Search results

  1. ivy2dw7

    brown algae??

    I just checked all my levels, ammonia is dropping, it's at .75ppm, pH has been around 8.1 since day 1, nitrite is still high around 3-4 and nitrates still high around 25-30. This is the first day the ammonia has dropped so maybe that has something to do with it. I used our tap water, let it...
  2. ivy2dw7

    brown algae??

    There are suddenly these brown spots all over my sand bed (live sand). I have 15-20 pounds of liverock in there right now, 1 snail, 2 small hermit crabs, the tank has been running for a week or so now, cycling since this past friday. Is this brown algae??? I have no idea what's causing it but...
  3. ivy2dw7

    what kind of tang?

    Other than a coral beauty, what other fish of that size would be suitable for this size of a tank?
  4. ivy2dw7

    what kind of tang?

    I was thinking add the damsel last so it couldn't stake out the whole tank as it's territory. And it would give the rest of the fish sufficient time to claim their territory. Are there any other larger than damsel fish that would be suitable for this tank, like the coral beauty? I only want...
  5. ivy2dw7

    what kind of tang?

    anyone? :notsure:
  6. ivy2dw7

    what kind of tang?

    What about a coral beauty instead of a tang? Or any other suggestions.
  7. ivy2dw7

    what kind of tang?

    I want to have one tang in my reef tank and I can't really decide which would be best. I wanted to go with a yellow tang, but I'd kind of like to have a blue fish in the tank. I'm planning on getting a royal gramma, 2 percula clowns, some tang, and either a domino or 3 stripe damsel. I just...
  8. ivy2dw7

    when will levels drop?

    I know it can take awhile. What I'm asking is what levels everyone's tanks got up to before they started to drop.
  9. ivy2dw7

    when will levels drop?

    My tank is currently cycling, and I'm just wondering, from your experience, at what levels did the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates begin to drop? My pH is fine, has been from the beginning. My ammonia is around 2-4ppm, nitrites in the 2-5.0 range and nitrates at 20. It's been cycling for a few...
  10. ivy2dw7

    PC lights

    OK, so other than xenia (which I think I'll definitely be getting), what other types of corals can survive under PC? I also read somewhere that someone was able to keep a condi (anenome) in their tank w/a PC light, so maybe there's a chance I could try one of those. Oh and I'm guessing clams...
  11. ivy2dw7

    PC lights

    37g. 24x18x21" I really really want to have some anenome for the clownfish... :notsure:
  12. ivy2dw7

    PC lights

    What if the anenome is close to the light? I'm wanting to build up the rock anyways so I can have some things closer to the rock that need stronger lighting and the other things down towards the bottom that don't need as strong of a light.
  13. ivy2dw7

    PC lights

    Is there anyone who can answer this? I'm sure it's a very simple question. Just takes one reply..
  14. ivy2dw7

    PC lights

  15. ivy2dw7

    PC lights

    What is considered a "strong" PC light? I have a 24" Coralife Lunar Aqualight. 1 65w 10k daylight, 1 65w actinic, 2 lunar LEDs. What types of anenome and coral can I get with this type of light?
  16. ivy2dw7

    When to test?

    It's a 37g, 24x18x21" and I have only about 8 pounds of uncured caribbean live rock in there right now. I have a Millenium 3000 filter and Pengiun 660 powerhead which in total turns the water 12.2 times every hour. Plus however much the skimmer turns. I don't even know how I got all of this...
  17. ivy2dw7

    When to test?

    When should I start testing my ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels? I put the live rock in yesterday, put in a piece of frozen cichlid food (raw meat) in this morning. I'm still trying to adjust the skimmer, I have no idea what's going on with it. I'm not sure if it's doing what it's...
  18. ivy2dw7

    what kind of light is this?

    anyone at ALL?? :notsure:
  19. ivy2dw7

    what kind of light is this?

    anyone? :confused:
  20. ivy2dw7

    what kind of light is this?

    I just bought a 24" Coralife Deluxe Double Lunar Aqualight for my 37g. It has 2 65w 10,000k daylight compact fluorescent lamps, 2 65w true actinic 03 blue compact fluorescent lamps and 2 lunar blue moon glow LED lamps. Am I supposed to use the actinic and daylight at the same time? Or how...