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  1. kevin34

    Blue Throat Trigger=Mentally Insane???

    Ok thanks. What is everyones opinion on a male blue throat trigger in a 125g? Only other larger fish I plan on getting down the road is a tennant tang. Stock list: sixline wrasse (in tank) true percs (in tank) tiger jawfish (getting next) maybe a midas blenny copperband butterfly dwarf angel...
  2. kevin34

    QTing Leopard Wrasse

    I would still try to QT it unless you try a reef safe ick treatment. Hypo would will everything else in the tank.
  3. kevin34

    Blue Throat Trigger=Mentally Insane???

    I have heard a few people say that their blue throat triggers eventually go insane in their tank and just start swimming back and forth along the glass. Does this happen often? Can it be avoided by getting one while its still young? I want to get a male blue throat for my 125 someday.
  4. kevin34

    QTing Leopard Wrasse

    Originally Posted by familiar1985 Hes approx 2.5" and they are burrowers. He buries himself everyday when lights out and comes out when lights up. I can put some sand in bowl i guess im just concerned with the diet as these fish have a reputation for being hard to keep with no pods. Iv been...
  5. kevin34

    Jawfish types

    I have never heard of jawfish going after shrimp or showing any signs of agression (except for chasing fish/crabs away from their burrow but they never harm the other fish). But they are JUMPERS! make sure there is no escape for it. I plan on getting a tiger (black cap) jawfish in a couple...
  6. kevin34

    QTing Leopard Wrasse

    How big is the wrasse? I havnt researched them much. are leopards a burrowing fish? If they are and its small enough put a tubberware container of sand in the QT. Thats what I am going to do with my jawfish. If you dont wanna do that at least have something for it to hide in/behind like a few...
  7. kevin34


    I would consider it. How big is your basement? I mean with a deal like that why not try it? Just research it and slowly set it up over time. All I can say is that it would be very expensive for salt, sand, and live rock. I had the idea of getting a pool like that made with clear sides for a...
  8. kevin34

    Best Calcium Buffer

    Originally Posted by MaTT B I would grab some kent super dkh to raise your dkh to around 8-12. When you raise that it will lower your calcium (cause it is a little high right now) and then use a two part solution (like b-ionic, two little fishies, ect, ect) to maintain calcium and dkh. I have...
  9. kevin34 Much Did You Eat???

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 turkey sandwiches, anyone? had those about an hour ago
  10. kevin34

    Hydor Koralia #4s' or #3s' for a 125g?

    i have 2 #3's and a #2 in my 125 along with a mag 18.
  11. kevin34

    Good Reef Stores In Florida

    Can anyone here tell me if there are any good reef stores in the Clearwater area? I might be taking a trip down there in a few weeks.
  12. kevin34

    Best Calcium Buffer

    where should my alk level be? I just tested it and it was around 2.0. Test kit says thats the normal range
  13. kevin34

    Best Calcium Buffer

    I am getting my first acros this weekend and was wondering what is the best kind of calcium to dose my tank with. Calcium is at 480 now but I dont have many corals. Tank is a 125g.
  14. kevin34

    New ORAs!!

    those are sweet! are they the only ORA frags you have? Do you have a frag of red planet?
  15. kevin34

    What Eats Flatworms???

    Originally Posted by grumpygils Goggle Salfert Flat Worm Exit. Expensive but it works GREAT! I hated to run to chemicals, but had no choice. The below thread shows my 92G and 100G frag that I used it on with zero side effects to anything I could detect and as you can see I had a fair amount to...
  16. kevin34

    Awesome Teachers Thread!

    I have a crazy french teacher from Senegal. He is very hard to understand and finds everything us american kids say hilareous. I dont think he ever really has a lesson plan. Like last week we watched The Hunchback of Notre english...with english a french class. He did...
  17. kevin34

    Are these Eagle Eyes??

    more likely they are wammin' watermelon. from what I have read true eagle eyes are actually kinda rare.
  18. kevin34

    What Eats Flatworms???

    it killed them all in 45 minutes!? wow. whats in this stuff? can it harm anything besides the flatworms?
  19. kevin34

    How to write a novel

    Originally Posted by usirchchris Jason Alexander is a god. It is annoying though that is why I like it . It just fits his character on seinfeld to a T, annoyingly funny. im a seinfeld fanatic hahaha. i relate everything back to that show
  20. kevin34

    what is your christmas list?

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 dear santa, i have to say i think i really rocked the good girl thing this year, even if i slipped up one or two times. therefore, if you dont want me to go straight to sams club and buy a massive case of aqua net to spray at the ozone layer (melting your precious...