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  1. addicted2

    Just wanted to show off my tank

    your leather in the first pic is awesome! I have a small one..I am hoping it one day looks like yours. Nice tank!
  2. addicted2

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    VERY NICE ROCKWORK! Tank looks great! I am seriously thinking about doing one of these too...I love it! and those zoos you're getting?..WOW! where did you find them?
  3. addicted2

    330 GALLON Reff tank diary

    Beautiful tank!
  4. addicted2

    update pics of my 72 - 8 months old

    very nice!!!!
  5. addicted2

    Nancy's Journal from Bisbee, AZ are so fortunate to have a room dividing tank...It's like 2 tanks for the space of one..seeing it from both sides is going to be awesome! I have a 75 gal and it's against the wall.....I love my tank! BUT I would definitely rather have one that can be viewed from both sides! I'll look...
  6. addicted2

    need help with id..asap

    Ewwwwwww..that is disgusting!..glad you got it off your mandarin! Hope I NEVER see one!
  7. addicted2

    My 180 Reef

    Very nice tank! It is absolutely beautiful to say the least. WOW!
  8. addicted2

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    Your tank is amazing! Beautiful fish!
  9. addicted2

    John's New Tank Diary.......

    Real nice set up you have there..Beautiful Tank!! I love your midas blenny...I had one for months..and unfortunately he found his way to my carpet through an inch opening in my top....Made me very sad. They have so much personality! Your set up looks like you have taken time and did it the...
  10. addicted2

    Hydor Koralia 3

    Originally Posted by FranktheTank Yea, just to add to this thread... I posted on the lighting/equipment forum earlier tonight. I had heard so many great things about these ph's. So I bought a #2 for my 46g. I am very underwhelmed with it! While it sounds like a lot of flow (600gph!!!), I...
  11. addicted2

    battle of the zoas contest. winner will be rewarded.

    Originally Posted by eyebedam Nuclear Greens wow!
  12. addicted2

    Rainmkr07's 75 Gallon Reef Tank in Kansas Diary!

    Originally Posted by ReelBigJawn If/when you get more live rock those flat rocks on the bottom will make great ledges! thinking....yep! that's what I need too...a couple ledges...
  13. addicted2

    new pics of my 125

    Travis...believe's to your advantage you couldn't do the in much nicer to see both sides...hey! It's like twice the tank for the space of one!...
  14. addicted2

    Newer full tank shot 75g

    I love the blue mushroom in the first pic! Nice tank!
  15. addicted2

    new pics of my 125

    very nice tank! I love the set up too...Nothing like a tank you can see from both sides... (Dreaming) day....I too may have one of those beautiful room dividing set ups.....
  16. addicted2

    started a nano to go with my 55g! THAT is a good idea! I want a tank in my bedroom really bad but don't want to have to carry huge amounts of water up and down the stairs! I think this is just what I'm looking for! very nice tank BTW! Looks really good! Love the sebae!
  17. addicted2

    Lets see pics of your aquascaping.

    Here's mine..75 up for 8 months: see more at I know...shameless plug...but I love my tank!
  18. addicted2

    Ok, time to show off!!! show me your ricodeas!!!

    DeMartini!!!!girl! I swear you have one of the best tanks on here! You win. oh..BTW...I'll take a frag from each please.
  19. addicted2

    I Think!!!

    I think I want/need a new job! hmmmmm.... I know! Arranging fellow hobbyists rockwork for them...That would be fun! and maybe it would calm my nagging need of getting yet ANOTHER tank started! Where does it all end?....jeeeeze! I don't even carry a wallet anymore..what for?...
  20. addicted2

    Rainmkr07's 75 Gallon Reef Tank in Kansas Diary!

    And that cute lil' school of fish!