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  1. kevin34

    Kevin's Tank!!!

    put the clowns in the DT today and ordering a tiger jawfish this week! I guess I am very lucky to have a shy sixline. I bagged one of the clowns and let it float in the tank for a while to see how the sixline would react. It swam away and hid in the rocks haha. Now its swimming out and about...
  2. kevin34

    Hmmmmm Cant Decide

    Originally Posted by WangoTango I don't know about you, but my LFS' always have the bottlebrushes in stock, but the the Orchids come and go. Get a hold of the ones that don't come in frequently so you don't have to wait around. -Justin Im ordering online next week. both are in stock now but I...
  3. kevin34

    2008 Photo Contest Instructions

    Originally Posted by Sweetheart What I did was in the catagory that you want to put a picture is says underlined "subcribe to gallery" click that then upload your picture and tada!!!! lol didnt work for me
  4. kevin34

    Hmmmmm Cant Decide

    I would get both but I am also ordering a tiger jawfish with this order and I dont wanna spend too much. I do too like the shape of the bottlebrush but I like the deep blue of the miami orchid this is so difficult haha
  5. kevin34

    Hmmmmm Cant Decide

    Should I get an ORA Blue Bottlebrush or an ORA Miami Orchid?
  6. kevin34

    Ghost Adventures

    this show is INSANE!!! I love it. anyone else watch it?
  7. kevin34

    Sargassum Trigger

    beautiful fish how long have you had it? What size was it when you got it?
  8. kevin34

    2008 Photo Contest Instructions

    i am trying to upload pics in group 8. It says they are submitted but the pics are not in the categories. does it take time for them to actually be posted?
  9. kevin34

    Sargassum Trigger

    ok thank you. What do you feed yours? would spot feeding it extra help keep it clam and full? I think with the sargassum swimming along the top of the tank would be good for me. I have a ton of room toward the top of my aquascaping and this way my coral frags and jawfish wont have to worry about...
  10. kevin34

    Blue Chin Trigger Help.....

    how big is the trigger? If its large enough give it large chunks of meaty foods instead of the tiny stuff. I dont think a trigger would bother eating cyclopeeze or mysis unless you have a very small one. have you seen it eat anything at all?
  11. kevin34

    Sargassum Trigger

    Anyone have any experience with one of these? I really want to get a trigger for my reef someday and its down to a sargassum or blue throat (crosshatch is too pricey). Are sargassums not only reefsafe but for the most part peaceful like the blue throat? And would either of these tear of my...
  12. kevin34

    i wouldnt say you are overstocked but the tangs will outgrow the tank in no time. Not sure about the puffer
  13. kevin34

    Blue Spotted Jawfish

    thanks for all the info. I know they are from the Sea of Cortez and the water there ranges from 61-85. So I guess it depends on where the fish was taken from. I might be asking for one of these for Christmas
  14. kevin34

    Blue Spotted Jawfish

    what temp is your tank at? is it true they are a colder water species?
  15. kevin34

    Blue Spotted Jawfish

    What, how, and how often to you feed it? does it come out of its burrow when you feed?
  16. kevin34

    Blue Spotted Jawfish

    Can anyone give me some info on this fish? I know that they are jumpers and burrowers but what is their care level compared to pearly or black cap jawfish? Are they just as hardy?
  17. kevin34

    I'm getting a 750 gal...need ideas!

    Originally Posted by bioneck47 I actually have a black durgeon trigger(melicthys indicus), which IMO looks better than the hawaiian black(melicthys niger). I saw these when I went scuba diving in the bahamas, and I told myself that I just have to have one. He's about 4" now and growing fast...
  18. kevin34

    Blue Throat Trigger?

    At 4 inches and in a 90 I would pass on it. They are a very active fish. But it is eating and its a great deal so maybe give it a shot. Its your call. But if it was me I wouldnt get.
  19. kevin34

    I'm getting a 750 gal...need ideas!

    are you planning on getting a hawaiian black trigger like the one in your avatar??? if so thats AWESOME. iv never seen anyone actually have one
  20. kevin34

    Blue Throat Trigger?

    $39 is an awesome price for a blue throat trigger especially if its a male. I DO NOT have experience with one but do plan on getting one in the future and I do have a reef tank. From what I have read they do great in reefs. If you keep them well fed they will not go after your inverts. They also...