Search results

  1. ivy2dw7

    choosing corals

    OK, I just went through all of the corals offered on this site and made a list of the ones I really like based on the pictures. I have a 37g (24x18x21") with a 130w PC light - 65w 10,000k daylight, 65w true actinic. I know I'm able to keep most LPS and some softies but I don't exactly know...
  2. ivy2dw7

    choosing clownfish

    My next fish to add to my tank will be a pair of clowns, but I can't decide which clowns to get. My orginal plan was percula, but false percs seem to be a lot brighter. What are your opinions?
  3. ivy2dw7

    algae algae algae!

    OK, my tank has been cycled for about a week now, my royal gramma is doing great as are my cleaner shrimp and 2 peppermints. And of course the hermits and snails are fine too. But now my glass is covered in magenta/purple-ish algae and there are spots where it's green too. Not a whole lot of...
  4. ivy2dw7

    feather dusters

    Is there anything special you have to do to care for feather dusters. I know they're filter feeders and I thought it'd be nice to have 1 or 2 in my reef tank. But I'm not sure what I am supposed to feed them, if anything, and I simply just don't know exactly how to care for them.
  5. ivy2dw7

    stupid question

    Thank you for clarifying that :happy:
  6. ivy2dw7

    stupid question

    Do hermit crabs molt? I have a molting in my water just now but it isn't from my shrimp and the only other inverts I have are hermit crabs and snails.. Just want to make sure I don't have any hitch hikers in there.
  7. ivy2dw7

    what do you feed your inverts?

    Just a question for all of you that spot feed your shrimp, starfish, etc. What do you feed them?
  8. ivy2dw7

    white dots, not worms, not jellyfish, not pods..

    I just noticed that one of my pieces of lace rock is covered in the white dots too, but it doesn't look like any of the other ones are... :notsure:
  9. ivy2dw7

    white dots, not worms, not jellyfish, not pods..

    I haven't had any trouble with the astreas yet. They all clumped on each other when I first put them in the tank but I separated them onto all the rocks and they've pretty much just stayed in those spots.
  10. ivy2dw7

    white dots, not worms, not jellyfish, not pods..

    Hopefully you're right. And thanks :) my skunk cleaner shrimp and royal gramma seem to be enjoying it. I just counted all the white dots on the side wall and front, no way of telling how many are on the back side cus the rock is covering up a lot of it. There are 63 on the front and 30 on...
  11. ivy2dw7

    white dots, not worms, not jellyfish, not pods..

    Nope not purple, pure white with a very slightly offwhite center. Although there is a little bit of magenta on the glass and live rock now. My tank finished cycling ( :D ) would the white dots have anything to do with that? There are probably close to 30-50 of them, just on 3 of the walls...
  12. ivy2dw7

    white dots, not worms, not jellyfish, not pods..

    I took some pics of the spots. They're definitely not moving. Anyone have any idea? Umm... why aren't the pictures working??
  13. ivy2dw7

    adding fish

    yeah, I'm getting another cleaner shrimp and 3 peppermint shrimp. I just didn't want to buy both cleaners at the same time and risk them both dying. First addition to the tank that cost more than a dollar, didn't want to destroy it But he's doing great so I think I might go pick up the other...
  14. ivy2dw7

    how long do i wait??????

    I had 2 blue leg hermits hitchhike into my tank from the liverock I used to help cycle my tank. Both are still alive as far as I know, the only thing that didn't survive the cycle was a mexican turbo snail I had in there. They were the only 3 living things I had in there while the tank was...
  15. ivy2dw7

    white dots, not worms, not jellyfish, not pods..

    umm.. anybody?
  16. ivy2dw7

    white dots, not worms, not jellyfish, not pods..

    I left for about 3 hours and came back with about 30 white dots on 3 of the 4 walls of my tank. I watched a snail move over one and it didn't disappear or smear. I've been watching them closely to see if they're moving at all but it doesn't look like it. They don't have tentacles and aren't...
  17. ivy2dw7

    adding fish

  18. ivy2dw7

    adding fish

    I just added my first fish last night, a royal gramma. Also added a skunk cleaner shrimp and they're both doing great. When can I start adding more fish? I'm wanting to also add 2 percula clowns (at the same time) and an eibli fish and probably a yellow-tail damsel unless I can find another...
  19. ivy2dw7

    fish for 37g

    Somebody didn't read what I wrote. This is what I am stocking my tank with: 1 royal gramma 2 percula clowns 1 eibli angel 1 SOMETHING BLUE The 10g is a freshwater, as is the 46g. Just not enough room in the profile to type that in for both tanks. The gramma is only an inch so I think I'll...
  20. ivy2dw7

    fish for 37g

    Well I just went to my trusty lfs and talked to my guy, he has a blue devil damsel in right now, but he says they're pretty aggressive so I didn't get it. He didn't have any yellow-tails or blue chromis left so I went ahead about the royal gramma because he actually had one in. I also bought 1...