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  1. ivy2dw7

    fish for 37g

    I still haven't really gotten an answer regarding the chromis. I think I'd like to have a blue chromis, but no one has really said if they are ok when they're the only chromis in the tank. Anyone??
  2. ivy2dw7

    fish for 37g

    I haven't bought any fish yet, still waiting for someone to say that having 1 blue reef chromis is ok. If I go with the chromis, I'll get that first, then the 2 percs, then probably the gramma then the dwarf angel. And I would be getting all young fish so I can watch them all grow. I thought...
  3. ivy2dw7

    fish for 37g

    Well, I don't think my tank could handle 7 fish, even if the extra 2 are just chromis. This site says they do ok singly so I don't know. Any other opinions?
  4. ivy2dw7

    fish for 37g

    What about just 1 blue reef chromis? I know they work well in groups but would it be fine just by itself with the other 4 fish?
  5. ivy2dw7

    fish for 37g

    I can understand the whole ordeal with the cleaner wrasse. I was just looking on this site one night at the fish and found the Red Sea cleaner wrasse to be beautiful, nice blue color. I thought that with that, the perculas, royal gramma, and an eibli angel, that I would have a very nice color...
  6. ivy2dw7

    fish for 37g

    If you look on this site, they have Eibli Angels. Here's what it mainly says about them: These fish do very well in aquariums and prefer lots of rockwork to feel comfortable. The Eibli Angel should be kept in a tank of 30 gallons or larger, so it'll have ample room to roam. They will spend...
  7. ivy2dw7

    fish for 37g

    I'll be able to start buying my fish soon, tank is almost done cycling. I currently have about 20 pounds of live rock and about 16 pounds of lace rock, plus 11 snails and 10 hermit crabs. I'm also planning on getting 3 peppermint shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp and 1-2 serpent stars. Here's what I'm...
  8. ivy2dw7

    adding water

    I have about an inch of space to fill up to top off my tank. I don't want to buy an RO/Di unit, so how else can I put water in? Can I just get a bucket, a powerhead, a heater and distilled water and mix the salt until its at the right salinity and the water at the right temperature? Any other...
  9. ivy2dw7

    stocking clean up crew for 37g

    Here's what I bought this afternoon. The guy gave me the wrong kinda of snails instead of cerith, but I'm assuming these ones are just as good. 5 Astrea snails 5 Nassarius snails 7 scarlet leg hermits (3 are HUGE) and 1 blue leg got mixed in plus I have 2 other blue leg hermits and 1 mexican...
  10. ivy2dw7

    stocking clean up crew for 37g

    Does my list seem ok though? It isn't too much or anything?
  11. ivy2dw7

    stocking clean up crew for 37g

  12. ivy2dw7

    stocking clean up crew for 37g

    Here's an updated list, what do you think? 2 Mexican turbo snails (already have 1) 3-4 Cerith snails (already have 1) 4 Nassarius snails 2 Blue leg hermits (have them) 8 Scarlet leg hermits 3 Peppermint shrimp 2 Cleaner shrimp 1-2 Feather dusters 1-2 Serpent Stars 1 Emerald crab Is this too...
  13. ivy2dw7

    which blenny?

    I'm wanting to add a blenny to my stock list, but I'm not sure which I want. I'm thinking either the bicolor, midas or lawnmower. What are your thoughts and experiences with these fish in a reef environment? Persuade me to choose the "best" one :)
  14. ivy2dw7

    stocking clean up crew for 37g

    anyone?? :notsure:
  15. ivy2dw7

    PC lights

    Cool, thanks. I'm sure the fish store an hour and a half away from here has it, I'm going up there this weekend so I'll look for it.
  16. ivy2dw7

    what's on my LR?

    So that means the other things I'm seeing on the rock are probably coral? Free coral, cool... Maybe it'll grow a little more so I can figure out what it all is.
  17. ivy2dw7

    stocking clean up crew for 37g

    I currently have 1 mexican turbo snail (I believe), and 2 blue leg hermits. I don't want any more blue legs so I'm going to go with the scarletts for the rest of the hermits and maybe get a few more mexican turbos and some other kind of snail, I think I have a baby cerith that hitchhiked on the...
  18. ivy2dw7

    PC lights

    OK so I can go with zoos, xenias, leather, and mushrooms for sure. What about brain corals or frogspawn, the soft ones?
  19. ivy2dw7

    what's on my LR?

    Oh and one other question. I only have 3 pieces of LR in my tank right now, I am definitely wanting to add a lot more, it's close to 20 pounds right now, I'd like probably 35-40 (37g tank, 21" high). It is safe to stack live rock? Because I'd like to build it up in the back so that it's...
  20. ivy2dw7

    what's on my LR?

    I bought 2 pieces of uncured live rock to cylce my tank a week ago and I scrubbed off what looked like dead spots and left the "live" spots alone. Now the live spots are starting to grow, one looks like and orange spongey material, looks like i have some brownish branch starting to grow in 2...