow watchman goby, foxface, flame angel, algae blenny, purple firefish Honestly in a 90 that is not a huge bioload, the foxface is the only big fish in it, there is probably tons that will disagree with me, but look...
  8. aanthony

    just a quick question

    anybody know of the wrasse rule????
  9. aanthony

    just a quick question

    well its a bit late with the one decorator crab, hes already in, but that other one at the lfs had tons of zoos and everything on it, it was a 15 dollar walking frag, but when we talk about gorgorian feeding, what do they eat?
  10. aanthony

    just a quick question

    ok, i have a few questions, i have a 90 gallon, and in my 90 i have a decorator crab, but one of my lfs has a decorator for sale, but its way cooler looking, am i able to have 2 decorators in one tank my next question is about a gorgorian, what are they like, i hear they are difficult. would i...
  11. aanthony

    Just wanted to show off my tank

    hey, great looking tank, i was just wondering, with that gargorian is it hard to take care of, i hear they are quiet difficult, but i want one so bad, what do you do to keep it living???
  12. aanthony


    he dosent really underestimate them, hes just telling the MINIMUM, i like the way that he goes by gallons and in a way sets a limit, rather than the typical "not unless your tank is 6 feet", but if 180 is the minimum, then i agree with everyone else saying that you need over 200 gallons.
  13. aanthony

    Tang Question

    so i found this on reef central, just a little info on tangs, since the 4 foot rule gets kindof aggrovating For newcomers we offer the following advice. This is not intended to be the last word in tang keeping, but we suggest you should challenge this advice only if you have a good basis for...
  14. aanthony

    2 pairs in a tank

    ok, i have a 90 gallon, and so far the only fish i have is a 6line wrasse, and i have some cleaners, decorator crab, hermits, arrow crab, etc etc now i just got myself a true percula, and in a few days in getting the other one, now what i was wondering is can i have 2 orange perculas, and 2...
  15. aanthony

    Lobster / Crab tank?

    haha, wasnt this a simpsons episode, with homer and his lobster pinchy bought a one pound lobster, and waited till it got like 20 pounds, and then eat it.
  16. aanthony

    Will my Coral Banded Shrimp kill my cleaners

    ive been through 2 cbs, and neither had harmed my cleaners, BUT STAY AWAY FROM ARROW CRABS, my stupid crab killed my yellow watchman goby that i only had for 2 days, and i have a 90
  17. aanthony

    Tang Question

    Originally Posted by kirkaz About time the tang police showed up!! Officer Dragon, I have a swimming pool in my backyard, about 12,000 gallons, if I get the water correct, may I keep a single Achilles Tang in there until he gets to big?? ahaha, no kidding, i still love the achilles, but i...
  18. aanthony

    what is your stock list

    90 gallon 120 lbs ls, 100 lbs lr 1 6 line wrasse 1 watchman goby 2 clener shrimp 1 decorator crab 1 arrow crab 35+ snails 5 hermits ON THE WAY 2 percula clowns 1 Hippo tang (small) 3 more cleaner shrimp 1 lyretail anthia or a pink square anthias 1 royal gramma WHATEVER ELSE CATCHES MY EYE
  19. aanthony

    Tang Question

    Originally Posted by essop3 Achillies are hard to keep in most tanks. I'd suggest yellow purple kole any mimic tang All the "average" looking tangs, i like colour, im kinda surprised though, i thought id get a bigger response, since tangs in 4 foot tanks is such a controversial subject on...
  20. aanthony

    Add CBS to 150 w/ cleaner shrimp??

    2 times i have put a cbs with my other shrimp, and absolutely no problems. and i did it in a 45.