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  1. addicted2

    Opinions on current lighting...

    hello Currently I have a 75 gal reef tank..and am using a 48 inch aqualight pro fixture for my lighting...the halides on mine are 2x150s (10,000k) along with the actinics and the moonlights...I am wondering if it would be best for me to look for other lighting...After looking at alot of...
  2. addicted2

    Any Miata owners out there???

    here's my little beauty...
  3. addicted2

    CONTEST: most colorful reef!

    Not to change the subject..and just for the record..I really like your "disturbing" avatar.
  4. addicted2

    zero edge tanks

    I don't see a problem with fish getting sucked over...there is a constant overflow but it doesn't seem very forceful...and I can honestly say the fish were no where near the top edge of the tank...they stayed under and around the rocks...not near the edge at for fish jumping out...I...
  5. addicted2

    zero edge tanks

    these tanks I saw were crystal distortion what so ever...perfect...
  6. addicted2

    zero edge tanks

    Originally Posted by mmm33732 they are awesome, but couldn't you just make one out of acrylic pretty easily? have a gutter system/tray built around the bottom of it to act as the overflow, have the return plumbed through the bottom center covered with rock and a check valve... seems easy enough...
  7. addicted2

    And you thought you had a bad tank day!

    as I scrolled down through your pictures...all I can say is I am sorry you had to go through that...I cannot imagine. You had a beautiful tank. I think I can understand why you are feeling it's just best to get rid of it all now...maybe you will change your mind. if I said..I am...
  8. addicted2

    zero edge tanks

    Originally Posted by bs21 Wow i am pissed plans changed and i couldn't go to MACNA! These tanks are sweet but expensive. The sumps they make are coo also. you missed a good one is in Atlanta!
  9. addicted2

    zero edge tanks

    Originally Posted by Ibew was that on the tank without any water yeah I didn't even realize it till my wife said you don't have a light like that changes color and dims and brightins with T5s in it how do you get that light I never seen that before also I didn't see the contollers how did that...
  10. addicted2

    Haven't posted in awhile

    very nice! those dusters in the sand look cool!
  11. addicted2

    zero edge tanks

    Originally Posted by Ibew I wanted to open the cabinet upto check the sump out but there was to many people around it was it your normal sump was the pump in the sump or plumbed inline give me some info It looked like a regular sump..everything plumbed into it and back up to tank. those...
  12. addicted2

    Moved and Reaquascaped my 65...

    That carpenter's wrasse is awesome! I have never seen one until your picture...BEAUTIFUL
  13. addicted2

    zero edge tanks

    Originally Posted by Ibew I tryed I throw a 100 bucks in there didn't even come close to wining but there was also something said that since the water flows over all four side consistently it doesn't get scum on it. The only problem that was talked about was it has to be perfectly level to work...
  14. addicted2

    zero edge tanks

    I was at Macna XIX this weekend too and I also was literally amazed at this tank! WOW! It was something to see...I have never seen one until this weekend and It was amazing how EVERYTHING was so available to see in hiding places...definitely the talk of the crowd! it would be way cool to...
  15. addicted2

    uv sterilizer??

    I have been thinking of adding a uv sterilizer..any comments? suggestions?size etc???..I have a 75 gal fish,invert,anemone,LR all in my tank..have been hearing they are good to prevent ich breakouts?
  16. addicted2

    Macna XIX in Pittsburgh...

    Originally Posted by Ibew can someone please explain what all those prices are for never been to one of these events and there website doesn't specify details on each price package thanks Jeremy different prices for the amount of events you want to attend..if you just want to see all the trade...
  17. addicted2

    Macna XIX in Pittsburgh...

    I am planning on going sat and sun..I can't wait! There is suppose to be a really GREAT raffle!..and alot of great speakers too..besides all the trade tables!...I am spending the weekend in Monroeville.!! see you all there!
  18. addicted2

    Macna XIX in Pittsburgh...

    Anyone going to Monroeville for the show this weekend??? I'm getting excited!
  19. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    going to the MACNA XIX in Pittsburgh this coming weekend! Anyone else going?? I can't wait!!
  20. addicted2

    my first ever 75 gallon!

    Nice aquascape!